- Data might be out of date but is eventually consistent, so caching is safe for certain type of datan
- Effective caching
- Specific data patterns
- Slow changing
- Few frequently needed keys
- Key-value data or aggregation results
- Ineffective caching
- Anti-patterns
- Fast changing
- Many frequently needed keys
- Lazy Loading (also called Cache-Aside or Lazy Population) → Read optimization strategy
- Data is loaded in cache only when necessary
- If requested data is already cached, it is a cache hit
- If requested data is not cached yet, it is a cache miss, data is retrieved from DB and then written to cache (3 separate network calls)
- Pros
- Only requested data is cached
- Resilient to node failures
- Cons
- Cache misses create delay for requests because of 3 calls
- Data can be stale ⇒ Updated in DB, old in cache
- Write Through → Write optimization strategy
- Add or update cache when DB is updated
- If requested data is already cached, it is a cache hit
- When there is a write to DB, the write is replicated in the cache
- Pros
- Data is never stale
- Write penalty instead of read penalty
- Cons
- Data is missing until updated/added in the DB ⇒ Combine with Lazy Loading
- A lot of data is always cached and it might be read very sparingly
- Adding Time To Live (TTL)
- A cached item can be cleared manually, automatically when the memory is fully and the item has not been recently used or on a schedule (TTL)
- TTL can range from seconds to days
- Time should be sensible to the type of access patterns of the data that is being cached
- Command Line Interface for AWS services, it is a wrapper for the Python SDK (boto3)
- To use the CLI you need to generate access keys for the IAM user
- Access keys are downloadable only once and can't be retrieved if lost
- Credentials are stored in a file called
- To use CLI on EC2, don't use personal credentials but create appropriate IAM Roles
- You can test whether you have permission to run certain commands without actually making API calls by specifying the
flag - You can decode encoded auth failure errors by using the STS CLI tool
aws sts decode-authorization-message --encoded-message <message-value>
- An EC2 instance can access its metadata by curling
- AWS Profiles
- You can manage multiple IAM Accounts on the same CLI by using CLI Profiles
- Run
aws configure --profile <profile-name>
to set up - Regular calls are made through the default profile
- To use the other profiles, specify the
flag when making calls
- MFA on CLI
- Needs a temporary session which is initiated with an STS
API callaws sts get-session-token --serial-number <arn-of-mfa-device> --token-code <code> --duration-seconds <seconds>
- Needs a temporary session which is initiated with an STS
- Available in many languages (Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, Go, Ruby, C++)
- SDK is used to issue programmatic API calls in code
- Uses default region
- AWS Quotas/Limits
- API Rate limits ⇒ Per-second limits on API calls, different from call to call
- Service Quotas ⇒ Limit on how many resources we can run at the same time
- AWS throttles requests if they reach the predetermined limits
- If API calls are being throttled, use built-in exponential backoff to retry API calls
- CLI Credentials Provider Chain
- Command line options ⇒
- Environment variables ⇒
- CLI credentials ⇒
aws configure
- CLI configuration ⇒
aws configure
- Container credentials ⇒ ECS tasks
- Instance profile credentials ⇒ EC2 Instance Profiles
- Command line options ⇒
- SDK Credentials Provider Chain
- Environment variables ⇒
- System properties
- Default credential profiles file ⇒
- Environment variables ⇒
- API Request Signature (SigV4)
- Protocol used to sign HTTP requests when not using SDK or CLI
- Can use either HTTP Header options or Query Strings (ex: pre-signed S3 URLs)
- Can cache based on headers, cookies, query string parameters
- Cache lives in the edge locations
- Static and Dynamic content should be cached separately in two distributions
- CloudFront has a Cache invalidation settings that can create rules on when to flush the caches
- Used to provide controlled access to CloudFront distributed content
- Uses policies with URL expiration, allowed IP ranges, trusted signers
- Signed URL gives access to individual files, signed Cookies give access to multiple files
- Logical grouping of EC2 instances that run the ECS agent
- ECS agents register the instances as a part of the ECS Cluster
- These EC2 run specific AMIs that are made specifically for ECS
- JSON-format metadata that tells ECS how to run a Docker container
- It lists
- Image name
- Port binding for container and host
- Memory/CPU required
- Environment variables
- Networking information
- Task roles ⇒ Optional IAM roles that the instances take on to interact with AWS services
- Help define number of tasks that should run and how they should run
- Used to ensure that the desired number of tasks is running across the fleet
- Can use an Application Load Balancer with dynamic port forwarding to automatically send traffic to the correct ports on EC2 instances that are running more than one service
- Private Docker image repository
- You can host public ones on Docker Hub, but you might want to have some images private
- Access is controlled through IAM policies
- Can login to ECR via CLI ⇒ Must execute the output of the command, which is why
$( ... )
CLI v1 ⇒$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region <region>)
- CLI v2 ⇒
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 1234567890.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com
- Docker Push and Pull work via docker and are independent of the login
- Serverless version of ECS
- No need to manage infrastructure, handle EC2 creation and scaling, etc...
- Only need to create task definitions and AWS handles provisioning and deployment
- All the dynamic port mapping is handled by Fargate, but we have to specify the containter port
- EC2 Instance Profile
- Used by the ECS agent to make API calls to ECS
- Used to send container logs to CloudWatch Logs
- Used to pull Docker images from ECR
- ECS Task Role
- Allows tasks to have specific roles
- Can interact with AWS services
- Different roles can be attached to different tasks running in the same EC2 instance
- When an EC2 Task is launched, ECS must determine where to place it within the CPU/RAM/Port constraints
- When an EC2 Task is removed (scale-in), ECS must determine which task to terminate
- You can define Task Placement Strategies and Constraints to help ECS make decisions
- Task Placement Process
- Identify instances that satisfy task definition requirements for CPU/RAM/Port
- Identify instances that satisfy task placement constraints
- Identify instances that satisfy task placement strategies
- Select instance for task placement
- ECS Task Placement Strategies ⇒ Best effort strategies
- Binpack
- Place tasks based on the least available amount of CPU or memory
- Optimize usage, minimize number of instances in use
- Random
- Place tasks randomly
- Spread
- Place tasks evenly across specified values
- Can be AZs, instances, etc...
