From 0208430b8dc88886e7c5b06ed66b4cc374423c89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: liuyongvs <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 17:41:40 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [FLINK-36992][table] Migrate SplitAggregateRule to java

 .../rules/logical/     | 616 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../rules/logical/SplitAggregateRule.scala    | 508 ---------------
 tools/maven/suppressions.xml                  |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 617 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/
 delete mode 100644 flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/SplitAggregateRule.scala

diff --git a/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/ b/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fa6480ea2ddd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical;
+import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableConfig;
+import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException;
+import org.apache.flink.table.api.config.OptimizerConfigOptions;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkLogicalRelFactories;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkRelBuilder;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.FlinkSqlOperatorTable;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.PartialFinalType;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.logical.SessionWindowSpec;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.metadata.FlinkRelMetadataQuery;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.FlinkRelNode;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalAggregate;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.trait.RelWindowProperties;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.AggregateUtil;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.ExpandUtil;
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.WindowUtil;
+import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster;
+import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRuleCall;
+import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelRule;
+import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelCollations;
+import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
+import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall;
+import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef;
+import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlAggFunction;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableIntList;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
+import org.immutables.value.Value;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.apache.flink.table.planner.utils.ShortcutUtils.unwrapTableConfig;
+ * Planner rule that splits aggregations containing distinct aggregates, e.g, count distinct, into
+ * partial aggregations and final aggregations.
+ *
+ * <p>This rule rewrites an aggregate query with distinct aggregations into an expanded double
+ * aggregations. The first aggregation compute the results in sub-partition and the results are
+ * combined by the second aggregation.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * MyTable: a: BIGINT, b: INT, c: VARCHAR
+ *
+ * Original records:
+ * | a | b | c  |
+ * |:-:|:-:|:--:|
+ * | 1 | 1 | c1 |
+ * | 1 | 2 | c1 |
+ * | 2 | 1 | c2 |
+ *
+ *
+ * flink logical plan:
+ * {@code
+ * FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[$f1 AS EXPR$0, $f2 AS EXPR$1, CAST(IF(=($f4, 0:BIGINT), null:INTEGER,
+ *  /($f3, $f4))) AS EXPR$2])
+ * +- FlinkLogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], agg#0=[SUM($3)], agg#1=[$SUM0($4)], agg#2=[$SUM0($5)],
+ * agg#3=[$SUM0($6)])
+ *    +- FlinkLogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 3, 4}], agg#0=[SUM(DISTINCT $1) FILTER $5],
+ *    agg#1=[COUNT(DISTINCT $2) FILTER $6], agg#2=[$SUM0($1) FILTER $7],
+ *    agg#3=[COUNT($1) FILTER $7])
+ *       +- FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[a, b, c, $f3, $f4, =($e, 1) AS $g_1, =($e, 2) AS $g_2,
+ *       =($e, 3) AS $g_3])
+ *          +- FlinkLogicalExpand(projects=[a, b, c, $f3, $f4, $e])
+ *             +- FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[a, b, c, MOD(HASH_CODE(b), 1024) AS $f3,
+ *               MOD(HASH_CODE(c), 1024) AS $f4])
+ *                +- FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan(table=[[MyTable]], fields=[a, b, c])
+ * }
+ *
+ * '$e = 1' is equivalent to 'group by a, hash(b) % 1024' '$e = 2' is equivalent to 'group by a,
+ * hash(c) % 1024' '$e = 3' is equivalent to 'group by a
+ *
+ * Expanded records: \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ \| a | b | c |
+ * hash(b) % 1024 | hash(c) % 1024 | $e |
+ * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ ---+--- \| 1 | 1 | c1 | hash(b)
+ * % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ | \| 1 | 1
+ * \| c1 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record1
+ * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 1 | 1 | c1 | null | null |
+ * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+--- \| 1 | 2 | c1 |
+ * hash(b) % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ |
+ * \| 1 | 2 | c1 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record2
+ * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 1 | 2 | c1 | null | null |
+ * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+--- \| 2 | 1 | c2 |
+ * hash(b) % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ |
+ * \| 2 | 1 | c2 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record3
+ * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 2 | 1 | c2 | null | null |
+ * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+---
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>NOTES: this rule is only used for Stream now.
