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An experimental, event-based Javascript framework.

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An experimental, event-based Javascript framework. Designed to be tidy, unobtrusive, and require no dependencies.


This project is an alpha prototype and subject to sweeping, syntax-breaking changes. There are still some critical functionalities missing or in development. Feel free to play around, but it's not production-ready!


IsJs uses tagged template literals along with data-* attributes to declare markup and data bindings for reuseable, reactive components. After components are parsed, all data-attributes and container elements are removed from the resulting markup, resulting in clean, unpolluted HTML. Because IsJs is purely event-based, this can be done without losing functionality.


IDE's will not usually provide HTML or Javascript syntax highlighting inside template literals, but there are a number of plugins that can provide this functionality given the appropriate tags. I haven't found any Visual Studio Code plugins that work reliably for user-configured tags, but this does the job reasonably well with the html and js tags. To use with IsJs, you can simply destructure the following methods from the component object and alias them accordingly, like so:

const app = IsJs.newComponent();
const { is: js, template: html } = app;

I'll probably fork this extension someday and make it more configurable so it can be used without altering any code, but for now this is better than nothing!

1. Choose a root container and add a data-is attribute to.

Using body is fine -- unlike parsed component containers, the root container is not removed on mounting.


<body data-is='root'>

2. Clone this repository into your project. Add a script tag with the attribute type set to module. In that javascript file, import is.js.


<script src="index.js" type="module"></script>


import { IsJs } from './is/is.js';

3. Create a root component using IsJs.newComponent() method, and define its markup with the Component.template() method. Render it by passing the component to IsJs.render().

String variables will be interpolated into the template as expected:


import { IsJs } from './is/is.js';

const app = IsJs.newComponent();
const mood = 'hate';

  <div class="card">
    <h2>Frameworks I ${mood}!</h2>
      <!-- to be populated -->


4. Create additional components and render them using the attributes data-component and data-list.

You can also render content conditionally using data-if.


const list = [
  'and most of all, is.js!!'

const listItems = => {
  const c = IsJs.newComponent()
  return c;

const justKidding = IsJs.newComponent();
justKidding.template`<p>Just kidding haha</p>`;

const app = IsJs.newComponent();
const imSuchAGeminiLol = true;
const mood = 'hate';

  <div class="card">
    <h2>Frameworks I ${mood}!</h2>
      <div data-list=${listItems}></div>
    <div data-if=${imSuchAGeminiLol}>
      <div data-component=${justKidding}></div>
    <div data-if=${imSuchAGeminiLol === false}}>
      <p>And I really mean it!!</p>


5. Add stateful data by passing initial data to component.state(). Bind it to the template by passing a javascript expression containing that state to

  • is another tagged template method. It evaluates a js expression with interpolated states.
  • Inside an is expression, only use the plain state object. Calling will only return the value at runtime, and using will cause the dreaded [Object object] string.
  • States can be set manually using state.set().
  • Outside of bindings, pass a value to to check equality with the current value, or call it without a parameter to retrieve the current value.
  • States can be subscribed by passing a listener function to state.onSet(). See below for more on how this works.
  • Events can be bound by passing a function to the data-{event} binding.
  • states with boolean values can be toggled using the built-in state.toggle() method. Calling this method while the value is not boolean will throw a console error.
  • It's not necessary to destructure is from the component but it's a handy convention that keeps things succinct.


const list = [
  'and most of all, is.js!!'

const listItems = => {
  const c = IsJs.newComponent();
  return c;

function jklol() {
  const c = IsJs.newComponent();
  c.template`<p>Just kidding haha</p>`;
  return c;
const justKidding = jklol();

const app = IsJs.newComponent();
const badMood = app.state(true);
const imSuchAGeminiLol = app.state(false);
const orDoI = () => {imSuchAGeminiLol.set(true)};
badMood.onSet(({newVal}) => {if (newVal === true) imSuchAGeminiLol.set(false)});
const { is } = app;

