- [UCX-3907] Support only one logged in device. Logout other devices automatically
- Add static pages (wiki)
- [UCX-3898] Can't unmute user from User details flex panel
- [UCX-3913] Show SideNav More Unreads immediately instead of after scroll
- [UCX-3912] Clear the message box when send button clicked
- [UCX-3896] Message replacement patterns with OneChat.refresh_users_status exception
- [UCX-3897] Fix Error when deleting user on system with only one admin.
- [UCX-3900] Should not be able to mute a user in DM channel
- Add Getting started guide in help
- Add several page place holders
- Add new sections in help sidenav
- Add some nice page transitions in pages section
- Move the infinity_one_pages dependency into the one_pages plugin
- Added new Users Guide
- Added new Administration Guide
- Add site avatar to admin for customizing the desktop app icon
- Add site_client_name to admin for customizing the desktop app tooltip
- Add support for @@username and @@@username live status and status-message messages
- Move message_replacement_patterns to ChatGeneral Settings
- Optimize message_replacement_patterns processing with a run-time compiled module
- Fix Typos on /pages
- User correct platform name in description on Windows and Linux download pages
- Fix Issue expanding help sections in sidenav
- Fix some markdown formatting issue on help pages
- Fix the message posting issue on MS Edge
- Add InfinityOnePages package including download desktop app support
- Update the default home page default text
- Support markdown for home page text entry
- Added support for reset admin changes back to default value
- Added local help framework with couple help pages (WIP)
- Use Message poster avatar in desktop notifications
- Added server_settings public API for use by desktop clients
- [UCX-3852] Double markup characters and match on leading and trailing spaces
- [UCX-3869] require either first char of leading space to trigger app pop-ups.
- [UCX-3868] Stop /unknown command for eating the message
- Add support for the upcoming desktop app
- Fix exception in notification JS
- Add page_params for the desktop app
- Add couple new help pages for the desktop app - WIP
- Allow users to login with either username or email
- Change site_name default to Infinity One
- Use site_name title on authentication pages
- Add notification count to page title
- [UCX-3839] Fix no messages when num messages eq page size
- [UCX-3838] Fix url previews for new message
- [UCX-3842] Fix up arrow edit exception error
- [UCX-3843] Fix message popup selection in middle of text
- Only display authorized message cog buttons
- Show all roles in Admin user card
- Remove scoped user_roles when channel removed
- Support invitation delete
- Check edit message permissions
- Show alerts and notifications immediately on browser blur
- Reduce clear unreads times from 2000 to 1000 msec.
- Moved message_agent from Agent to GenServer
- Changed desktop notification title to 'Message from @username'
- Backup and Restore feature
- Implement Delete User
- UCX-3815 - Conversations have old date
- Update rooms after admin delete room
- UCx-3798 - Add owner role when creating a room.
- Add fix_owner_roles release task
- Off-line users now see alerts generated while off-line when logging back in
- Fixed hiding unread-bar when last message not visible on browser focus.
- Close open subscriptions when logging out or closing browser.
- Fix administration permissions
- Fix create and delete room permission checks
- Enforce many permissions for guest accounts
- Fix message search exception
- Implement admin add user
- Random password does not show by default. Added separate Show button
- Added the ability for administrators to set/remove channel default setting
- Fix admin edit user
- Fix Random password feature
- Fixed Exceptions updating room settings
- Support Avatar upload and change
- Changing view details in accounts settings automatically updates UI
- Converge OneConsole and OneChat.Console into OneConsole
- Added new Accounts section in Admin
- Remove register link from login page by admin option
- Remove forget password link from login page by admin option
- Remove remember me link from login page by adamin option
- Support Allow users delete own account
- Support Allow user profile change
- Support Allow username changes in profile page
- Support Allow email change in in profile page
- Support Allow password change in profile page
- Update message role tabs when a role is added/removed for a user
- Added new pin-message permission
- Check permissions for pinning messages
- Update open flex panel when starred, pinned, and mentions are added or removed
- Fix @here and @ll mentions.
- Add @all! mention to alert all logged in users
- Add new caution announcement
- Include @all, @all!, and @here in search patterns
- Add new permissions to the database on startup
- Add new @all! permission
- Enforce new @all, @here, and @all! permissions
- Add support to change permissions in admin
- Support adding, removing and assigning roles
- Fix update mentions regression
- Fix permissions checks for room-edit
- Fix issue having multiple subscriptions open for the same user
- Fix tagging own mentions in flex panel
- Fix exception when clicking on a mention for an invalid user.
