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Chromium 72.0.3626.x


Changes on top of official Chromium Source

  • use Chromium branding in more places
  • enable dubious Do Not Track feature by default
  • disable navigation error correction by default
  • disable contextual search by default
  • disable network prediction by default
  • disable metrics by default
  • disable data reduction proxy promotions
  • add DuckDuckGo search engine
  • Chromium: use startpage searchengine by default
  • Chromium: disable strict mode


Extra Changes on top of official Chromium Source for 64.x - 71.x only

  • disable first run welcome page

Extra Changes on top of official Chromium Source for 64.x - 69.x only

  • disable autofill by default

Extra Changes on top of official Chromium Source for 64.x & 65.x only

  • disable hyperlink auditing by default


Extra Changes on top of official Chromium Source for 64.x only

  • mark non-secure origins as non-secure
  • stop enabling search engine geolocation by default
  • hide link when not supported


H264 encoder support for Chromium

Support for h264 encoder is not added for legal reasons

Why using e.g. Chromium?

AOSP Source uses AOSP Browser until Android 6 by default. AOSP Browser is absoloutly not up to date and should not be used on any roms these days because of it's security holes.

There's a great lightweight Browser, can't i use it?

On Android 6+ it is ok to use a lightweight Browser which is using systems Webview implementation (as long as your system still gets security updates). If you have access to Rom source and compiling the Rom yourself you can find an updated Chromium-based WebView Implementation below in the "Information for Developer".

On Android 4 and older you should use a Browser which comes with it's own, updated, Webview. (Currently there's no good way to update WebView on Android 4.)

Information for Developer

You can use this repo to add Chromium prebuilt into your Rom. Please read below information.

How to add Chromium prebuilt into our Rom?

Add Chromium to your build config once you have cloned this repo into your Rom source:

# Chromium Browser

(e.g. inside your

On most roms you can avoid adding Chromium to your device config. Most Roms support an easy way to add more packages - you only need to create


and add call the PRODUCT_PACKAGES from there.

Here's an example of an local_manifest you can use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <remote  name="andi34"
           fetch="" />

  <project path="vendor/extra" name="android_vendor_extra" remote="andi34" revision="m" />
  <project path="prebuilts/chromium-browser" name="prebuilts_chromium" remote="andi34" revision="master" />


CyanogenMod initial added support for an easy way to add more packages by the following changes:

  1. add a hook to add extra packages
  2. cm: Update use of vendor/extra
  3. Allow vendor/cyngn overlays to override vendor/cm overlays

You can adapt those changes to your rom source if it isn't supported yet.

Let's avoid patching our device tree or rom source to add Chromium prebuilt to our Rom

  • For Android 5 and below we are using ChromePublic.apk
  • For Android 6 and newer we are using ChromeModernPublic.apk (we use an updated Webview Implementation, see below "Updated Chromium-based WebView")

How to use MonochromePublic on Android 7+

To use prebuilt MonochromePublic.apk on Android 7+ you need to add chromium to frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml (Your can also add it to your device overlay).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.

    <!-- The default WebView implementation -->
    <webviewprovider description="Chromium" packageName="" availableByDefault="true">

Once that's done you need to modify the to use MonochromePublic.apk.

Note: You can save some space while using ChromeModernPublic.apk and updating Webview inside your Rom source instead using MonochromePublic.apk, see below "Updated Chromium-based WebView".

How to use ChromeModernPublic on Android 5

On Android 5 ChromeModernPublic.apk can't be used as prebuilt without patching your Rom source:

Run these commands:

cd build
curl | git am -

Once that's done you need to modify the to use ChromeModernPublic.apk:

LOCAL_SRC_FILES    := ChromeModernPublic.apk
LOCAL_PREBUILT_JNI_LIBS_arm := @lib/armeabi-v7a/
LOCAL_PREBUILT_JNI_LIBS_arm += @lib/armeabi-v7a/

Updated Chromium-based WebView

You should use the updated WebView if you are compiling your Rom from source.

Build instructions

You can find the build instructions here to Checkout, Build, & Run Chromium for your OS.

Our build settings

Chromium for Android is compiled using the GN build tool. To match our build settings, set:

target_os = "android"
is_debug = false
symbol_level = 0
enable_nacl = false
remove_webcore_debug_symbols = true

in your GN argument file before building.

H264 encoder support for Chromium

Support for h264 encoder is not added for legal reasons. If you like to compile Chromium yourself with h264 encoder support you need to extend your GN argument file with the following:

proprietary_codecs = true
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"

Multiple Chrome APK Targets according to the official build instructions

  1. chrome_public_apk (ChromePublic.apk)
    • minSdkVersion=16 (Jelly Bean).
    • Stores compressed within the APK.
    • Uses Crazy Linker.
    • Shipped only for Android < 21, but still works fine on Android >= 21.
  2. chrome_modern_public_apk (ChromeModernPublic.apk)
    • minSdkVersion=21 (Lollipop).
    • Uses Crazy Linker.
    • Stores uncompressed within the APK.
      • This APK is bigger, but the installation size is smaller since there is no need to extract the .so file.
  3. monochrome_public_apk (MonochromePublic.apk)
    • minSdkVersion=24 (Nougat).
    • Contains both WebView and Chrome within the same APK.
      • This APK is even bigger, but much smaller than SystemWebView.apk + ChromePublic.apk.
    • Stores uncompressed within the APK.
    • Does not use Crazy Linker (WebView requires system linker).
      • But system linker supports crazy linker features now anyways.