- Strategies can be combined together
- Binpack
- ECS Task Placement Constraints
- distinctInstance
- Place each task on a different instance
- memberOf
- Place task on instances that satisfy certain Cluster Query Language expressions
- distinctInstance
- CPU and RAM are tracked by CloudWatch so we can trigger auto scaling using metrics
- Different auto scaling strategies
- Target Tracking ⇒ Target an average metric
- Step Scaling ⇒ Scale based on CloudWatch Alarms
- Scheduled Scaling ⇒ Scale based on predictable, scheduled changes
- ECS Auto Scaling is at the task level and not at the instance level
- Fargate makes it easier because it's serverless
- Used to auto scale ECS both at the service and at the instance level
- Determines the infrastructure that a task runs on and makes appropriate adjustments to fleet
- For ECS and Fargate, FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers are automatically added
- For ECS on EC2, the capacity provider has to be associated with an auto scaling group
- Custom capacity providers can be created and services can be built around them
- Managed Platform as a Service used to deploy applications quickly and easily on AWS
- Built on top of all common services (EC2, ASG, ELB, RDS, etc...) leveraging CloudFormation
- Retain full control over configuration
- Free service, but pay for services provisioned
- All the infrastructure, deployment and configuration is handled by AWS
- Codebase is the only developer's responsibility
- Three components of Elastic Beanstalk are Application, Application version and Environment name
- An application version is deployed in an environment and they can be promoted to next env
- Can rollback to previous application versions
- Support for multiple languages
- Go
- Java SE/Tomcat
- .NET
- Node.js
- Python
- Ruby
- Packer Builder
- Single/Multicontainer/Preconfigured Docker
- Custom community-backed platforms for other language (Uses AMIs and Packer)
- Deployment Modes
- Single instance deployment ⇒ Best for development and testing
- ASG + ELB ⇒ Best for production or pre-production environments
- ASG only ⇒ Best for non-web app production (worker nodes, etc...)
- Deployment Options for Updates
- All at once ⇒ Fastest way to update, but brief downtime as instances aren't available
- Rolling ⇒ Update few instances at a time and move to another set of instances once done
- Rolling with batch ⇒ Like rolling, but new instances are created to keep old app available
- Immutable ⇒ New instances in new ASG with new version, swapping when healthy
- Blue/Green Deployment
- Not an out of the box feature of Elastic Beanstalk
- Zero downtime, easier deployment
- Create a new staging environment and deploy the new version there
- The new environment can be validated independently from the original one
- Use Route 53 weighted policies to redirect only portions of the traffic to the staging env
- Swap URLs in Elastic Beanstalk when the testing is done
- Elastic Beanstalk has its own CLI called
EB cli
- Basic EB CLI commands are
eb create
,eb status
,eb health,
eb deploy
,eb logs
,eb config
andeb terminate
- You can store max 1000 app versions. If you reach 1000, you can't deploy new versions
- Lifecycle Policies phase out old versions based on time or storage
- Versions in use in any environment won't be deleted
- Can retain source bundle in S3 even if an application is deleted
- Files that encode specific parameter settings found in the console programmatically
- Files must have
extension and in the.ebextensions/
directory at root level - YAML/JSON
- You can add multiple resources such as RDS, DynamoDB, etc... but these resources are deleted on environment deletion
- Clone environment with the same configuration
- Every resource type and configuration is copied but data is not preserved (ex: RDS)
- You can independently change settings on a cloned environment
- ELB and RDS need special care when used in Elastic Beanstalk
- Can't change the type of load balancer once it is picked
- Steps for migration
- Recreate a new environment configuration with no ELB
- Select the correct ELB in the new environment
- Swap traffic from the old environment to the new one
- Terminate old environment
- You can provision an RDS database with Elastic Beanstalk but the DB will be tied to the environment lifecycle ⇒ Good for dev/test, bad for prod
- Best approach is to create RDS independently and provide EB application with connection strings
- Steps for decoupling RDS
- Create an RDS snapshot
- Protect RDS DB from deletion
- Recreate new environment without RDS
- Point your application to the existing RDS DB
- Swap traffic from old environment to the new one
- Terminate old environment and delete CloudFormation stack
- Single Docker
- Provide
orDockerrun.aws.json v1
that specifies where a pre-built image is - Single Docker application does not use ECS but only Docker on an EC2 instance
- Provide
- Multi Docker
- Leverages ECS to run multiple container on various EC2 instances
- Automatically provisions ECS Cluster, EC2 instances, Load Balancer and task execution
- Requires
Dockerrun.aws.json v2
to generate ECS Task Definitions - Docker images must be pre-built and stored in ECR or Docker Hub
- SSL certificates must be loaded on the Load Balancer via console or using
- Certificates can be obtained by AWS Certificate Manager or CLI and security groups must allow traffic on port 443
- Can also redirect HTTP to HTTPs via ALB or via instance configuration (health checks should not be redirected)
- Worker environments are for tasks that take long time to compute or are on a schedule
- These can be decoupled using SQS queues to send messages from web tier to worker tier
- Continuous Integration
- Allows developers to push tested code to a repository more often
- Uploads code to a build server, tests it, builds it and lets you know if everything is okay
- Continuous Delivery
- Reliable software releases whenever needed
- Multiple releases every day
- Automated deployment of passing builds
- Fully managed, highly available AWS version of GitHub
- Easy collaboration and fast code backup
- All CodeCommit repos are private and have no size limit
- All the code is in your AWS infrastructure
- Integration with Jenkins, Travis, CircleCI and other third-party CI tools
- Authentication is done through SSH (non-root accounts) or HTTPS with optional MFA
- Authorization is via IAM Policies/Roles
- Encrypted at rest with KMS, in transit through SSL
- CodeCommit Notifications
- Via SNS/Lambda ⇒ Branch deletion, push to master, build system notification, code analysis
- Via CloudWatch Events Rules ⇒ Pull request updates, commit events
- Visual continuous delivery workflow that orchestrates various steps of pipelines
- Orchestrates source code from CodeCommit/GitHub/S3
- Builds and tests using CodeBuild/Jenkins/other third party
- Deploys using CodeDeploy/Beanstalk/CloudFormation/ECS/other AWS services
- Works on stages, each made of parallel or sequential actions and can request manual approval
- Each stage generates artifacts, that are stored on S3 and passed to subsequent stages
- Stage changes trigger CloudWatch Events that can create SNS notifications (failed/successful pipelines, cancelled processes, etc)
- When a pipeline fails it stops and you can get additional info in the console
- If a pipeline can't perform an action, it is likely due to IAM Policy issues
- Fully managed build service ⇒ Alternative to Jenkins
- No servers to provision, scales indefinitely, no build queue
- Pay for actual usage time
- Runs on Docker for build reproducibility and can use custom Docker images
- Can run locally using Docker and CodeBuild Agent for troubleshooting
- Integrates with KMS, IAM, VPC and CloudTrail
- Source code comes from CodeCommit, CodePipeline, S3, GitHub, etc...
