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Album Art is squished #642

EpicLiem opened this issue Dec 19, 2024 · 3 comments

Album Art is squished #642

EpicLiem opened this issue Dec 19, 2024 · 3 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
The album art is squished as seen in the attached screenshot.


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug.
Play a song, and look at album art.

Expected behaviour
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Square Album art

Log and backtrace
Log and backtrace of a run reproducing the bug to help debug the issue, which are usually located in $HOME/.cache/spotify-player/.

Please refer to this URL for more details.

2024-12-19T02:05:12.262650Z  INFO spotify_player: Configurations: Configs { app_config: AppConfig { theme: "dracula", client_id: "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", client_id_command: None, client_port: 8080, login_redirect_uri: "", player_event_hook_command: None, playback_format: "{status} {track} • {artists}\n{album}\n{metadata}", notify_format: NotifyFormat { summary: "{track} • {artists}", body: "{album}" }, notify_timeout_in_secs: 0, tracks_playback_limit: 50, proxy: None, ap_port: None, app_refresh_duration_in_ms: 32, playback_refresh_duration_in_ms: 0, page_size_in_rows: 20, play_icon: "▶", pause_icon: "▌▌", liked_icon: "♥", border_type: Plain, progress_bar_type: Rectangle, layout: LayoutConfig { library: LibraryLayoutConfig { playlist_percent: 40, album_percent: 40 }, playback_window_position: Top, playback_window_height: 6 }, cover_img_length: 9, cover_img_width: 5, cover_img_scale: 1.0, enable_media_control: true, enable_streaming: Always, enable_notify: true, enable_cover_image_cache: true, default_device: "spotify-player", device: DeviceConfig { name: "spotify-player", device_type: "speaker", volume: 70, bitrate: 320, audio_cache: false, normalization: false, autoplay: false }, notify_streaming_only: false, seek_duration_secs: 5 }, keymap_config: KeymapConfig { keymaps: [Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('n'))] }, command: NextTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('p'))] }, command: PreviousTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('.'))] }, command: PlayRandom }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char(' '))] }, command: ResumePause }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('r'))] }, command: Repeat }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Alt(Char('r'))] }, command: ToggleFakeTrackRepeatMode }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('s'))] }, command: Shuffle }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('+'))] }, command: VolumeChange { offset: 5 } }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('-'))] }, command: VolumeChange { offset: -5 } }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('_'))] }, command: Mute }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('>'))] }, command: SeekForward }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('<'))] }, command: SeekBackward }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Enter)] }, command: ChooseSelected }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('r'))] }, command: RefreshPlayback }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('/'))] }, command: Search }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('z'))] }, command: Queue }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('z'))] }, command: AddSelectedItemToQueue }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('Z'))] }, command: AddSelectedItemToQueue }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char(' '))] }, command: ShowActionsOnSelectedItem }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: ShowActionsOnSelectedItem }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('a'))] }, command: ShowActionsOnCurrentTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('R'))] }, command: RestartIntegratedClient }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Tab)] }, command: FocusNextWindow }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(BackTab)] }, command: FocusPreviousWindow }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('T'))] }, command: SwitchTheme }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('D'))] }, command: SwitchDevice }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('p'))] }, command: BrowseUserPlaylists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: BrowseUserFollowedArtists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('A'))] }, command: BrowseUserSavedAlbums }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char(' '))] }, command: CurrentlyPlayingContextPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('t'))] }, command: TopTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('r'))] }, command: RecentlyPlayedTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('y'))] }, command: LikedTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('L'))] }, command: LyricsPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('l'))] }, command: LyricsPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('l'))] }, command: LibraryPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('s'))] }, command: SearchPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('b'))] }, command: BrowsePage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Backspace)] }, command: PreviousPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('q'))] }, command: PreviousPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('O'))] }, command: OpenSpotifyLinkFromClipboard }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('?'))] }, command: OpenCommandHelp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('h'))] }, command: OpenCommandHelp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('q'))] }, command: Quit }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('c'))] }, command: Quit }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Esc)] }, command: ClosePopup }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('j'))] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('n'))] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Down)] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('k'))] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('p'))] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Up)] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(PageUp)] }, command: PageSelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('b'))] }, command: PageSelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(PageDown)] }, command: PageSelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('f'))] }, command: PageSelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('g'))] }, command: SelectFirstOrScrollToTop }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Home)] }, command: SelectFirstOrScrollToTop }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('G'))] }, command: SelectLastOrScrollToBottom }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(End)] }, command: SelectLastOrScrollToBottom }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('t'))] }, command: SortTrackByTitle }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: SortTrackByArtists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('A'))] }, command: SortTrackByAlbum }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('d'))] }, command: SortTrackByDuration }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('D'))] }, command: SortTrackByAddedDate }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('r'))] }, command: ReverseTrackOrder }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('k'))] }, command: MovePlaylistItemUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('j'))] }, command: MovePlaylistItemDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('N'))] }, command: CreatePlaylist }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('c'))] }, command: JumpToCurrentTrackInContext }], actions: [] }, theme_config: ThemeConfig { themes: [Theme { name: "default", palette: Palette { background: None, foreground: None, black: Color { color: Black }, blue: Color { color: Blue }, cyan: Color { color: Cyan }, green: Color { color: Green }, magenta: Color { color: Magenta }, red: Color { color: Red }, white: Color { color: Gray }, yellow: Color { color: Yellow }, bright_black: Color { color: DarkGray }, bright_white: Color { color: White }, bright_red: Color { color: LightRed }, bright_magenta: Color { color: LightMagenta }, bright_green: Color { color: LightGreen }, bright_cyan: Color { color: LightCyan }, bright_blue: Color { color: LightBlue }, bright_yellow: Color { color: LightYellow } }, component_style: ComponentStyle { block_title: None, border: None, playback_status: None, playback_track: None, playback_artists: None, playback_album: None, playback_metadata: None, playback_progress_bar: None, playback_progress_bar_unfilled: None, current_playing: None, page_desc: None, playlist_desc: None, table_header: None, selection: None, secondary_row: None, like: None, lyrics_played: None } }] }, cache_folder: "/home/liem/.cache/spotify-player" }
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262761Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Loading Playlists data from /home/liem/.cache/spotify-player/Playlists_cache.json...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262878Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Successfully loaded Playlists data!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262886Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Loading FollowedArtists data from /home/liem/.cache/spotify-player/FollowedArtists_cache.json...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262900Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Successfully loaded FollowedArtists data!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262902Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Loading SavedShows data from /home/liem/.cache/spotify-player/SavedShows_cache.json...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262912Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Successfully loaded SavedShows data!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262915Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Loading SavedAlbums data from /home/liem/.cache/spotify-player/SavedAlbums_cache.json...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262955Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Successfully loaded SavedAlbums data!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.262958Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Loading SavedTracks data from /home/liem/.cache/spotify-player/SavedTracks_cache.json...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.264319Z  INFO spotify_player::state::data: Successfully loaded SavedTracks data!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285050Z  INFO spotify_player::auth: Using cached credentials
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285060Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Application's connect configurations: ConnectConfig { name: "spotify-player", device_type: Speaker, is_group: false, initial_volume: Some(45875), has_volume_ctrl: true }
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285070Z  INFO librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer: Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285080Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Initializing a new integrated player with device_id=0c8e94f0-ff54-444a-9ca4-ac35022216ed
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285143Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Starting an integrated Spotify player using librespot's spirc protocol
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285195Z  INFO librespot_playback::convert: Converting with ditherer: tpdf    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285208Z  INFO librespot_playback::audio_backend::rodio: Using Rodio sink with format S16 and cpal host: ALSA    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.285211Z  INFO librespot_playback::audio_backend::rodio: Using audio device: default    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.460426Z  INFO librespot_core::session: Connecting to AP ""    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.646317Z  INFO librespot_core::session: Authenticated as 'ft706v3ueq6vk1u4hswlxbma2' !    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.646578Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: New streaming connection has been established!
