Sometimes there are limits around how much we can stretch certain technology. In the case of MapR-DB, these limits seem to never get closer while we add more and more capabilities on top it.
Previously, we have talked about many things we can do using MapR-DB. Make sure you check this posts.
Today, we want to introduce the idea of transactional writing
when using MapR-DB.
This is not something supported out of the box by this distributed database, however, when using Apache Spark, we could implement similar concepts to what relational databases have.
It is not until recently that Spark added APIs to start supporting these ideas so today we are going to review some of
these APIs while proposing a way add transactions
to MapR-DB.
Certainly, transactional context is, in our case, at the application layer, so there are only a few things we can
actually do. Apache Spark propose it as best effort
since in reality this is a very fragile context and many,
many things can go wrong.
Let's review what Apache Spark API offers in order to support transactional writes
The most basic build block is called DataWriter[Row]
and it is defined as follows.
class MapRDBDataWriter extends DataWriter[Row] with Logging {
override def write(record: Row): Unit = ???
override def commit(): WriterCommitMessage = ???
override def abort(): Unit = ???
A DataWriter[Row]
is in charge or writing a particular partition of the distributed Spark data to the target source.
The write
function receives the individual records to be written down to our target source, in our case, MapR-DB.
The commit
function is called once all records of a partition have been successfully written down.
is then called if we fail to write records down.
Putting it in context, in order to a transaction to happen, all partitions must successful commit, but at the partition level it is impossible to know what has happened to other partitions. In other words, the transaction must be processed in two phases. One phase a partition commit correctly (task level) and a second phase at the job level where all partitions are successfully committed. If anything fails, the transaction fails and we must provide a way to roll it back.
The MapRDBDataWriterFactory
is in charge of creating multiple DataWriter
s. This class looks like this.
class MapRDBDataWriterFactory(table: String, schema: StructType) extends DataWriterFactory[Row] {
override def createDataWriter(partitionId: Int, attemptNumber: Int): DataWriter[Row] = new MapRDBDataWriter(...)
A DataWriter
does the heavy work of writing particular records, belonging to a partition, down to MapR-DB.
It is important to notice that Spark might call createDataWriter
many times for the same partitionId
. This happens
if a particular task is slow or the task fails. Spark creates a new DataWriter
with a different attemptNumber
, which
implies that many writers might try to write the same data down.
Our implementation looks like this.
class MapRDBDataWriterFactory(table: String, schema: StructType) extends DataWriterFactory[Row] {
@transient private lazy val connection = DriverManager.getConnection("ojai:mapr:")
@transient private lazy val store: DocumentStore = connection.getStore(table)
private val writtenIds = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
override def createDataWriter(partitionId: Int, attemptNumber: Int): DataWriter[Row] = new DataWriter[Row] with Logging {"PROCESSING PARTITION ID: $partitionId ; ATTEMPT: $attemptNumber")
override def write(record: Row): Unit = {
val doc = schema
.map(field => (, schema.fieldIndex(
.foldLeft(connection.newDocumentBuilder()) { case (acc, (name, idx)) => acc.put(name, record.getString(idx)) }
this.synchronized {
if (!writtenIds.contains(doc.getIdString)) {
override def commit(): WriterCommitMessage = {"PARTITION $partitionId COMMITTED AFTER ATTEMPT $attemptNumber")
CommittedIds(partitionId, writtenIds.toSet)
override def abort(): Unit = {"PARTITION $partitionId ABORTED AFTER ATTEMPT $attemptNumber")
MapRDBCleaner.clean(writtenIds.toSet, table)"PARTITION $partitionId CLEANED UP")
Notice the in the write
function, given a Row
and the corresponding Schema
, we build an OJAI Documents
insert it to MapR-DB. Then we save the _id
s so we can rollback the data written in this partition if something goes
We have optimized it a little bit, so records are not written twice by having a shared state with the _id
s of already
written records.
The abort
function does exactly what we just described. If it is called, it deletes the already written records
informs back to the driver that all records for the partition has been written and the partition has been
committed. If there are other tasks for the same partition, the driver will ignore the commit messages after the first
The MapRDBDataSourceWriter
runs at the driver and it is in charge of collecting and controlling the results of each
class MapRDBDataSourceWriter(table: String, schema: StructType) extends DataSourceWriter with Logging {
override def createWriterFactory(): DataWriterFactory[Row] = ???
override def commit(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = ???
override def abort(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = ???
The createWriterFactory
creates the DataWriterFactory
that runs on the executor side.
override def createWriterFactory(): DataWriterFactory[Row] = new MapRDBDataWriterFactory(table, schema)
gets the commit messages from each of the DataWriter
. If all commits
are successful, then the entire
job is successful and we are good to go, the transaction has finished.
If there is a least one partition which was not successfully committed, the job has failed. The failed partitions know
how to rollback themselves (explained above) but the driver must roll back any other data from successful partitions.
In order to do this we collect all successfully committed _id
s from all committed partitions and we use them in the
rollback phase.
override def commit(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {
val ids = messages.foldLeft(Set.empty[String]) { case (acc, CommittedIds(partitionId, partitionIds)) =>"PARTITION $partitionId HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY DRIVER")
acc ++ partitionIds
// Let's make sure this is thread-safe
globallyCommittedIds = this.synchronized {
globallyCommittedIds ++ ids
If a partition fails, then abort
in the DataWriter
is called (explained above) so partition data is rolled back.
The abort
in the driver is called so we can roll back any other written data.
override def abort(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit = {"JOB BEING ABORTED")"JOB CLEANING UP")
MapRDBCleaner.clean(globallyCommittedIds.toSet, table)
is the entry point for injecting our code into Spark.
class Writer extends WriteSupport with Logging {
override def createWriter(jobId: String, schema: StructType, mode: SaveMode, options: DataSourceOptions): Optional[DataSourceWriter] = {
val tablePath = options.get("path").get()"TABLE PATH BEING USED: $tablePath")
java.util.Optional.of(new MapRDBDataSourceWriter(tablePath, schema))
val df: DataFrame = ...
Of course we are wrapping this into a better API so we can do the following.
data.writeToMapRDB("/user/mapr/tables/my_table", withTransaction = true)
By indicating withTransaction = true
Spark tries it best to write the given DataFrame
in transactional mode using
the described mechanics above. If withTransaction = false
then we use the regular, official MapR-DB Connector for
Apache Spark to write the DataFrame
The described code is part of our MapRDBConnector but belongs to a different branch for now Transaction Support.
- This is still in experimental phase and is not being included in our MapRDBConnector releases. It can be used if compiled from source.
- If the transaction failed because the Spark job is interrupted, we don't have a way to rollback the already written data. Our goal is to hide this data from the user, but we are still researching how. For now, you must manually clean it up.