contract is dispatching events on EVM that represent demand of the user (represented with an EVM address) to claim available, assigned (to the user's address) Ator tokens.
(using prefilled wallet + refilled by users) is subscribed to these EVM events and upon receival of user provided gas budget:
- fetches current value of tokens allocated to a given user from Arweave
- uses the user provided gas budget to update
with currently claimable Ator tokens
contract is tracking the amounts of tokens claimed by user addresses.
contract can receive Ator tokens that will available to be claimed.
is using its Ator tokens to allow users claiming available reward balance and transfer Ator tokens to their EVM address.
Built on top of the OpenZeppelin framework, developed using HardHat env.
$ npm i
$ npx hardhat test --network localhost
$ npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.ts