- Build instructions are specified in a
file in the root folder- Environment variables ⇒ Plain text or SSM Parameter Store encrypted
- Phases
- Install ⇒ Install dependencies
- Pre-build ⇒ Run commands before build
- Build ⇒ Actual build commands
- Post-build ⇒ Run commands after build
- Artifacts ⇒ What to upload to S3
- Cache ⇒ What to store in S3 for faster future build processes
- Can cache artifacts or build files in S3
- Outputs an artifact to designated S3 artifacts bucket
- Logs are stored in S3/CloudWatch Logs
- Can use metrics with CloudWatch Alarms to trigger Events and send SNS notifications
- Supported Environments
- Python
- Java
- Ruby
- Go
- Node.js
- Android
- .NET Core
- Docker
- Access to service within CodeBuild pipelines
- By default, CodeBuild containers are outside of your VPC, so they can't access VPC's resources
- You have to specify a VPC configuration with proper Security Groups to access resources
- Use cases ⇒ Integration tests, data manipulation/query, load balancing
Deploy applications automatically to multiple EC2 instances managed by the user
Basically a managed alternative to Ansible/Terraform
CodeDeploy Agent
- Each EC2 instance must run the CodeDeploy agent that polls CodeDeploy continuously
- To install the agent, in the instance shell you must run
sudo yum update sudo yum install ruby sudo yum install wget cd /home/ec2-user wget https://<aws-codedeploy-region>.s3.<region>.amazonaws.com/latest/install chmod +x ./install sudo ./install auto sudo service codedeploy-agent start
- You can tag instances to specify deployment environment
CodeDeploy sends agents an
file- Specifies deployment instructions
- Sits at the root of the source code stored in GitHub or S3
- The EC2 instance must have the appropriate role to access the files from S3
- Structure
- File ⇒ Where to get the source code
- Hooks ⇒ Instructions on how to deploy the application
- ApplicationStop ⇒ Stop previous application version
- DownloadBundle ⇒ Source code from where it is stored
- BeforeInstall ⇒ Actions and commands before installation
- Install ⇒ Installation process
- AfterInstall ⇒ Actions and commands after installation
- ApplicationStart ⇒ Boot up applications and services
- ValidateService ⇒ Specify health checks to make sure the app is correctly deployed
Deployment setting
- One at the time ⇒ One instance at a time, stops deployment if one fails
- Half at the time
- All at once ⇒ All together, fast but no healthy host (appropriate for dev)
- Custom ⇒ Specify percentage of minimum healthy hosts
Deploment Type
- In-place ⇒ Applications are stopped, updated and restarted
- Blue/Green ⇒ New revision is installed on a new set of instances and ELB is switched over
CodeDeploy agents report failure/success of deployment on their instance
Failed instances remain in "failed state" and future deployments deploy first to failed instances
Can enable auto-rollback in case of failures
Integration with CodePipeline ⇒ Can use its artifacts for deployment
Can deploy to EC2 instances or on-prem, but on-prem has no Blue-Green deployment
Deployments can target tagged EC2 instances, ASGs or a mix of both
- Integrated solution that groups together all the CI/CD related services
- Centralized dashboard for all components
- Simple but not as customizable
- Free service, pay per provisioned services
- Can deploy to Lambda, EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk
- Supported Languages
- Python
- Java
- Ruby
- Go
- Node.js
- C#
- Issue tracking integration with Jira and GitHub issues
- Integrates with Cloud9, AWS web-based IDE
- Declarative way of describing AWS infrastructures for almost any resources
- Infrastructure as Code
- No resources are created manually
- Version control the entire infrastructure
- Can review infrastructure changes in code and not via the console
- Can optimize resource usage by creating and destroying stacks on schedule
- Cost tracking becomes easier as you can tag every resource and get stack estimates
- Can create as many stacks as needed to separate layers
- Template can't be updated but new ones have to be uploaded (S3 versioned in the background)
- Deleting a stack deletes all resources created with it
- Templates can be built in the console or using YAML/JSON files deployed via CLI
- All functions can take the form
- Only mandatory field in a CloudFormation template
- Represent AWS services and resources
- A resource can reference other resources
- Resources have identifiers formatted as
- Parameters are dynamic inputs provided to CloudFormation templates
- Used to reuse templates with different sets of inputs
- Referenced using
- Mappings are fixed variables within CloudFormation templates
- Used to differentiate across environment, resource types, regions, etc...
- Used in case you know in advance all the possible values that something can take
- Accessed via
!FindInMap [ mapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
- Output values that can be referenced in other stacks
- Can be accessed via console or via CLI
- Allows for cross-stack interfacing to define portions of the stack in different templates
- You can't delete a stack if its outputs are referenced by other stacks
- Imported using
- Used to control creation of resources based on certain conditions
- Each condition can reference another condition, a parameter or a mapping
- Different set of conditions
⇒ Used to reference parameter values, resources ID,!GetAtt
⇒ Returns value for a specified attribute from a set!FindInMap
⇒ Return a named value from a key!ImportValue
⇒ Import output from another stack!Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list ] ]
⇒ Join values with a delimiter!Sub - String - ${ VarName: VarValue }
⇒ Substitute values
- Default behavior after a stack creation failure is to delete everything that was created
- Can select to prevent rollback and just leave the stack in an incomplete state on failure
- If a stack update fails, the stack is rolled back to the previous known working state
- Stacks that are parts of other stacks
- Used to isolate repeated components and reuse them across different stacks
- Cross stacks vs Nested Stacks
- Cross stacks ⇒ Stacks have different lifecycles and are based on Outputs Exports
- Nested stacks ⇒ Components are only part of the root stack
- Stack compositions that are created/updated/deleted all at once across regions/accounts
- Root account can create the StackSets, trusted accounts can create/update/delete stack instances from StackSets
- Provides metrics for every service in AWS
- CloudWatch Metrics
- Metrics are variables grouped by namespace that can be monitored over time
- Each metric has dimensions, which are attributes of metrics (instance ID, etc...)
