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Design of the MDN browser-compat-data collector

This service is part of an effort to assist BCD updates with automation, and exists to run lots of small tests in browsers to determine the support status of a feature in a browser, and save those results. Updating BCD using the results is not done as part of this service.


BCD itself and webref are used to generate tests, and tests can also be written manually. The output of a test is arbitrary JSON, which must be interpreted with knowledge of what the test does.

Writing custom tests

The custom-tests.yml file is used to write custom tests for APIs and CSS properties that cannot be tested with a simple statement (for example, WebGL extensions). Custom tests are written in the following structure:


Each API interface is written in the following structure:

    - ...
  __base: |-
  __test: |-
  MEMBER: |-

__base is the common code to access the interface, repeated across every test. This is where you create your elements and set up your environment. The instance of the interface being tested should be defined in a variable called instance. This will allow the build script to automatically generate tests for the instance and its members.

You can define a custom method to test the interface instance itself via __test. The __test should be a return statement that returns true or false. If no __test is defined, it will default to return !!instance.

Each member can have a custom test by defining a property as the member name. Like __test, it should be a return statement that returns true or false. If no custom test is defined, it will default to return 'MEMBER' in instance.

Note: If an interface with a __base has a constructor test, but a custom test isn't defined for the constructor, the code will default to normal generation.

Sometimes, tests require promises and callbacks. To define a custom test as a promise, simply create a promise variable in place of instance, and the system will automatically create a promise instead. To define a custom test with callbacks, do not define var instance and instead call callback(<instance_variable>), and the system will define the appropriate variables and functions.

Certain tests may require resources, like audio or video. To allow the resources to load before running the tests, rather than create and add an element with JavaScript, we can define resources to be loaded through the __resources object.

Additional members and submembers can be defined using the __additional property. If there is a subfeature to an API or one of its members, such as "api.AudioContext.AudioContext.latencyHint", that simply cannot be defined within IDL, you can include this object and specify tests for such subfeatures.

Each test will compile into a function as follows: function() {__base + __test/MEMBER/SUBFEATURE}


The following YAML...

    __base: |-
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');
      var instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');
    __test: 'return canvas && instance;'
    drawArraysInstancedANGLE: "return true && instance && 'drawArraysInstancedANGLE' in instance;"
      remove_duplicates: |-
        var elm = document.createElement('b');
        elm.className = ' foo bar foo ';
        return elm.className === 'foo';
css: {}

...will compile into...

bcd.addTest('api.ANGLE_instanced_arrays', "(function() {var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\nvar gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');\nvar instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');return canvas && instance;})()", 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.ANGLE_instanced_arrays.drawArraysInstancedANGLE', "(function() {var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\nvar gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');\nvar instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');return true && instance && 'drawArraysInstancedANGLE' in instance;})()", 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.ANGLE_instanced_arrays.drawElementsInstancedANGLE', "(function() {var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\nvar gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');\nvar instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');return instance && 'drawElementsInstancedANGLE' in instance;})()", 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.ANGLE_instanced_arrays.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ANGLE', "(function() {var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\nvar gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');\nvar instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');return instance && 'VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ANGLE' in instance;})()", 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.ANGLE_instanced_arrays.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE', "(function() {var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\nvar gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');\nvar instance = gl.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');return instance && 'vertexAttribDivisorANGLE' in instance;})()", 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.Animation', {"property":"Animation","owner":"self"}, 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.DOMTokenList', {"property":"DOMTokenList","owner":"self"}, 'Window');
bcd.addTest('api.DOMTokenList.remove_duplicates', "(function() {var elm = document.createElement('b');\nelm.className = ' foo bar foo ';\nelm.classList.remove('bar');\nreturn elm.className === 'foo';})()", 'Window');

Tips: make sure to implement thorough feature checking as to not raise exceptions.


