GDB Ruby wrapper for x86/x86_64 Linux binaries
Author: antisnatchor
Description: I ended up writing this because @chrisrohlf hasn't ported yet RagWeed to x86_64 and I needed to monitor a 64bit Linux process while fuzzing it. I also didn't want to use GDB's Python API.
Given a <process_name>, the wrapper will look into /proc/ searching for its PID, then will attach GDB to it. When the debugged process receives a signal, signal type and registers info are dumped and the process is stopped. The dumped info is then sent via HTTP(S) to a server of your choice. After <sleep_before_reattach> seconds the wrapper will call itself again recursively re-attaching GDB to the process new PID.
NOTE: You need to monitor the target process and re-start it yourself, the wrapper doesn't do that for you so far. Make sure you adjust <sleep_before_reattach> accordingly.