- Up to 10 dimensions per metric
- EC2 Detailed Monitoring
- EC2 instances by default deliver metrics every 5 minutes
- With Detailed Monitoring you can get metrics every minute for an extra cost
- Used for quicker ASG scaling prompts
- 10 free Detailed Monitoring metrics in free tier
- CloudWatch Custom Metrics
- User defined metrics
- Can segment by dimensions
- 1 minute resolution, up to 1 second resolution
- Sent to CloudWatch via
API Call
- CloudWatch Alarms
- Used to trigger notification for metrics
- Can be directed to SNS, EC2, ASG and other services
- Alarms have different trigger quantities (min/max, percentages, etc...)
- Metrics are evaluated in periods of seconds (only 10 or 30 seconds for custom metrics)
- Multiple alarm states
- OK
- CloudWatch Logs
- Can be sent to CloudWatch via SDK
- Correct IAM Permissions are needed to send logs to CloudWatch
- Can have expiration date
- Many services can send logs natively (Elastic Beanstalk, ECS, Lambda, VPC Flow Logs, API Gateway, CloudTrail, Route53, etc...)
- Can be analyzed via S3/Athena or ElasticSearch clusters
- Log Architecture
- Log groups ⇒ Arbitrary names representing application, KMS security at this level
- Log streams ⇒ Instances of logs within applications/log files
- Metric Filter
- Filter expressions that look for specific occurrences in logs
- Can be used to trigger alarms
- They are not retroactive ⇒ Filtering happens only for data created after the filter
- Encryption APIs
⇒ If the log group already existscreate-log-group
⇒ If the group does not exist, automatically associates KMS key
- CloudWatch Agents
- Software that pushes logs to CloudWatch from EC2 instances/on-prem servers
- Need the correct IAM Permission
- Two versions of the agent
- Logs agent ⇒ Old version, only send to CloudWatch Logs
- Unified agent ⇒ New version, more system-level metrics (CPU, Disk metrics, RAM, network, processes), manage configuration via SSM Parameter Store
- CloudWatch Events
- Events that are triggered either on a schedule or reacting to a service pattern
- Trigger Lambdas. SNS/SQS/Kinesis messages
- Returns a JSON file with information about the event
- Upgraded version of CloudWatch events
- Advanced event busses for AWS that can be accessed by other AWS accounts
- Default Event Bus ⇒ from AWS services
- Partner Event Bus ⇒ from third party SaaS services or applications
- Custom Event Bus ⇒ from proprietary applications
- Schema Registry
- Events in EventBridge can be analyzed to infer a schema
- These schemas can be stored and versioned
- Code can be generated for applications to correctly process the event data
- Distributed application graphical debugger and analyzer built for microservices architecture
- Allows to troubleshoot performance, errors and service issues, track dependencies and visualize request behavior
- Compatible with Lambda, Beanstalk, ECS, ELB, API Gateway, EC2
- Works by tracing requests as they flow through the infrastructure with each service adding data
- Applications sends data in segments and sub-segments
- An end-to-end collection of segments is called a trace
- Traces can be annotated with indexed key-value pairs called annotations that can be filtered or non-indexed metadata that can't be filtered
- X-Ray SDK must be added to the code (Java, Python, Go, Node.js, .NET)
- X-Ray Daemon or X-Ray Integration must be installed/enabled on the service
on EC2 serversebconfig
in Elastic Beanstalk or via console- Needs correct IAM permissions
- X-Ray sampling
- Default sampling is first requests each second and 5% of every additional request
- Can be adjusted to reduce the amount of requests that flow through X-Ray
- Can adjust reservoir (minimum per second) and rate (percentage of additional requests)
- Custom sampling does not require SDK changes as they are handled by the Daemon
- X-Ray APIs
⇒ Uploads segment documents to X-RayPutTelemetryRecords
⇒ Used by X-Ray Daemon to upload telemetryGetSamplingRules
⇒ Retrieve all sampling rules to know what data to send and whenGetServiceGraph
⇒ Returns main graphBatchGetTraces
⇒ Retrieve all the traces specified by the IDGetTraceSummaries
⇒ Get ID and annotations for traces in a specified time frameGetTraceGraph
⇒ Service graph for one or more specific trace IDs
- X-Ray on ECS
- ECS Cluster ⇒ One Daemon as a container in each instance
- ECS Cluster Sidecar ⇒ One Daemon for each container in each instance
- Fargate Sidecar ⇒ One Daemon for each container in each task
- Provides history of API calls made within AWS account by console, SDK, CLI or AWS services
- Enabled by default, used for governance, compliance and audit
- Logs from CloudTrail can be put in CloudWatch Logs
- If resources are deleted, look in CloudTrail first
- A queue that works on a producer-consumer pattern to decouple applications
- Producers send messages to the queue via
API call - Consumers poll the queue for messages, process them, and delete them via
API - Consumers can scale in ASG by monitoring
CloudWatch metric - Standard Queue
- Unlimited throughput and unlimited messages in the queue
- Message stays in the queue up to 14 days, default of 4
- Low latency between publish and receive
- 256KB maximum size of message
- Delivers at least once (can have duplicates) and messages can be out of order (best effort)
- FIFO Queue
- Messages are delivered in order and only once
- Supports up to 300 API calls per second or 3000 with message batching
- Currently there is no integration with SNS
- Deduplicates messages in 5 minutes intervals, either by message content SHA-256 hash or specific deduplication ID
- Can group messages using a
parameter, with one consumer per ID
- When a message is polled by a consumer it becomes invisible to other consumers
- The time of invisibility is defined by the Visibility Timeout setting, default 30 seconds
- This is the time during which the consumer can process the messages
- If the consumer fails to process/delete the message in time it is made visible again in the queue
- Consumers can request more time by issuing calls to the
- If a message fails to be processed they are placed back in the queue
- If messages are placed back in the queue for too many times, they are put in a separate queue
- This queue can be used for debugging or other tasks
- Messages in the DLQ still do expire, so they need to be handled before expiration
- Messages are delayed by a certain time before they are available to consumers
- Default is 0 seconds
- Consumers can wait for messages to be delivered in a queue if there are none available
- Reduces the amount of poll requests API calls and improves efficiency and latency as we ensure messages are read as soon as they are available in the queue
- Can be set between 0 and 20 seconds at the queue level or at the API call level
- Java library to use S3 as the repository for large data that we want to send via SQS
- Data is stored in S3 and metadata about the S3 location is sent as a message via SQS
⇒ Clear all messages in queueSendMessage
⇒ Set delay timeReceiveMessage
⇒ Specify long polling at API call levelChangeMessageVisibility
⇒ Change message visibility timeout- Batch API calls for
- Pub/Sub model for messaging and notifications
- A publisher publishes a message to a topic and all topic subscribers receive that message
- Can have really large numbers of subscribers to a topic (up to 10M) and up to 100K topics
- All subscribers receive the message unless there are filters in place
- Subscribers can be SQS, Lambda, HTTP/S with retries, email, SMS or mobile push notifications
- Integration with multiple AWS services as SNS publishers
- Used to publish the same message in multiple SQS queues
- Publish to an SNS topic and subscribe multiple queues to that topic
- Send message once, receive it multiple times
- SNS can't send messages to FIFO queues at the moment
- Use cases can be reacting to S3 events, as S3 can't send multiple messages by default
- Managed real-time big data streaming alternative to Apache Kafka
- Data is replicated to 3 AZs
- Three separate products
- Kinesis Stream ⇒ Streaming ingestion of real-time data at scale
- Kinesis Firehose ⇒ Streaming data redirection tool
- Kinesis Analytics ⇒ Real-time analytics on streams using SQL
- Divided in ordered shards, which are individual queues that retain data between 1 and 7 days
- Shards are provisioned, so billing is on a per-shard basis
- Can increase or decrease number of shards (resharding and merging)
- Producers publish data on one of the shards and consumers read data from either shard
- Data in shards can be processed multiple times during retention period but can't be deleted
- Multiple consumers can consume data from the same stream
- Producers write up to 1MB/s or 1000 messages/s per shard
- Consumers read up to 2 MB/s per shard
- Can batch send messages for increased efficiency
- Messages are ordered per shard
- Producers send data via SDK, consumers receive data via SKD or Kinesis Client Library (KCL)
API call requires data and a partition key- Messages are allocated among shards based on the hash of the partition key
- Same partition key always goes to the same shard
- Each message gets an always increasing sequence number once it is sent to a shard
- If the partition key is repeated often, certain shards are overloaded (hot partition problem)
- If one shard is overloaded, we get a
- Java Library that helps read records from a shard using distributed applications
- Each shard can be read by one KCL instance ⇒ 1:1 Shard/KCL ratio
- Progress is tracked via DynamoDB tables
- Can be deployed on EC2, Elastic Beanstalk or other
- Consumer poll messages
- Data is deleted after consumption
- As many consumers as we want
- Can delay individual message
- No throughput provisioning
- No ordering guarantees (except FIFO streams)
- Consumer subscribe to topics, messages are pushed
- Up to 10M subscribers and 100k topics
- Data is lost if not delivered
- No throughput provisioning
- Integrates with SQS for fan out architecture
- Kinesis
- Consumer pull data
- As many consumers as we want
- Can replay data
- Real-time big-data, ETL and analytics
- Ordering at shard level
- Temporary data retention
- Must provision throughput
- Virtual serverless functions
- Up to 15 minutes of execution
- Run on demand
- Scales based on number of requests
- Multiple languages
- Python
- Node.js
- Java
- C# (.NET Core and Powershell)
- Go
- Ruby
- Custom Runtime for community supported languages
- Key Integrations
- API Gateway
- DynamoDB
- Kinesis
- S3
- CloudWatch Logs
- CloudWatch Events/Event Bridge
- CloudFront (Lambda@Edge)
- Cognito
- Limitations
- RAM ⇒ 128MB to 3,008MB in 64MB increments
- Max execution time ⇒ 15 minutes
- Environment Variables ⇒ 4KB
- Disk capacity ⇒ 512MB
- Concurrent executions ⇒ 1000
- Compressed code size ⇒ 50MB
- Uncompressed code size ⇒ 250MB (use
for other files)
- 128MB to 3,008MB in 64MB increments
- The more ram, the more vCPU credits
- 1 full vCPU at 1792MB, so multithreading is necessary to benefit after that
- If the function is CPU heavy, increase RAM to have more CPU
- Timeout
- 15 minutes maximum running
- 3 seconds default
- Lambda Layers
- Allows creation of custom runtimes (like C++ or Rust)
- Allows externalization of dependencies for reuse across different Lambdas
- Execution Context
- Temporary runtime environment that initializes all dependencies
- It is maintained for a while after execution for other Lambda invocations
- Best practice is to initialize resources/connections outside of the handler
- Can store temporary files or use disk space by leveraging the
directory (Max 512MB) - Files in the
directory are tied to the execution context and persist while it is frozen
- Dependencies
- To use dependencies, install the packages alongside the code and zip it all together
- Deploying via CloudFormation
- Inline ⇒ Write the function in the CF Template but can't use dependencies
- S3 ⇒ Zip into S3 and refer to it in the CF template but on update, you have to update both S3 and CF
- Versioning
- Can publish immutable versions of Lambda functions if we are ready to publish them
- A version consists of the code and dependencies and can't be changed
- Versions have increasing version numbers and get their own ARN
- Aliases
- Versions can be referenced by Aliases ⇒ Pointers to specific versions of Lambda functions
- Aliases are mutable, so you can change which version they are pointing to
- Alias can be defined with any name, but sensible naming is helpful (dev, test, prod, etc...)
- Aliases enable blue/green deployments by assigning weights to aliases
- Aliases enable stable configuration of triggers/destinations as they can be used as targets
- Aliases can't reference other aliases
- Calls made via CLI, SDK, API Gateway, S3 Batch, CloudFront, ALB, etc...
- Results are returned immediately
- Errors are handled on the client side
- You can use API Gateway or ALB to let users invoke Lambda functions from HTTP
- When going through ALB, the Lambda has to be part of a target group
- HTTP requests are transformed into JSON and converted back to HTTP response by ALB
- ALB handles Multi-Header values via specific setting
- Synchronous Services
- API Gateway
- CloudFront (Lambda@Edge)
- S3 Batch
- Step Functions
- Cognito
- Kinesis Data Firehose
- Others...
