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add-license-headers switches my LICENSE file endings #232

2 tasks done
PProfizi opened this issue Sep 18, 2024 · 0 comments · May be fixed by #236
2 tasks done

add-license-headers switches my LICENSE file endings #232

PProfizi opened this issue Sep 18, 2024 · 0 comments · May be fixed by #236
bug Something isn't working


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🐞 Description of the bug

On my local Windows dev machine, whenever I commit to PyDPF-Core and the pre-commit hooks run, my LICENSE file ends-up being marked as modified after the commit is done, with only line endings having been switched from LF to CRLF.
Be aware that we added this hook pretty recently.

📝 Steps to reproduce

As described above

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📦 Installed packages

Package                               Version      Editable project location
------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------
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ansys-dpf-post                        0.4.1.dev0   D:\ANSYSDev\Sandbox\pydpf-post
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@PProfizi PProfizi added the bug Something isn't working label Sep 18, 2024
@klmcadams klmcadams linked a pull request Sep 27, 2024 that will close this issue
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bug Something isn't working
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

2 participants