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Finally a imagefile running Raspberry Pi Bullseye
NibePi is an IoT product for your Nibe heatpump
With a Raspberry Pi Zero+RS485 HAT you can communicate with your heatpump by serial protocol. NibePi can fit inside the shell of the heatpump and be powered directly from the terminals.
NibePi supports a lot of Nibe heatpumps, including: Nibe F370,F470,F730,F750,F1145,F1245,F1155,F1255,VVM225,310,320,325,500.SMO20-40
The foundation in this product is built on Node.JS and Node-RED. If the project dosent suit your needs completly it's easy to make your own project with this as a base.
One of the main features in this project is that NibePi is a dependable solution, the filesystem runs in a read-only mode and that makes it almost total secure against corrupt SD-cards. Since no data is written to the SD-card regulary it will not be worn out.
Note that data is written to the SD-card when you change a setting in the user interface.
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Hardware used in the project.
Rpi Zero W:
RS485 HAT:
12V HAT:
Solder terminals or wires on A and B at the RS485 card, then stack all the cards together on a header and solder them as tight as possible against eachother for the minimal build height.
Download the complete image and burn to the 16GB SD-card. (1.1)
(Right click the link and select "Save link as")
On the boot partition at the SD-card (also available in Windows) there is a file called wpa_supplicant.conf, update with your own wifi credentials and save.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Install NibePi
Step 1: Remove the upper hatch, no screws, just take it off.
Step 2: Remove the two large torx T30 screws at the bottom of the heatpump which is holding the big front hatch.
Step 3: Pull the hatch out approx 10-20 cm and lift the whole front off and put it to the side.
Step 4: Remove the snap-in lid, picture below..
Step 5: Connect your NibePi according to the picture below
Please note that the connections can differ from one heatpump to another, check the manual for more info to find the right connections (12v,A,B,GND)
Step 6: Start the heatpump with the SD-card plugged into NibePi.
Activate Modbus in the heatpump.
Step 1: Hold the "Back" button for approx 7 seconds, one new service menu will popup, enter it.
Step 2: Go to, System settings 5.2, in some models you have to click another menu to see the list for the possible accessories.
Step 3: Scroll down and look for "Modbus", check it.
Step 4: The heatpump might raise an red alarm if NibePi has not started yet. Or the light will remain green and then the heatpump has a connection to NibePi.
Node-RED is now available at NibePi's hostname. http://nibepi:1880
The webinterface for NibePi (based on Node-red) is available at http://nibepi:1880/ui
If the above example doesn't work, please try with NibePis IP address instead of the hostname.
Not it's all done! If you appreciate my work, you can sponsor me with a coffee