Module for using kysely with nestjs.
$ npm i --save @anchan828/nest-kysely @anchan828/kysely-migration kysely
import { KyselyModule } from "@anchan828/nest-kysely";
import * as SQLite from "better-sqlite3";
imports: [
dialect: new SqliteDialect({
database: new SQLite(":memory:"),
export class AppModule {}
import { KyselyService } from "@anchan828/nest-kysely";
import { Database } from "./database.type";
export class ExampleService {
constructor(readonly kysely: KyselyService<Database>) {}
public async test(): Promise<void> {
await this.kysely.db.selectFrom("person").where("id", "=", id).selectAll().executeTakeFirst();
If you want to perform migration at the time of application initialization, use the migrations property.
import { SqliteDialect, FileMigrationProvider } from "kysely";
imports: [
dialect: new SqliteDialect({
database: new SQLite(":memory:"),
migrations: {
migrationsRun: true,
migratorProps: {
provider: new FileMigrationProvider({
migrationFolder: "path/to/migrations/folder",
export class AppModule {}
I several means to make migration easier to use. Please see the kysely-migration package for more information.
This KyselyTransactional decorator handles and propagates transactions between methods of different providers.
class ChildService {
constructor(private readonly kysely: KyselyService<Database>) {}
public async ok(): Promise<void> {
await this.kysely.db.insertInto("user").values({ name: "ChildService" }).execute();
class ParentService {
private readonly child: ChildService,
private readonly kysely: KyselyService<Database>,
) {}
public async ok(): Promise<void> {
await this.kysely.db.insertInto("user").values({ name: "ParentService" }).execute();
await this.child.ok();
Using KyselyService.startTransaction allows you to propagate transactions.
class ChildService {
constructor(private readonly kysely: KyselyService<Database>) {}
public async ok(): Promise<void> {
await this.kysely.db.insertInto("user").values({ name: "ChildService" }).execute();
class ParentService {
private readonly child: ChildService,
private readonly kysely: KyselyService<Database>,
) {}
public async ok(): Promise<void> {
await this.kysely.startTransaction(() => {
await this.kysely.db.insertInto("user").values({ name: "ParentService" }).execute();
await this.child.ok();
You can inject Kysely. However, transactions using KyselyTransactional will not work.
class Service {
constructor(@Inject(KYSELY) private readonly db: Kysely<Database>) {}
public async ok(): Promise<void> {
await this.db.insertInto("user").values({ name: "Service" }).execute();
This plugin removes properties with null values from the result.
"id": 1,
"name": "John",
"nullableColumn": null
will be transformed to:
"id": 1,
"name": "John"
This package provides a very simple CLI for generating migration files.
$ npm exec -- nest-kysely migration:create src/migrations CreateTable
Created migration file: src/migrations/1710847324757-CreateTable.ts
A timestamp is automatically added to the file name and class name.
import { Kysely, Migration } from "kysely";
export class CreateTable1710847324757 implements Migration {
public async up(db: Kysely<any>): Promise<void> {}
public async down(db: Kysely<any>): Promise<void> {}
Option | Description | Default |
--type | Type of file (ts/js/sql) | ts |
--no-down | Do not generate down method | false |
- Once the file is renamed, the migration is executed even if the contents have not changed.
- Views/Functions/Triggers created by Repeatable Migration are not automatically deleted (or update/rename) by simply deleting the corresponding SQL, so please delete them using the normal migration function.
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the XXX. Please make sure that the "Symbol(KYSELY_TRANSACTIONAL_DECORATOR_SYMBOL)" property is available in the current context.
This is the error output when using the KyselyTransactional decorator without importing the KyselyModule.