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Angelo edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

This page is used to list features, ideas for an Angular2 Eclipse plugins.

TypeScript IDE

As Angular2 is based on TypeScript, we need an Eclipse Plugin for TypeScript. It exists today TypEcs and Eclipse TypeScript, but I have decided to create my own Eclipse Plugin for TypeScript based on JSDT Editor and tsserver. See for more information.

This plugin looks like VSCode integration for TypeScript. Microsoft guys are working on Angular2 features and you will see an ansewone demo with Angular2. I'm very excited that this plugin will be available to integrate it inside Angular2 Eclipse.

HTML Editor


Completion for angular2 attributes like *ngFor, ngModel, etc We could start to hard coded this list and after it should be very cool to have completion for custom directive (waiting for work of


As Angular2 uses *, [], () as attributes syntax, WTP HTML Editor doesn't support it. See

Syntax coloration

It should be cool to have HTML syntax coloration for @Component/template but JSDT Editor doesn't support the override of the syntax coloration. I hope JSDT Editor (or Platform) will provide an extension point to override syntax coloration. My idea is to do like VSCode, Atom and use TextMate grammar for syntax coloration. See

angular2-cli integration

Integrate angular2-cli with a Console? with a Wizards? See