- New Setup page to help configure new systems
- Setup the host name to ensure emails have the correct url
- Add admin account so we don't need to seed one
- Allow user to name and create the default channel
- Configure the email from_name and from_email settings
- Add Config file updater
- Add restart server feature
- Moved the
menu link aboveMy Account
- Added creating new N-way channel when mentioning someone in a DM channel
- Disable WebRTC channel when WebRTC disabled.
- Presence overrides remain after logout and login
- Fix issue with presence not showing on initial login
- Add configuration of the uploads path
- Don't reload page when using the conversation button from members list
- Redesigned Message handling and broadcasting
- Proof of concept for Messaging Rest API
- Removed some code complexity around messaging
- Added support for all messages audio alerts and system settings
- Added audio mode in room notifications panel
- Added support for all messages desktop notifications
- Optimized how Direct Message channels are manged.
- [UCX-3770] Fix JS exception when selecting from a message popup
- Trim a message before saving it
- [UCX-3764] Allow user to hide the first listed room
- [UCX-3769] Fix incoming message does not scroll window down
- [UCX-3766] Move the flex-nav scollbars to the right of page
- [UCX-3731] Fix rendering create channel after more channels
- Don't broadcast message popup selections
- Fixed message timestamps
- Fixed reaction tool tips
- Fixed subscribing 3rd party in direct channel with @mention
- Fix the admin info refresh button
- Increase the height of the layout body content textarea
- Fix the cancel button on the admin pages
- Move the layout home page body field from string to text
- Fixed Message order issue when dynamically loading more pages up and down
- Fixed loading more prev and next animation
- Fixed messages screen lockup issue caused by not clearing page loading animation
- Fixed more messages up and down detection
- Fixed links in new messages banner
- Refactored a lot of the JS related to room message handling
- Added direction detection to scroll so scrolling up does not trigger load more next at the bottom of the page
- Fixed double fetch issues when opening a new room
- Changed message pagination to use 3rd party library
- Added previous messages banner when contents less than window size and scroll detection does not work
- Added 1px scroll at top and bottom of window so load more can be properly detected when at the top or bottom of the page
- Move the sidenav scrollbar to the right side
- Add Status Message History Editing and Deleting
- Added Uploads disk quota feature
- Added Uploads disk usage on Admin info page
- Added Application uptime to Admin info page
- Removed the page load on selecting direct rooms
- [UCX-3566] Closing Admin section now closes Admin panels
- Fixed issues with new status message not showing up in select box until page reload
- [UCX-3699] Fixed editing message shows up in other user's input box
- [UCX-3703] Fix incorrect message box after making room public
- [UCX-3661] Fix broken auto grow message input box and make it shrink correctly
- [UCX-3686] Fix mention linking for usernames with .
- [UCX-3707] Fixed auto linking phone number errors
- Use inserted_at for date and times in messages.
- Fix next day indication for pinned, starred, and mentions.
- [UCX-3651] Updated message grouping after a message delete.
- [UCX-3717] Support auto linking markdown style links
- [UCX-3716] Allow auto linking in markdown
- [UCX-3670] Allow Bots in public channels only
- [UCX-3672] Add ability to collect and report healh stats
- [UCX-3667] Improve response time by replacing exec_js with broadcast_js
- [UCX-3679] Added status messages
- Implement SideNav Channel Search
- Implement SideNav More Channels Filters
- Implement SideNav Create channel
- Add message searching
- [UCX-3652] Updated the italics markup regex so it does not match with _ in html tags
- [UCX-3632] Fixed audio file uploads
- [UCX-3649] Fixed backspace in empty message box shows send button
- [UCX-3649] Enter key to send message does not insert a \n in the message
- [UCX-3647] Close tool-tip when user removes reaction
- [UCX-3628] Only allow message edit if text area is empty
- [UCX-3442] Adding mention while editing message now adds the mention to the DB
- [UCX-3639] Fixed display order of mentions in the flex panel
- [UCX-3638] Fixed issue with Bot responses displayed multiple times
- [UCX-3640] Fixed Bot avatar on page reload
- [UCX-3635] Fixed user able to delete their own message
- [UCX-3642] Added a unique constraint and validation on starred_messages
- [UCX-3643] Added a unique constraint and validation on pinned_messages
- [UCX-3627] Up arrow edit only selects messages from the main window and check for nil
- [UCX-3644] Fixed incorrect avatar in account box
- [UCX-3645] Message send button now works