The CVRG and Tutorial meets weekly to discuss (mostly) recent papers in computer vision and related topics. There are also tutorial sessions, aim to introduce fundamental topics in computer vision in two/three consecutive sessions. For the reading groups, all participants are encouraged read the papers before the meeting since the presenter will only be giving an overview (15-20 minutes). The remaining time will be dedicated to the discussion of the paper, led by the presenter. For tutorials, the lecturer(s) will walk you through the main concepts, theory, and applications of the topic that will be presented.
This tutorial covers an introduction to generative models, deep autoregressive models, variational autoencoders, normalizing flows, generative adversarial networks, and energy-based models. This is a three-session tutorial provided by Fatemeh Saleh, Sadegh Aliakbarian, and Xin Yu.
This tutorial covers the important concepts in 3D vision including dense matching, photometric 3D reconstruction, and an overview of deep learning on 3D point clouds. This is a four-session tutorial provided by Yiran Zhong, Ziang Cheng, and Itzik Ben-Shabat.
In this tutorial we will cover the general setup and basic ideas of reinforcement learning. This is a two-session tutorial provided by Chamin Hewa Koneputugodage and Jaskirat Singh.