Certain tests may require resources, like audio or video. To allow the resources to load before running the tests, rather than create and add an element with JavaScript, we can define resources to be loaded through the __resources object.

      type: RESOURCE_TYPE

For each resource we wish to load, we simply define the element ID after resource- to assign as the object's key, specify the resource's type (audio, video, image, etc.), and define the src as an array of file paths after /custom-tests (or in the case of an instance type, code like a custom test to return the instance).

All resource files should be placed in /static/resources/custom-tests.


Each CSS property is written in the following structure:


Each test will compile into a function as follows: function() {CODE}


The following JSON...

  "api": {},
  "css": {
    "properties": {
      "custom-property": "return CSS.supports('color', 'var(--foo)') || CSS.supports('color', 'env(--foo)');"

...will compile into...

  "(function() {return CSS.supports('color', 'var(--foo)') || CSS.supports('color', 'env(--foo)');})()",

Tips: make sure that all return statements will return a boolean, and implement thorough feature checking.

Importing code from other tests

Sometimes, some features will depend on the setup and configuration from other features, especially with APIs. To prevent repeating the same code over and over again, you can import code from other custom tests to build new ones quicker. The syntax to specify a test import is the following: <%ident:varname%>, where ident is the full identifier to import from, and varname is what to rename the instance variable from that test to.


The following JSON...

  "api": {
    "AudioContext": {
      "__base": "var instance = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();"
    "AudioDestinationNode": {
      "__base": "<%api.AudioContext:audioCtx%> if (!audioCtx) {return false}; var instance = audioCtx.destination;"

...will compile into...

  '(function() {var instance = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();})()',
  '(function() {var instance = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); if (!audioCtx) {return false}; var instance = audioCtx.destination;})()',

Note: if the specified ident cannot be found, the code will be replaced with a error to throw indicating as such.


HTTP endpoints under /api/ are used to enumerate/iterate test URLs, report results for individual tests, and finally create a report for a whole session.

Get URL to run tests

POST /api/get


testSelection: BCD path for the tests to run, such as "api.Node". (optional, default to all tests)

limitExposure: The name of a global scope to run the tests on, such as "Window". (optional, defaults to all global scopes)

ignore: Comma-separated list of BCD paths to skip, such as "api.Node.baseURI". (optional)

selenium: Whether to hide the results when collecting results using Selenium. (optional)


Redirects to a URL to run the tests, such as /tests/api/Node.

List tests

GET /api/tests


after: Only list tests after the given test URL. (optional)

limit: The maximum number of tests to list. Defaults to all tests. (optional)



If there are no more tests an empty array is returned.

Report results

POST /api/results

The Content-Type should be application/json and the post body should be an array of test results:

    "name": "api.Attr",
    "exposure": "Window",
    "result": true
    "name": "api.Blob",
    "exposure": "Worker",
    "result": null,
    "message": "[exception message]"

Status 400 Bad Request is returned if the results do not match the expected format.


for: The test URL the results are for. (required)


Status 201 Created if the results were saved. The results are put in server-side session storage.

List results

GET /api/results


  "": {
    "some-data": "some-value"

If no results have been reported to /api/results in this session then an empty object is returned.

Running tests


When pointing a browser at to run tests, the server keeps track of which tests to run, accepts results from each test as it run, and combines all of the results at the end. A random session id, stored in a cookie, is used to get results back.

When the tests have finished running, buttons for results download and GitHub export be presented.


Running the tests using WebDriver works in much the same way as when running manually. The results are downloaded and stored in a checkout of mdn-bcd-results.

Updating BCD

The update-bcd.js script works as follows:

  • Build a "support matrix" mapping a BCD entry + browser release to a support status (true/false/null)
  • For every BCD entry for which we have data in the support matrix:
    • Infer a BCD-style support statement from the per-version data in the support matrix. Where we have incomplete information, ranged (≤) versions are used.
    • If the inferred support statement isn't simple (a single object) give up and do nothing.
    • If the BCD support statement had only prefix/alternative_name/flags entries, add our inferred statement.
    • Otherwise, there was an existing simple statement, which we update using the inferred statement.

See issue #571 for various flaws with this design.