All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Implement "barcode" & "barcodes" synchronization
- Support relative path for template resources
- Support non-unix file separators in manifest files
- Added validation for "auxiliaryFields"
- Fix warnings in pom.xml
- Dynamic pass templates
- Separate class to load certificates
- More specialized utility classes for signing
- PKSigningUtil
- Support for Java 1.6/1.7
- Exception when writing manifest file (#38)
- Dependency updates (Jackson, ...)
- Switched to the current version of jpasskit (and Jackson 2) in jpasskit.server
- iBeacon support (iOS7 and later)
- Data detector types (iOS7 and later)
- Date fields now can add a flag to ignore the timezone (iOS7 and later)
- Relevance & expiration fields for passes (iOS7 and later)
- More information when using APNS logging
- Switched to Jackson 2
- Attido PassWallet support for android devices to allow linking of android apps to the pass
- Shine effect on passes (deprecated in iOS7)
- Jackson 1
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Made passes serializable
- Windows file separators are not supported by Passbook, replaced them with UNIX separators
- Allowed BigDecimals as valid field value
- Methods to set colors as Color objects (instead of just Strings) to fields and passes
- Field validation and validation error messages
- Enums for a lot of options (text alignment, date/number style)
- Container class for signing information (used by PKSigningUtil)
- Ability to load PKCS12 and DER certificates from file/inputstream (and create PKSigningInformation out of it)
- SSL support for server
- Ability to send multiple push notifications at once and query inactive devices
- Nothing
- Methods that use strings instead of enums
- Java 1.5 support
- Issue with untrimmed values in RGB String (e.g.
rgb(r, g, b,)
) - Zip file wouldn't be generated correctly on windows because of the path separator being different
- Clutter being added to pass.json (convenience methods being translated to fields)
- Bug where jackson would serialize dates as timestamps instead of a date string
- Initial version (see Apple's spec and readme)
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing