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我和你的情况差不多 也遇到了相同的问题 但是我们数据量稍微大点500w 方便加下vx:jccccccc 交流沟通下吗 |
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内存大正常 你的dag显示有很多步 每步 都要 读写 rocksdb 的 、hash 和 join 等都浪费内存,提示:这种不是cdc的问题 应该去flink社区提问 |
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现在我们公司内部使用flink sql实现将小规模的mysql数据实时同步到elasticsearch中,目前没有使用直接flink-cdc方案,而是使用debezium + kafka + flink sql的方式,后面大概率还会有不少实时同步的任务需求。但目前遇到了一些问题,主要是资源消耗的问题与方案的扩展性稳定性,制约着我们进一步大规模使用fink sql方式实现实时同步的任务。
jobmanage + 3taskmanage standalone集群
目前我们运行的任务有10个,并行度设置都是1,mysql表的数据量都不大(最大的表20万左右),但运行时消耗的资源却很大(公司资源有限,领导希望能降低内存使用的大小),其中最复杂的一个任务关联的表有11张,内存使用也最大。请问有什么方法能大幅度降低flink job的运行内存?
flink job任务:

最复杂的flink sql code:
streamTableEnvironment.executeSql("insert into sink_article\n" + " select t.id,t.title,t.articleNo,t.authorName,t.publicNo,t.puretext as content,t.introduction,e.
keyword,LOWER(e.keyword) as keywordlk,c.flags,d.cates,c.flagNos,d.cateNos,t.deleteFlag,t.putWay," + "t.readTimes,if(f.likes is null ,0,cast(f.likes as integer)) AS likes,if(j.collections is null ,0,cast(j.collections as integer)) AS collections,if(g.comments is null ,0,cast(g.comments as integer)) AS comments,if(h.forwards is null ,0,cast(h.forwards as integer)) AS forwards," + " (t.registerDate/1000) as registerDate,t.isOriginal, i.articleNo as exportNo\n" + " from source_article t\n" + " left join ( " + " select t1.articleno,count(1) as likes \n" + " from source_wolf_like t1\n" + " where t1.businesstype = 'C' " + " and t1.articleno is not null and t1.articleno <> ''\n" + " group by t1.articleno " + ") f on t.articleNo = f.articleno " + " left join ( " + " select t1.articleno,count(1) as collections \n" + " from source_wolf_collection t1\n" + " where t1.businesstype = 'C' " + " and t1.articleno is not null and t1.articleno <> ''\n" + " group by t1.articleno " + ") j on t.articleNo = j.articleno " + " left join ( " + " select t2.articleno,count(1) as comments \n" + " from source_wolf_discuss t2\n" + " where t2.discusstype = 'C' " + " and t2.enabled = 0 " + " and t2.articleno is not null and t2.articleno <> ''\n" + " group by t2.articleno " + ") g on t.articleNo = g.articleno " + " left join ( " + " select t3.articleno,count(1) as forwards \n" + " from source_wolf_forward t3 \n" + " where t3.businesstype = 'C' " + " and t3.articleno is not null and t3.articleno <> ''\n" + " group by t3.articleno " + ") h on t.articleNo = h.articleno " + " LEFT JOIN (\n" + " SELECT\n" + " y.articleNo,\n" + " concat_agg( x.flagName) AS flags,\n" + " concat_agg( x.flagNo) AS flagNos\n" + " FROM\n" + " source_t_flag x\n" + " INNER JOIN source_t_article_flag y ON x.flagNo = y.flagNo\n" + " GROUP BY\n" + " y.articleNo\n" + ") c ON t.articleNo = c.articleNo\n" + "LEFT JOIN (\n" + " SELECT\n" + " n.articleNo,\n" + " concat_agg( m.categoryName) AS cates,\n" + " concat_agg( m.categoryNo) AS cateNos\n" + " FROM\n" + " source_t_category m\n" + " INNER JOIN source_t_article_category n ON m.categoryNo = n.categoryNo\n" + " GROUP BY\n" + " n.articleNo\n" + ") d ON t.articleNo = d.articleNo\n" + " LEFT JOIN (\n" + " SELECT\n" + " z.articleno,\n" + " concat_agg( z.
keyword) AS
keyword\n" + " FROM\n" + " source_t_article_keyword z\n" + " GROUP BY\n" + " z.articleno\n" + ") e ON t.articleNo = e.articleno\n" + " left join ( " + " select articleNo\n" + " from source_wolf_article_export \n" + " group by articleNo " + ") i on t.articleNo = i.articleNo " + " WHERE\n" + " 1 = 1\n" + " AND t.deleteFlag = false\n" );
fink sql 拓扑图:

fink sql算子情况:

请问是我使用flink sql的姿势不对,还是任务本身就是要消耗这么多
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