  <div class='app' data-class=${is`[${badMood} === true ? 'bad-mood' : 'good-mood', ${imSuchAGeminiLol} && 'forgiving']`}>
    <div class='card'>
      <h2>Frameworks I ${is`${badMood} === true ? 'hate' : 'love'`}!</h2>
        <div data-list=${listItems}></div>
      <div data-if=${is`${badMood} === true && ${imSuchAGeminiLol} === true`}>
        <div data-component=${justKidding}></div>
      <div data-if=${is`${badMood} === true && ${imSuchAGeminiLol} === false`}>
        <p>And I really mean it!!</p>
      <button data-click=${badMood.toggle}>Toggle Mood</button>
      <div data-if=${is`${imSuchAGeminiLol} === false && ${badMood} === true`}>
        <button data-click=${orDoI}>...or do I??</button>


6. Bind to attributes using any of the data-* attribute bindings.

  • The parser doesn't care if it's binding to a real attribute or not. Do with that what you will.
  • Creating a data-value binding on an input or select element will create a bi-directional binding.
  • The data-class binding can resolve to either a single string or an array of strings. It can also be used in conjunction with the plain class attribute.


<div class='app' data-class=${is`[${badMood} === true ? 'bad-mood' : 'good-mood', ${imSuchAGeminiLol} && 'forgiving']`}>
  <div class='card'>
    <h2>Frameworks I ${is`${badMood} === true ? 'hate' : 'love'`}!</h2>
      <div data-list=${listItems}></div>
    <div data-if=${is`${badMood} === true && ${imSuchAGeminiLol} === true`}>
      <div data-component=${justKidding}></div>
    <div data-if=${is`${badMood} === true && ${imSuchAGeminiLol} === false`}>
      <p>And I really mean it!!</p>
    <button data-click=${badMood.toggle}>Toggle Mood</button>
    <div data-if=${is`${imSuchAGeminiLol} === false && ${badMood} === true`}>
      <button data-click=${orDoI}>...or do I??</button>


Other features

Custom bindings with IsJs.addCustomBinding()


This feature hasn't been extensively tested yet. If you encounter issues, please report them!

You can extend the functionality of IsJs by registering your own custom bindings with IsJs.addCustomBinding.

addCustomBinding() takes a single object with two properties as its sole parameter:

  • name: A string used to reference the binding as a data-* attribute (i.e., the binding myBinding can be used with the data-myBinding attribute).
  • binding:
    • A function which takes an object with the following properties as its sole parameter:
      • node: The DOM Node the binding is attached to.
      • component: The IsJs Component that node is a child of.
      • accessor: The value passed to the binding. If the type (see below) is state or is, accessor can be passed to IsJs.unwrapAccessor() to retrieve its current value.
      • type: The accessor's type. Not a primitive type, but a keyword from the following list. (Values of type strings and numbers are always ignored and interpolated as normal.)
        • func: A Javascript function.
        • string: A literal Javascript primitive string value.
        • bool: A literal Javascript primitive boolean value.
        • arr: A Javascript Array object.
        • obj: A Javascript object.
        • state: An IsJs StateManager object (created when using component.state()).
        • is: An IsJs Is object (created when using
    • Optionally returns a new applyBinding function that tells the engine how to react to changes of a StateManager or Is type accessor. Things to note:
      • This function will only be registered if the binding's accessor is reactive, i.e. it's either a StateManager or Is object.
      • Be sure to return the fucntion without calling it. IsJs will call it once per binding when first parsing markup and then subsequently for each binding when the accessor changes. Calling it here too could have unexpected side-effects.
      • Be sure to use the unwrapped accessor object in the function body, and pass it to unwrapAccessor() to ensure that it reacts to new changes. If this function uses the unwrapped value, it will only update based on what the accessor initially evaluated to.

Using states

The following methods can be used with StateManager objects:

  • set(newValue): Pass a newValue to update the state.
  • is(testValue): Call without a parameter to retrieve the current value. Pass a parameter to determine if the state is currently equal to that value.
  • onSet(callBack): This method takes a single function as its sole parameter. The function takes a single object as its sole parameter, with the following properties:
    • oldVal: the previous value of the state.
    • newVal: the value about to be assigned to the state.


An experimental, event-based Javascript framework.






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