clearly the world needs more lock blocks
This mod currently adds:
Dream Lock Block
An inactive dream block that can be unlocked to become active.
Glass Lock Block
A Lock Block version of vanilla's Glass Block. Allows visual customizability via the Glass Lock Block Controller.
Glass Lock Block Controller
Allows per-room customization of the visuals of Glass Lock Blocks.
All lock blocks have customizable lock sprites and unlock sounds, and are compatible with both vanilla and Dzhake Helper keys (though you can customize which of these and which Dzhake Helper key groups work per block). Compatibility with other mods' key types (such as Crystalline Keyberries) is not guaranteed.
Please reach out to me (@aonkeeper4) in Celestecord if you have any feedback / bug reports / feature requests, however this is kind of a thing I made on a whim so things might take a while.