Changed wording for Jihadist Ideology choices. The wording is now as per the rulebook. Added: release number displays when you first run the program.
Fix: cards #84/85 will now make you Shift Ally to Neutral, if possible. Fix: card #58 will now correctly Disrupt cadres if the event is in play
Add: new Jihadist Ideology (9.7) Coherent. This was added to the rules after the initial printing. Fix: card #75 now displays 'Remove card from game' when it is played for the event. Fix: numerous typos Fix: remove all "Jihadist Activity Phase finished, enter plot command." as this is incorrect. It should always be done after the 2nd US Activity Phase.
- Made use of CTR consistent - was adding CRT but testing for CTR (reported by Morten Kristensen)
- Fixed missing line for card 102 (reported by Thomas Chipman)
- Prevent double processing when major jihad failure sets besieged status (reported by Magnus Kvevlander)
- Fixed spelling of besieged in Country class
- Added untested countries with data to 'status' command so that 'status' can be used to reconstruct the board
- Fixed 'help dep'
- Added valid global markers, country markers and lapsing markers for use by 'adjust' command
- Added 'adjust' command for ideology, prestige, funding, event markers, lapsing markers and country data
- Additional changes for multiple aid markers when adding or removing
- In plot resolution, remove one aid for each successful roll
- In WoI roll adjustment, add 1 to modifiers for each aid marker
- Ignore "The door of Itjihad is closed" when checking playable if playing as US (reported by Dave Horn)
- Changed removeCell to remove sleeper then Sadr then active if playing as US; but active then sleeper then Sadr if Jihadist
- Fixed test for infectious ideology when setting difficulty
- Added 'summary' command to display state of each track
- Changed message if no Islamist Rule countries at 'turn'
- Changed message when card 1 event activated
See GitHub for changes submitted via pull request, e.g. by andrewswan.