- Calls made via S3, SNS, CloudWatch Events
- Events are placed in an internal Event queue
- Lambda retries up to three times on errors
- In case of retries, it's important that the lambda function always returns the same value with the same inputs (idempotency) in order to catch them as duplicates in CloudWatch Logs
- DLQ for failed processing
- Asynchronous services
- S3 Events
- Can be enabled on most S3 events (
, etc...) - Enabling versioning ensures event notification for each successful write
- Can be enabled on most S3 events (
- CloudWatch Events/EventBridge
- Can be triggered on a schedule via CRON or Fixed Rate
- EventBridge Rule for CodePipeline for triggering Lambda on State Changes
- CloudWatch Logs
- CodeCommit/CodePipeline
- CloudFormation
- Others
- S3 Events
- Calls made via Kinesis Data Stream, SQS/SQS FIFO and DynamoDB Streams
- Records are polled from the source in all three cases
- The event source mapping polls the source and invokes the Lambda synchronously
- Event Streams (for DynamoDB Streams and Kinesis)
- Iterator for each shard and processes items in order
- One Lambda invocation per stream shard or up to 10 batches if using parallelization
- Can read starting from different positions, either at specific timestamps or new/old items
- Processed items are not deleted from the stream
- Low traffic ⇒ Batch window to accumulate records
- High traffic ⇒ Parallel multi-batch processing (10 batches per shard)
- On error in a batch process, the entire batch is reprocessed until no error or expiration
- Event source mapping can be configured to discard events, restrict retries or split batches
- Discarded events go to destinations
- Queue (for SQS/SQS FIFO)
- Queue is polled by event source mapping using long polling
- Batch between 1 to 10 messages, up to 1000 batches per second
- Queue visibility timeout should be set 6x the Lambda function timeout
- Can use DLQ by associating one directly to SQS, not to the Lambda
- Lambda scales up to process standard queues as quickly as possible, 60 per minute
- Lambda scales up to the number of active message groups for FIFO queues (by GroupID)
- If an error occurs, batches are returned to queue individually and might be reprocessed in different batches
- Lambda might process the same item twice
- Lambda deletes items from queues after successful processing
- Successful or failed event results can be sent to destinations
- Asynchronous invocations (both failed and successful events)
- Lambda
- EventBridge Bus
- Event Source Mapping (only for discarded events on Kinesis/DynamoDB)
- By default, launched in an AWS-owned VPC so can't access your VPC's resources
- You can deploy it in your VPC by assigning it a VPC ID, security group and role
- Lambdas in a subnet, either private or public, don't have internet access or public IPs
- You need a NAT Gateway to give it access to the public internet
- DynamoDB can be accessed via IGW or via VPC Endpoint
- Up to 1000 global concurrent executions
- Can set a limit to concurrent executions by setting a reserve concurrency at the function level
- Every call above the reserve concurrency triggers a throttle
- If there are no limits set, uptick in invocations from one Lambda can throttle all other Lambdas
- For asynchronous invocations, Lambda will put the request back in the queue automatically for up to 6 hours after a throttling error (429) or a system error (5xx) and reduce the retry interval
- Can allocate concurrency before invocation with provisioned concurrency to prevent cold start
- Used to programmatically shift traffic among Lambda aliases
- Integrates with SAM templates
- Deployment strategies
- Linear ⇒ Grow by X% every N minutes
- Canary ⇒ Try X% then go to 100% after N minutes
- AllAtOnce ⇒ 100% right away
- Rollback strategies are assigned using
- Minimize handler work by moving heavy-duty tasks outside of it
- ENV variables for DB connections, passwords and similar (leverage KMS)
- Minimize deployment package size by using layers and breaking down functions
- Never use recursion in Lambdas
- Fully managed, highly-available, distributed NoSQL datastore
- Millions of requests per second, trillions of rows, 100s of TB of storage
- Consistent low-latency performance
- IAM integration and event-driven programming using DynamoDB Streams
- Can migrate to DynamoDB from different DBs using DMS
- Each table has a Primary Key
- Made of items, can have infinite number of items but each item's max size is 400KB
- Each item has attributes, they can be null, can be added over time and can be nested
- Supports scalar, document and set data types
- Can be used for session state cache
- Can have Global Tables, that are multi-region, fully replicated, and high performance
- Concurrency Model
- DynamoDB is Optimistic Locking database
- Optimistic locking
- Assumes that no conflict will occur
- Data are read, the transaction processed, updates are issued, and then a check is made to see if conflict occurred
- If a conflict occurred it is rolled back and repeated until successful
- Items can be updated while being sure that it has not changed before further alterations
- Writes can be conditional (based on previous conditions) or atomic (increase by x)
- Can define a per-row TTL to mark items for automated deletion after certain date/time
- The TTL is a Number attribute with an UNIX epoch timestamp as expiration date
- Table Operations
- Cleanup
- Scan and Delete ⇒ Slow, expensive, inefficient
and recreate ⇒ Fast, cheap and efficient
- Copy
- Use AWS DataPipeline (leverages EMR) ⇒ Best solution
- Create a backup and restore it in a new table ⇒ Might take some time
- Scan and Write ⇒ Super inefficient
- Cleanup
- Partition key only (hash)
- Unique for each item
- Diverse so that data is distributed
- Partition key and Sort key
- Combination must be unique
- Data is grouped by partition key and sorted by sort key (also called range key)
- Choosing a Partition key
- High cardinality
- Maximizes distribution
- Data is divided in partitions based on the hash of the partition key
- Can calculate the number of partitions with the formula
$CEIL(MAX((RCU/3000+WCU/1000),(SIZE/10GB))$ - Can optimize partitions with Write Sharding, or adding random but predictable suffix to partition keys in order to spread writes across multiple partitions
- Read and write capacities have to be provisioned per table
- Can set up auto-scaling of RCU/WCU but it's more expensive
- Throughput can be exceeded temporarily with burst credit but if you don't have any credit you get a
error - These errors can be from hot keys, hot partition or very large items
- Reads can be either Strongly consistent or eventually consistent
- RCUs and WCUs are spread evenly among partitions
- Read Capacity Units (RCU)
- 1 RCU = 1 strongly consistent read/second or 2 eventually consistent read/second for items up to 4KB
- More KB, more RCUs
- KBs are rounded up ⇒ 4.5KB item needs 2 WCUs
- Write Capacity Units (WCU)
- 1 WCU = 1 write/second for an item up to 1KB
- More KB, more WCUs
- KBs are rounded up ⇒ 2.5KB item needs 3 WCUs
- Up to 5 alternate range keys for a table, local to the hash key
- Must be exactly one scalar attribute, either String, Number or Binary
- Eventually consistent or strongly consistent reads
