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Event Browser ‐ Details

andyoneal edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

This is an example description of the different passes and events when rendering a frame. Your's may look different depending on the scene and what kind of graphics options are enabled.


Compute Pass #1

  • All of the LOD compute shaders that run first and decide which objects should be rendered and at what LOD.
    • Dispatch(44, 1, 1) 44 instances of an object are passed to the compute shader

Color Pass #1

  • Handles “skinning” for SkinnedMeshes, which is really only the player Mecha.

Color Pass #2

  • Draws a mask for the atmosphere blur effect, saves it for later.

Color Pass #3

  • Draws the little spinning cube/matrix effect that appears inside the lab, saves it for later.

Color Pass #4

  • Draws the minimap globe, saves it for later.

Depth Only Pass #1

  • Draws the entire scene, but without color, for use in determining depth in the scene later.
  • Used for calculating shadows

Depth Only Pass #2

  • Again, draws the scene without color, but from the perspective of the light (the local star).
  • Does this four times in the same image, which are later combined to create “soft” shadows.

DrawIndexed(6) (appears outside of a named pass)

  • Combines the DepthTexture created in Depth Only Pass #1 with the ShadowMap created in Depth Only Pass #2 to create the final “Screenspace Shadowmap” used for adding shadows in the next pass.

Color Pass #5

  • This is where the real rending that you see on screen begins.
  • All of the opaque objects are rendered, then the transparent ones (transparent meaning particle effects, glass, building grid, etc)

Many draws outside of a pass

  • Full screen effects, mostly Bloom and Sun Shafts

Color Pass #5

  • UI is drawn

A little more bloom, then the final image is output.

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