- no_ttl | fixed for forums
- no_ttl | Send messages without ttl by removing ttl before and set it again after.
- updated addons copyright and media link
- save_message | fixed for channels
- linked_chat | added new module
- quotes | added new module
- admintools | fixed missing await
- general | replaced get_entity with get_chat and get_sender
- pmlog | mark log as read (opt-out)
- mark_read | updated for forums
- mark_read | wrong cfg string
- mark_read | typo
- _skeleton | rework q_watcher
- mark_read | new module
- msg_merger | changed default whitelist to false
- apo_python | removed, library is adding itself to eval now
- auto_delerror | changed validators
- _skeleton | added q_watcher example
- admintools | fix bnc, removed try except
- msg_merger | removed try except
- pmlog | removed try except
- pmlog | create new topic if deleted
- admintools | changed crash handler
- msg_merger | changed crash handler
- pmlog | added realtime_names for topics
- pmlog | users are now logged now in seperate topics, fixed whielist
- admintools | added some debug msgs and fixed restricted logger
- all modules | removed stats collect
- apolib_controller | changed apodiktum_library url to master
- auto_delerror | fix module
- apolib_controller | typo
- auto_delerror | added new module
- apolib_controller | added unloadapocontroller
- msg_merger | added try except q_watcher
- pmlog | added try except q_watcher
- autoreact | Added all emoji reactions to the regex
- admintools | removed get_entity(x.sender_id)
- admintools | fix bnd for non-creators
- admintools | fix admin tags whitelist
- dnd | fixed afk reply
- admintools | fixed logger message
- apolib_controller | code improvement
- msg_merger | fix for reply merge bug
- admintools | fixed crash of queue
- dnd | fixed afk reply
- msg_merger | fix attempt for threads
- auto_delerror | Remove inline bot error messages in log channel including defined phrases
- admintools | added
-> BlockNonComment will block all "non comment" messages. - dnd | fixed
.denypm <id>
- langreplier | fixed watcher
- msg_merger | fix attempt for threads
- pypng | fixed reply to file
- voicetools | fixed watcher
- msg_merger | new config var
- dnd | fix
custom emoji bio
- dnd | now supports
custom emojis
- dnd | fix
- msg_merger | added
to merge manual - msg_merger | reduced
- dnd | added multitime string support e.g.
- dnd | changed command
- apolib_controller | added
to see the current q_watcher queue and tasks
- admintools | using
- apo_python | updated to upstream
- pmlog | using
- msg_merger | using
- admintools | fix
doc andbehavior
- dnd | fix
doc andbehavior
- admintools | fixed
- admintools | fixed
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'float'
- msg_merger |
work in messages with links - msg_merger | ignore messages with
- admintools | added
- admintools | rework of
punish handler
, now also supports notify for each - dnd | now can black/whitelist chats for afk response. check
- dnd | now supports
custom emojis
- dnd | now supports
furtherbio length
- dnd | removed config
- auto_update | fix watcher
- dnd | now also supports further in
- apolib_controller | added
to get the version of the last loaded apodiktum_library - dnd | added
config (Default: True
). This will set the afk message also as bio and will replace it with the old bio afterunstatus
- admintools | added
(blockflood) which will count messages of a user until limit (this is stillbeta
) - admintools | anonymous chat admin will be ignored
- admintools | changed
in db tostr
. json cant useint keys
- admintools | next update may have a command rework, also punishment rework
- admintools | added
cache - admintools | added
which will only accept one sticker per x seconds per user
- admintools | added
which will block each duplicated link for x seconds - admintools | added
which will only accept one sticker per x seconds per user - admintools | added
cache - admintools | added ratelimit to notify messages
- admintools | reduced api requests
- admintools | send msg as reply if possible
- scope: hikka_min 1.3.3
- refactored code for 1.3.0
- renamed modules to
- admintools | can now be deactivated in a chat even without admin perms
- purge | fixed apurge, spurge for private chats
- dnd | reduced api requests
- admintools | delete messages via bot
- admintools | send messages via bot
- auto_update | added skip message
- auto_update | multilang support
- admintools | added debug message for global_queue_handler
- changed copyright banner
- dnd | added optional further informations
- black formatting
- admintools |
is not case insensetive - admintools | added message link to bot message
- admintools | added
config for admin_tag - admintools | added
config to ignoreadmin tags
of admins - dnd | hopefully fixed entity error
- admintools | added ability to add custom admin tags in config such as
, etc.