- Partition key must be the same as the base table
- Shares capacity with base table
- Defined at table creation time
- Made of partition key and optional sort key
- Creates a new table where you can project attributes on
- Has its own provisioned capacity
- Can be modified or updated whenver
- Only eventually consistent reads
- If GSI's WCU are throttled, also the base table's writes will be throttled
- A changelog stream of all CUD activities in DynamoDB
- Built on shards like Kinesis, but automatically provisioned by AWS
- Can be read by EC2/Lambda (as Event Source Mapping) to react in quasi-real-time to changes
- Needed for cross-region replication
- Streams data is retained for 24 hours
- Can choose what data is sent to the stream
- KEYS_ONLY ⇒ Only key attributes of the item
- NEW_IMAGE ⇒ Full item after modification
- OLD_IMAGE ⇒ Full item before modification
- NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES ⇒ Full item both before and after modification
- All-or-nothing CUD operations on multiple rows in different tables at the same time
- Consumes twice the amount on RCU/WCU
- Seamless cache for DynamoDB
- All writes pass though DAX, microsecond latency for cached queries or reads
- Solves throttling issues for hot key reads
- 5 minutes TTL, multi-AZ, up to 10 nodes in the cluster
- Use in combination with ElastiCache if you cache data aggregation results
⇒ Create or fully replace dataUpdateItem
⇒ Partial replacement of dataDeleteItem
⇒ Delete one row/itemDeleteTable
⇒ Delete entire tableConditionExpression
⇒ Conditional write/update based on rulesBatchWriteItem
⇒ Up to 25PutItem
parallel calls (16MB max, 400KB per item)GetItem
⇒ Retrieve item based on primary key, eventually consistent by default but can set to strongly consistentProjectionExpression
⇒ Specify which attributes to retrieveBatchGetItem
⇒ Up to 100 items at a time (16MB max)Query
⇒ Return item based onPartitionKey
, optionalSortKey
range and client-sideFilterExpression
(Up to 1MB of data or number specified by a limit)- CLI related flags
⇒ Attributes to retrieve--filter-expression
⇒ Filter results once received--page-size
⇒ Reduce page size for call optimization--max-items
⇒ Maximum number of results returned by call, returns alsoNextToken
⇒ WhichNextToken
to use to resume reading
- API service to manage REST APIs in a serverless architecture
- Supports WebSockets for real-time applications like chat, collaboration, multiplayer, etc...
- Handles environments, versions, security, API Keys, request throttling and validation, etc...
- Can import/export APIs using Swagger/OpenAPI
- Integrates with Lambda, HTTP, or any AWS Service
- Soft limit of 10,000 requests per second across all APIs per account (429 Error)
- Cache API responses
- Default TTL is 300s, min 0s, max 3600s
- Defined at stage level
- Can override cache settings at the method level
- Capacity between 0.5GB and 237GB
- Client can invalidate cache using header
with proper IAM
- Multiple endpoint types
- Edge-Optimized ⇒ Via CloudFront Edge locations
- Regional ⇒ For users in one specific region
- Private ⇒ Accessed within a VPC
- Mock
- Returns a response without connecting to the backend
- Used for development and tests
- Must configure integration request and response
- Can use mapping templates for request and response
- Mapping templates
- Used to modify request and response
- Rename/modify query string parameters, content of the body, headers
- Uses Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL)
- Lambda Proxy
- Request is the unmodified input to the Lambda
- Can't use mappings for headers, query string parameters as they are passed as arguments
- Lambda response is forwarded to the client
- HTTP Proxy
- HTTP request is directly passed to the backend
- Can't use mappings for headers, query string parameters as they are passed as arguments
- HTTP response is forwarded to the client
- For changes to be effective and accessible, APIs have to be deployed
- Changes are deployed to stages
- Each stage gets its own configuration parameters and can be rolled back as they are versioned
- Can deploy stages using Canary deployment
- Can set per-stage request limit to avoid account-level throttling
- Stage Variables
- API Gateway equivalent of environment variables
- Used to parametrize configuration values
- Can be passed to Lambda/HTTP endpoints as context to configure specific parameters
- Example: Stage variable that points to a Lambda alias for testing different versions
- You need to add the correct resource-based policy via CLI to each Lambda alias
- Can define configurations for customers to be able to access APIs as service
- Users must supply API Key in the
header with their API calls - Settings that can be modified
- Who can access API stages and methods
- How many calls they can make and how frequently
- Use API Keys to meter connections and usage (generated by API Gateway or third party)
- Throttling and quota limits
- Configuration steps
- Create APIs, configure methods to require API Keys and deploy to a Stage
- Generate or import API Keys to provide to customers
- Create usage plans with desired configuration
- Associate API Stage and API Keys with usage plan
- CloudWatch Logs at stage level
- X-Ray to enable tracing at request level in API Gateway and get full picture of API routes
- CloudWatch Metrics
⇒ Cache efficiencyCount
⇒ Total API requestsIntegrationLatency
⇒ Time between relaying a request to backend and receiving a responseLatency
⇒ Time between receiving request from client and return a response to the client
- Errors
(client-side) ⇒ 400 bad request, 403 access denied, 429 throttle5XXError
(server-side) ⇒ 502 bad gateway exception, 503 service unavailable, 504 integration failure (timeout)
- Must be enabled to receive API calls from another domain
- Can be enabled via console
- Pre-flight request must contain three headers
- Access-Control-Allow-Methods
- Access-Control-Allow-Headers
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- For Lambda Proxy, CORS must be enabled in the Lambda function return statement as its headers can't be modified due to being just relayed as-is
- IAM based ⇒ For users/roles already in your AWS account/organization
- IAM Permissions
- Policy authorization attached to User/Role
- Authentication is via IAM, authorization is via IAM Policy
- Uses SigV4 where IAM credentials are in the header of the requests
- API Gateway does IAM policy check at request time
- Resource Policies
- Allow to set policies on the API Gateway to give specific users access to API gateway
- Used for cross account access, VPC endpoints or whitelisting IP addresses
- IAM Permissions
- Cognito User Pools ⇒ Already integrated with AWS, manage your user pool
- Fully managed user lifecycle with automatic token expiration
- Used for authentication, while authorization is handled by each API Gateway Methods
- Lambda Authorizer ⇒ For 3rd party tokens
- Token-based authorizer (JWT, OAuth)
- Returns ad-hoc IAM Principal and IAM Policy which is cached
- Authentication is via 3rd party, authorization is via Lambda
- Serverless workflow to orchestrate Lambda functions
- Support sequential calls, parallel calls, conditional calls, timeouts, error handling, etc...
