Language: 简体中文 | English
- _base_ (Lines 4-7): The basic configuration files, including RetinaNet, PASCAL VOC and runtime settings.
data_root (Line 2): Your actual directory. There is another same data_root in
to modify. -
data (Lines 9-16): The data used for training, validation and test.
test (Line 10): The data for test.
ann_file (Lines 11-14): The path of annotation file.
img_prefix (Line 15): The path of images.
model (Line 17): The used model, including backbone, neck and head.
bbox_head: The bounding-box head of the model.
- C: The number of classes in the dataset.
optimizer (Line 19): The used optimizer, including learning rate, momentum and weight decay.
lr: Learning rate.
momentum: Momentum parameter.
weight_decay: Weight decay parameter.
optimizer_config (Line 20): The gradient harmonizing parameter.
lr_config (Line 22): The settings in learning rate.
- step: The moment to drop the learning rate.
checkpoint_config (Line 24): The frequency of saving models.
log_config (Line 26): The frequency of printing training logs.
evaluation (Line 31): The frequency of evaluating the model.
work_directory (Line 48): The work directory for saving logs and files. Please refer to here for more information.
epoch_ratio (Line 29): The number of epochs for Label Set Training step and those for Re-weighting and Minimizing/Maximizing Instance Uncertainty steps.
epoch (Line 33): The number of outer loops (i.e., all 3 training steps except the first Label Set Training step).
X_L_repeat (Line 36): The repeat time for the labeled sets.
X_U_repeat (Line 37): The repeat time for the unlabeled sets.
train_cfg (Line 39): Some parameters for model training.
k (Line 40): The hyper-parameter k, the number of observed top instance uncertainty in an unlabeled image for sample selection.
X_L_0_size (Line 44): The size of
, the initial labeled set.
cycles (Line 46): The number of active learning cycles.