2024-12-19T02:05:12.646586Z  INFO spotify_player::client: Used a new session for Spotify client.
2024-12-19T02:05:12.646595Z  INFO spotify_player::token: Getting a new authentication token...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.646605Z  INFO librespot_core::session: Country: "US"    
2024-12-19T02:05:12.758016Z  INFO spotify_player::token: Got new token: Token { access_token: "BQBSKRcCNVsxs4HlpD58UIFakMNtZCLjOhkRxVrAmDiGx-0nY03dnMIoEjKHOj8XeFj-8Sq6hrzbh5F-8a51nakMLlz9YILZqZfy-QawaYTWW3TWpNS6AqkEwvz_Tq0XBZnkz-ppNSpYsCxTOYgVLgnTlOJrJT5DJSBeV_IszmJj3KVRU7TTJlPeQlngqVZdaEzF8sC-YoCUkFF2JDhs4Yh2IRoEmJ798150WyH9_LY4yoE70fpkOoUzOwpjaUoATWJCN8_VeGz5UuU_p2WRRXuIFpk-KOTModqnnTiFl7b9Dit--2hQ0A2FIjEIMGVU2RWVQcRq_138m_ECM3AQr0jkNBm_x561_9606ZHhwM4QAgj-zPtwPlZBiw", expires_in: TimeDelta { secs: 3600, nanos: 0 }, expires_at: Some(2024-12-19T03:05:12.758012131Z), refresh_token: None, scopes: {} }
2024-12-19T02:05:12.758146Z  INFO spotify_player: Starting a client socket at
2024-12-19T02:05:12.758777Z  INFO spotify_player::media_control: Initializing application's media control event watcher...
2024-12-19T02:05:12.862525Z  INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentUser}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 104ms
2024-12-19T02:05:12.900843Z  INFO client_request{request=GetUserFollowedArtists}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 142ms
2024-12-19T02:05:12.999989Z  INFO client_request{request=GetUserSavedShows}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 241ms
2024-12-19T02:05:13.105784Z  INFO client_request{request=GetUserSavedAlbums}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 347ms
2024-12-19T02:05:13.790239Z  INFO client_request{request=GetUserPlaylists}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 1031ms
2024-12-19T02:05:13.878474Z  WARN spotify_player::client: No device found. Please make sure you already setup Spotify Connect support as described in
2024-12-19T02:05:13.878514Z  INFO spotify_player::client: Trying to connect to device (id=0c8e94f0-ff54-444a-9ca4-ac35022216ed)
2024-12-19T02:05:13.913259Z  WARN spotify_player::client: No device found. Please make sure you already setup Spotify Connect support as described in
2024-12-19T02:05:13.913293Z  INFO spotify_player::client: Trying to connect to device (id=0c8e94f0-ff54-444a-9ca4-ac35022216ed)
2024-12-19T02:05:13.981180Z  INFO spotify_player::client: Connection succeeded (device_id=0c8e94f0-ff54-444a-9ca4-ac35022216ed)!
2024-12-19T02:05:13.981995Z  INFO librespot_connect::spirc: No more tracks left in queue    
2024-12-19T02:05:13.982013Z  INFO librespot_core::spclient: Resolved "" as spclient access point    
2024-12-19T02:05:14.032267Z  INFO spotify_player::client: Connection succeeded (device_id=0c8e94f0-ff54-444a-9ca4-ac35022216ed)!
2024-12-19T02:05:14.069070Z ERROR librespot_connect::spirc: ContextError: Error { kind: NotFound, error: StatusCode(404) }    
2024-12-19T02:05:14.069096Z  INFO librespot_connect::spirc: No more tracks left in queue    
2024-12-19T02:05:14.122102Z ERROR librespot_connect::spirc: ContextError: Error { kind: NotFound, error: StatusCode(404) }    
2024-12-19T02:05:14.423250Z  INFO client_request{request=GetUserSavedTracks}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 1664ms
2024-12-19T02:05:33.783174Z  INFO spotify_player::client::handlers: Current context ID (None) is different from the expected ID (Some(Playlist(PlaylistId("0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh")))), update the context state
2024-12-19T02:05:33.783292Z  INFO client_request{request=GetContext(Playlist(PlaylistId("0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh")))}: spotify_player::client: Get playlist context: spotify:playlist:0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh
2024-12-19T02:05:33.963968Z  INFO client_request{request=GetContext(Playlist(PlaylistId("0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh")))}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 180ms
2024-12-19T02:05:39.855665Z  INFO librespot_playback::player: Loading <SKELETONS> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:6NMtzpDQBTOfJwMzgMX0zl>    
2024-12-19T02:05:39.899332Z  INFO client_request{request=Player(StartPlayback(Context(Playlist(PlaylistId("0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh")), Some(Uri("spotify:track:6NMtzpDQBTOfJwMzgMX0zl"))), None))}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 229ms
2024-12-19T02:05:40.076789Z  INFO librespot_playback::player: <SKELETONS> (145588 ms) loaded    
2024-12-19T02:05:40.076937Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got a new player event: Changed { playable_id: Track(TrackId("6NMtzpDQBTOfJwMzgMX0zl")) }
2024-12-19T02:05:40.076969Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got a new player event: Playing { playable_id: Track(TrackId("6NMtzpDQBTOfJwMzgMX0zl")), position_ms: 0 }
2024-12-19T02:05:40.199742Z  INFO librespot_connect::spirc: Resolved 50 tracks from <"spotify:playlist:0QnLjWOfmjd4buIVMEQfSh">    
2024-12-19T02:05:41.940781Z  INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentUserQueue}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 149ms
2024-12-19T02:06:06.408338Z  INFO client_request{request=Player(ResumePause)}: spotify_player::client: Successfully handled the client request, took: 62ms
2024-12-19T02:06:06.665026Z  INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got a new player event: Paused { playable_id: Track(TrackId("6NMtzpDQBTOfJwMzgMX0zl")), position_ms: 26581 }

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.



  • OS: Arch Linux (rolling)
  • Application version: 0.20.4
  • Application features: all features

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

@EpicLiem EpicLiem added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 19, 2024
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Probably should include that I'm using kitty on hyprland

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elsoods commented Dec 19, 2024

Same here, using Kitty or Alacritty in Plasma 6.

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m4r1vs commented Jan 9, 2025

Try adjusting cover_img_width and cover_img_height in .config/spotify-player/app.toml. This works for me:

cover_img_width = 7
cover_img_length = 16

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3 participants