- admintools | added
tag for chats (check config) - autoreact | added
config - dnd | automatically removes status after given time, improved bot message
- apoinfo | fixed apoinfo
- dnd | fixed is_linkedchannel
- Switched Library to his own repo -> https://github.com/anon97945/hikka-libs
- Library now supports scope for requirements, not need to add unnecessary imports into the module
- all | dropped imports and req scope of emoji
- reformatted modules with black
- added get_buttons
- dnd | fixed .status without optional time
- added # meta banner and # meta pic
- renamed get_buttons_as_dict to get_buttons
- all | removed migrator log configs from modules, they are now in the lib config
- apo_migrator_class | removed, is now implemented in library
- dnd | .status now remove reply messages if it was already .status
- msg_merger | fixed multiple errors, fixed unmerge command
- library utils beta | added get_buttons_as_dict
- added get_user_id
- added validate_bool
- added validate_datetime
- added validate_dict
- added validate_email
- added validate_float
- added validate_integer
- added validate_list
- added validate_none
- added validate_regex
- added validate_string
- added validate_tgid
- added validate_tuple
- removed get_attrs
- removed get_sub
- deepsource fix
- fixed logger
- fixed keyerror in get_str() when db has no
- added get_all_urls
- autoreact | fixed
local variable 'emoji_list' referenced before assignment
- added get_uptime
- added tdstring_to_seconds
- added time_formatter(short=True)
- all | added emoji requirement scope to ensure lib can load
- admintools | fixed get_tag not awaited
- apoinfo | changed get_uptime to apo_lib instead of hikka native
- ControllerLoader Log set as debug_msg
- fixed config
- reworked hikka anonymous stats
- reworked logger
- added humanbytes
- added time_formatter
- scope: hikka_min 1.2.11
- deepsource fixes
- added beta_id list
- added full docstring to library
- added hikka anonymous stats
- added hikka min version scope to library
- added translation strings
- added utils_beta for testing
- changed to self.apo_lib.utils
- edited library to use hikka native libs
- get_str rework. forcelang > setlang > basestring
- implemented migrator class
- library sideloads apolib_controller.py
- logger rework
- new beta utils
- new internal class
- using different classes
- added convert_time
- added distinct_emoji_list
- added emoji_list
- added escape_html
- added get_attrs
- added get_entityurls
- added get_href_urls
- added get_ids_from_tglink
- added get_invite_link
- added get_str
- added get_sub
- added get_tag
- added get_tag_link
- added get_urls
- added is_emoji
- added is_linkedchannel
- added is_member
- added log
- added rem_duplicates_list
- added rem_emoji
- added unescape_html
- apo_python.py
- apolib_controller.py
- apodiktum_library.py
- all | changed self.strings to support new library
- all | dropped fast_download
- all | removed migrator class, will be build into library
- all | use my apodiktum_library.py
- apoinfo | changed default msg time to
- apoinfo | update for uptime
- dnd | added self expiring afk messages
- dnd | changed reason banned to blocked.
- langreplier | added auto translation
- langreplier | fix requirements of langreplier
- langreplier | ignore mathematical as alphabet
- langreplier | replace
in respond message of alphabet (optional) - lcr | check for digit count instead of message content to support different languages.
- msg_merger | add ignore prefix to ignore the message fully
- msg_merger | added new is_emoji skip
- msg_merger | added reverse_merge to msg_merger to merge into newest
- msg_merger | added unmerge cmd
- msg_merger | delete reply message if its from self
- msg_merger | dont merge into ignored prefix
- msg_merger | fix ignores time on merge_own_reply
- msg_merger | force link_preview
or decide automatically if set toNone
(config bool) - msg_merger | merge urls
(config bool)) - msg_merger | some bug fixes in msg_merger#
- msg_merger | try / except get_messages
- show_viewer | fix .sv args
- show_viewer | fix send as reply