- Integrates with EC2, ECS, API Gateway, SQS, on-prem servers
- Can require human approval steps
- Max execution of 1 year
- Standard workflow
- 1 year duration
- 2000 execution starts per second
- 4000 state transitions per second
- Pay per state transition
- Execution can be debugged with CloudWatch Logs and Step Function console
- Exactly-once execution
- Express workflow
- 5 minutes duration
- 100,000+ execution starts per second
- Unlimited state transitions per second
- Pay per execution, duration and memory consumption
- Execution can be debugged with CloudWatch Logs
- At-least-once execution
- Used to provide users outside of your account access to interact with AWS-hosted applications
- Comprises Cognito User Pools, Cognito Identity Pools and Cognito Sync (which is deprecated)
- Serverless user database for web and mobile apps
- Handles login, password reset, email/phone verification, MFA, SAML/OpenID authentication
- Uses JWT as login output
- Can use a Hosted UI to handle your website's login
- Triggers ⇒ Custom Lambda functions that can be triggered at specific authentication stages
- Auth events
- Pre-authentication ⇒ Custom validation
- Post-authentication ⇒ Event logging
- Pre-Token generation ⇒ Custom token suppression
- Sign-Up events
- Pre-signup ⇒ Custom validation
- Post-signup ⇒ Custom messages, analytics
- Migrate user ⇒ From existing user directory to Cognito User Pools
- Messages
- Custom message ⇒ Localization or personalization
- Token Creation
- Pre-Token generation ⇒ Customize token attributes
- Auth events
- Used to provide temporary AWS credentials to access services in our accounts
- Identity providers include public ones (Facebook, etc...), Cognito User Pool, SAML/OpenID, custom third-party login servers or unauthenticated guest access
- Users can then access services via API Gateway or directly with Cognito-defined IAM policies
- Temporary (up to 1 hour) access to AWS resources
⇒ Role within account or cross accountAssumeRoleWithSAML
⇒ User logged in with SAMLGetSessionToken
⇒ For MFAGetFederationToken
⇒ For federated usersGetCallerIdentity
⇒ Returns caller's IAM user/role detailDecodeAuthorizationMessage
⇒ Decode error message when AWS API call is denied
- Centralized security/permission management, account creation tool using Active Directory
- AWS Managed Microsoft AD
- Create AD in AWS, manage it locally, use MFA
- Trust connection with on-prem AD
- AWS AD Connector
- Proxy redirect to on-prem AD
- Users can be managed only on on-prem AD
- AWS Simple AD
- AD-compatible managed directory on AWS
- Can't be joined with on-prem AD
- AWS managed keys to control access to data
- Full IAM integration for authorization
- Integrates with most AWS services
- Full management of keys (creation, enable/disable) and policies (rotation)
- Key usage is tracked by CloudTrail
- KMS API calls are billed at $0.03/10,000 calls
- KMS can encrypt up to 4KB of data per call
- Envelope Encryption
- Used for encrypting data larger than 4KB
- Uses
KMS API Call - AWS offers Encryption SDK for Java, Python, C and JavaScript
- SDK offers key caching to reduce API calls
- To access KMS, key policy must allow user and IAM policy must allow API calls
- KMS Keys are region-specific
- Key Policies
- Control access to KMS keys
- Can't control access without policies, so if there's no policy no one can access the key
- Default key policy gives full access to root account
- KMS Quotas
- KMS has a global quota for cryptographic operations per second
- They are between 5,500 and 30,000 for symmetric keys and 500 or below for asymmetric
- If quota is exceeded, requests are throttled
- Can increase the quota via CLI/AWS Support or use Key caching to reduce API calls
- Symmetric ⇒ AES-256
- Single encryption key used for both decryption and encryption
- AWS Services use symmetric keys
- Used in envelope encryption
- You will never have access to the unencrypted key but must use KMS API to use it
- Asymmetric ⇒ RSA and ECC key pairs
- Public (encrypt) and private (decrypt) key pair
- Used for encryption/decryption and for sign/verify operations
- Public key can be downloaded, private key is not accessible
- Used for encryption outside of the AWS environment when there's no access to KMS API
- CMK creation
- AWS Managed ⇒ Service default, free
- User keys created in KMS ⇒ $1/month
- User keys imported (symmetric AES-256) ⇒ $1/month
⇒ Encrypts up to 4KB of dataDecrypt
⇒ Decrypts up to 4KB of data including data encryption keys (DEK)GenerateDataKey
⇒ Generates unique symmetric DEK returns plaintext copy of data key and encrypted version using a CMK that you specifyGenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext
⇒ Used to generate a DEK to be used at a later time, must useDecrypt
- Serverless secure storage of secrets and configurations
- Version control of secrets/configurations
- Integrates with KMS, CloudFormation, CloudWatch Events
- Parameter policies ⇒ TTL or notifications related to specific parameters
- Parameter tiers
- Standard
- 10,000 total number of parameters stored
- 4KB max parameter size
- No parameter-specific policies available
- Free of charge
- Standard throughput free, higher throughput (1000 req/second) $0.05x10,000 calls
- Advanced
- 100,000 total number of parameters stored
- 8KB max parameter size
- Parameter-specific policies available
- $0.05 per parameter per month
- Standard and higher throughput (1000 req/second) $0.05x10,000 calls
- Standard
- Sole goal of storing secrets but very expensive
- Only supports encrypted secrets
- Can force rotation of secrets on schedule
- Currently supported secrets
- Database credentials (RDS, Redshift, DocumentDB, etc...) ⇒ Username/Password
- Other secrets (like API keys) ⇒ Key-value pairs
- Managed GraphQL service
- Integrates with DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Aurora and other services
- Retrieve real-time data using WebSockets
- Local data access and synchronization for mobile apps
- Send email to SMTP interfaces and AWS SDK
- Receive email with integrations with S3, SNS and Lambda
- Host public SSL certificates in AWS, either AWS provided or third-party provided
- Integrates with ELB, CloudFront, API Gateway