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Declarative Interface Translation

Specification -> Elixir Code -> API

The problem

As an application engineer, I need a simple way of interfacing with programs/services that provide the required functionality. The conventional approach to the problem is creating client libraries. Such a library usually does three simple things:

  1. Translate data structures provided by the programming language (e.g. Elixir) to data required by another program (e.g. GET request to a URL with params).
  2. Call the program (e.g. make HTTP request).
  3. Translate the result (e.g. JSON response) to the language's data structures.

However, each such translation must be explicitly coded. And this leads to a decent amount of boilerplate code.

The idea

These kinds of translations can be expressed in declarative way via specifications expressed as a data structure.

The solution

The specification can be provided using a JSON DSL that describes the interface to a service. The client library code is generated from the specification. The JSON is chosen as the specification language because it is easy to translate to Elixir data structures: JSON objects are translated to maps, JSON arrays are translated to lists, etc.

Consider a simple example. Let's say we are going to use the Agify service. It predicts age of a person by name. To use it we need to send a simple HTTP get request to it and take the age data from the response.

The JSON specification for the service would be:

  "name": "agify",
  "client": {
    "module": "OctopusClientHttpFinch",
    "start": {
      "base_url": ""
  "interface": {
    "age_for_name": {
      "input": {
        "name": {"type": "string"}
      "prepare": {
        "method": "GET",
        "path": "/",
        "params": {
          "name": "args['name']"
      "call": {
        "parse_json_body": true
      "transform": {
        "age": "get_in(args, ['body', 'age'])"
      "output": {
        "age": {"type": "number"}

First, it says how what kind of client will be used - OctopusClientHttpFinch. This is a low-level client that does basic communication with the HTTP API, and the module must exist in you app either as dependency or just a module in your code. See the OctopusClientHttpFinch and see the Clients section.

Second, it describes the interface of the service. In this case it has only one function - age_for_name. There are 5 optional steps in the interface definition:

  1. input - describes the input data structure. If specified, the input data is validated against it. Octopus uses JSON Schema for data definition and validation.
  2. prepare - describes how the transformations needed to be done to the input data to make it ready for the call: path, method, params, headers, etc.
  3. call - configures the actual call to the service. Here it just says that the response body should be parsed as JSON.
  4. transform - describes how the result of the call should be transformed. In this case it just takes the name field from the response body.
  5. output - describes the output data structure. The output data is validated against it.

The definition can also be provided as an Elixir data structure:

definition = %{
  "name" => "agify",
  "client" => %{
    "module" => "OctopusClientHttpFinch",
    "start" => %{"base_url" => ""}
  "interface" => %{
    "age_for_name" => %{
      "input" => %{"name" => %{"type" => "string"}},
      "prepare" => %{
        "method" => "GET",
        "params" => %{"name" => "args['name']"},
        "path" => "/"
      "call" => %{"parse_json_body" => true},
      "transform" => %{"age" => "get_in(args, ['body', 'age'])"},
      "output" => %{"age" => %{"type" => "number"}}

Please note that strings are used as keys in the input data structure. The idea is to close to the JSON as possible, and JSON doesn't have atom type.


There are two steps in the interface definition that transforms the data: prepare and transform. You see

"params" => %{"name" => "args['name']"}


"name" => "get_in(args, ['body', 'name'])"

The value-stings are evaluated as Elixir code. The args variable contains data from a previous step. Only some Kernel functions and functions from Access module are available there. There is also possible to add custom helpers for the transformation steps. See Custom Helpers section.

The magic

Having the declaration above (and OctopusClientHttpFinch also) one can create the client service by running:


This will create the Octpus.Services.Agify module with a bunch of functions that are parameterized according to the specification. One shouldn't use these function directly, but rather call them via Octopus API. First, the service should be started:


Then, the service can be called:

iex(1)>"agify", "age_for_name", %{"name" => "Anton"})
{:ok, %{"age" => 50}}

Again, note, that strings are used as keys in the input data structure.

See octopus_test.exs for other functions in Octopus.

Exceptions and error handling

When exception happens in any step, Octopus will return

{:error, %Octopus.CallError{}}

The %Octopus.CallError{} struct has the following fields:

:step - :input | :prepare | :call | :transorm | :output | :error
:error - original error,
:message - string message,
:stacktrace - stacktrace (string produced by Exception.format_stacktrace)

It is possible to handle "expected" client errors (not exceptions). If client returns {:error, error} tuple than the error can be processed in the "error" step.

The "step", "error", "message", and "stacktrace" are available in "args"

For example, if the "error" step is specified in the "interface" section

"error": {
  "step": "args['step']",
  "error": "args['error']",
  "message": "args['message']",
  "stacktrace": "args['stacktrace']",
  "foo": "unfortunately an error occured :("

then Octopus will return {:ok, result}, where result will have the fields defined in the "error" step.

The "transform" and "output" step will be skipped in that case.

The following diagram represent the possible flows:

Octopus data flow


Since we translate the interface to JSON it becomes easy to interact with them via HTTP JSON API. OctopusAgent is a simple HTTP JSON API server that can be used to interact with the services. See the OctopusAgent for more details.


Clients are the low-level modules that do the actual communication with the service. One can find the examples in the umbrella apps here:

You can use them as a dependency or just copy-paste the code to your project. The client must implement three functions (see the Octopus.Client behaviour):


@spec start(map(), map(), atom()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}
def start(args, configs, service_module) do
  # `args` comes from Octopus.start("my_service", args)
  # `configs` comes from the "start" section of the specification
  # `service_module` is the module of the defined service (like Octopus.Services.MyService) 

The returned map represents the state of the client. It will be passed to the call and stop functions.


@spec stop(map(), map(), any()) :: :ok | {:error, :not_found}
def stop(args, configs, state) do
  # `args` comes from Octopus.stop("my_service", args)
  # `configs` comes from the "stop" section of the specification
  # `state` is the map returned from the start function 


@spec call(map(), map(), any()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}
def call(args, configs, state) do
  # `args` comes from"my_service", "my_function", args)
  # `configs` comes from the "call" section of the specification
  # `state` is the map returned from the start function

Custom Helpers

It is possible to add custom helpers for the transformation steps. One can add list of helper modules to the helpers key in the specification:

  "name": "my_service",
  "helpers": ["MyCustomHelpers", "AnotherHelpers"],
  "client": ...,
  "interface": ...,

The modules must exist (be compiled) before the service is defined. Functions from the modules will be available in the transformation steps. If, for example, you have:

defmodule MyCustomHelpers do
  def inc_by_one(number), do: number + 1

You can use the inc_by_one function in the transformation step:

"prepare" => %{"y" => "inc_by_one(args['x'])"},
"transform" => %{"z" => "inc_by_one(args)"},


  • use "Octopus.Lambda" ("octopus.lambda") instead of "octopus.elixir-module-client"
  • templates in service start/stop


Declarative Interface Translation






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