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Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise

Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise is an enhanced version of the Open-Source Ingress Controller. It includes all Enterprise plugins and comes with 24x7 support for worry-free production deployment. This is available to enterprise customers of Kong, Inc. only.

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Before we can deploy Kong, we need to satisfy two prerequisites:

In order to create these secrets, let's provision the kong namespace first:

$ kubectl create namespace kong
namespace/kong created

Kong Enterprise License secret

Enterprise version requires a valid license to run.
As part of sign up for Kong Enterprise, you should have received a license file. If you do not have one, please contact your sales representative. Save the license file temporarily to disk with filename license and execute the following:

$ kubectl create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-file=license=./license.json -n kong
secret/kong-enterprise-license created

Please note that -n kong specifies the namespace in which you are deploying Kong Ingress Controller. If you are deploying in a different namespace, please change this value.

Kong Enterprise Docker registry access

Next, we need to setup Docker credentials in order to allow Kubernetes nodes to pull down Kong Enterprise Docker image, which is hosted as a private repository. As part of your sign up for Kong Enterprise, you should have received credentials to access Enterprise Bintray repositories. Your username is the same username you use to log in to Bintray and password is an API-key that can be provisioned via Bintray.

$ kubectl create secret -n kong docker-registry kong-enterprise-edition-docker \ \
    --docker-username=<your-bintray-username@kong> \
secret/kong-enterprise-edition-docker created

Again, please take a note of the namespace kong.


Once the secrets are in-place, we can proceed with installation.

Kong for Kubernetes can be installed using an installer of your choice:

YAML manifests

Execute the following to install Kong for Kubernetes Enteprise using YAML manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f

It takes a few minutes the first time this setup is done.

$ kubectl get pods -n kong
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-kong-6ffcf8c447-5qv6z   2/2     Running   1          44m

You can also see the kong-proxy service:

$ kubectl get service kong-proxy -n kong
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
kong-proxy   LoadBalancer   80:32697/TCP,443:32365/TCP   22h

Note: Depending on the Kubernetes distribution you are using, you might or might not see an external IP address assigned to the service. Please see your provider's guide on obtaining an IP address for a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer.

Let's setup an environment variable to hold the IP address:

$ export PROXY_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" service -n kong kong-proxy)

Note: It may take a while for your cloud provider to actually associate the IP address to the kong-proxy Service.


Use Kustomize to install Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise:

kustomize build

You can use the above URL as a base kustomization and build on top of it as well.

Once installed, set an environment variable, $PROXY_IP with the External IP address of the kong-proxy service in kong namespace:

export PROXY_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" service -n kong kong-proxy)


You can use Helm to install Kong via the official Helm chart:

$ helm repo add kong
$ helm repo update

# Helm 2
$ helm install kong/kong \
    --name demo --namespace kong \

# Helm 3
$ helm install kong/kong --generate-name
    --namespace kong \
    --values \
     --set ingressController.installCRDs=false

Once installed, set an environment variable, $PROXY_IP with the External IP address of the demo-kong-proxy service in kong namespace:

export PROXY_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" service -n kong demo-kong-proxy)

Using Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise

Once you've installed Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise, please follow our getting started tutorial to learn more.