git clone
python3 -m venv ${VIRTUALENV}
source ${VIRTUALENV}/bin/activate
cd recoprot
make init
make test
python3 install
The data used to run the experiments is the Docking Benchmark v5. Once the archived downloaded and uncompressed, the relative directory of interest is benchmark5.5/structures.
To preprocess the the data, call:
export DB_SIZE=1000000000
preprocess -i /path/to/dbd/pdbfiles -o /path/for/output/lmdb/database -n ${DB_SIZE}
With DB_SIZE the memory size of the LMDB database that will be created.
The goal of the models are to predict, for a ligand/receptor couple of protein, which residues interact with each other.
Two residues interact with each other if, on their bound structure, the two residues are at a distance less than 6 Angstrom. This information, for each couple residues of each couple of proteins in the database, correspond to the target of our model.
For each proteins, for both the ligand and the receptor, the following features are extracted:
- Atom encoding: each atoms are encoded with the following categories: [1, C, CA, CB, CG, CH2, N, NH2, O1, O2, OG,OH, SE]
- Residue encoding: each atoms corresponding residue is encoded with the following categories: [1, ALA, ARG, ASN, ASP, CYS, GLN, GLU, GLY, HIS, ILE, LEU, LYS, MET, PHE, PRO, SER, THR, TRP, TYR, VAL]
- Atom neighbors encoding: information on the 10 closest neighbors of each atoms in the same residue and from different residues.
The list of residues in the bound and unbound structure of a protein is not necessarily the same. It means that we can get a number of samples in the labels different from the number of pairs of residues in the unbound structre.
To solve this problem, we run an alignment algorithm (here Needleman Wunsch) to extract the biggest common residues list between the bound and the unbound structure. The processing is then used only on this list of residues instead of on the whole protein chain.