+ */
+public class SplitAggregateRule extends RelRule<SplitAggregateRule.SplitAggregateRuleConfig> {
+    public static final SplitAggregateRule INSTANCE =
+            SplitAggregateRule.SplitAggregateRuleConfig.DEFAULT.toRule();
+    protected SplitAggregateRule(SplitAggregateRuleConfig config) {
+        super(config);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
+        TableConfig tableConfig = unwrapTableConfig(call);
+        FlinkLogicalAggregate agg = call.rel(0);
+        boolean splitDistinctAggEnabled =
+                tableConfig.get(OptimizerConfigOptions.TABLE_OPTIMIZER_DISTINCT_AGG_SPLIT_ENABLED);
+        boolean isAllAggSplittable = AggregateUtil.doAllAggSupportSplit(agg.getAggCallList());
+        // disable distinct split for processing-time window,
+        // because the semantic is not clear to materialize processing-time window in two aggregates
+        FlinkRelMetadataQuery fmq = (FlinkRelMetadataQuery) call.getMetadataQuery();
+        RelWindowProperties windowProps = fmq.getRelWindowProperties(agg.getInput());
+        boolean isWindowAgg =
+                WindowUtil.groupingContainsWindowStartEnd(agg.getGroupSet(), windowProps);
+        boolean isProctimeWindowAgg = isWindowAgg && !windowProps.isRowtime();
+        // disable distinct split for session window,
+        // otherwise window assigner results may be different
+        boolean isSessionWindowAgg =
+                isWindowAgg && windowProps.getWindowSpec() instanceof SessionWindowSpec;
+        // TableAggregate is not supported. see also FLINK-21923.
+        boolean isTableAgg = AggregateUtil.isTableAggregate(agg.getAggCallList());
+        return agg.partialFinalType() == PartialFinalType.NONE
+                && agg.containsDistinctCall()
+                && splitDistinctAggEnabled
+                && isAllAggSplittable
+                && !isProctimeWindowAgg
+                && !isTableAgg
+                && !isSessionWindowAgg;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
+        TableConfig tableConfig = unwrapTableConfig(call);
+        FlinkLogicalAggregate originalAggregate = call.rel(0);
+        List<AggregateCall> aggCalls = originalAggregate.getAggCallList();
+        FlinkRelNode input = call.rel(1);
+        RelOptCluster cluster = originalAggregate.getCluster();
+        FlinkRelBuilder relBuilder = (FlinkRelBuilder) call.builder();
+        relBuilder.push(input);
+        int[] aggGroupSet = originalAggregate.getGroupSet().toArray();
+        // STEP 1: add hash fields if necessary
+        int[] hashFieldIndexes =
+                IntStream.range(0, aggCalls.size())
+                        .filter(i -> SplitAggregateRule.needAddHashFields(aggCalls.get(i)))
+                        .flatMap(
+                                i ->
+                                                SplitAggregateRule.getArgIndexes(aggCalls.get(i))))
+                        .distinct()
+                        .filter(index -> !ArrayUtils.contains(aggGroupSet, index))
+                        .sorted()
+                        .toArray();
+        Map<Integer, Integer> hashFieldsMap = new HashMap<>();
+        int buckets =
+                tableConfig.get(
+                        OptimizerConfigOptions.TABLE_OPTIMIZER_DISTINCT_AGG_SPLIT_BUCKET_NUM);
+        if (hashFieldIndexes.length > 0) {
+            List<RexNode> projects = new ArrayList<>(relBuilder.fields());
+            int hashFieldsOffset = projects.size();
+            IntStream.range(0, hashFieldIndexes.length)
+                    .forEach(
+                            index -> {
+                                int hashFieldIdx = hashFieldIndexes[index];
+                                RexNode hashField = relBuilder.field(hashFieldIdx);
+                                // hash(f) % buckets
+                                RexNode node =
+                                                SqlStdOperatorTable.MOD,
+                                                        FlinkSqlOperatorTable.HASH_CODE, hashField),
+                                                relBuilder.literal(buckets));
+                                projects.add(node);
+                                hashFieldsMap.put(hashFieldIdx, hashFieldsOffset + index);
+                            });
+            relBuilder.project(projects);
+        }
+        // STEP 2: construct partial aggregates
+        Set<ImmutableBitSet> groupSetTreeSet = new TreeSet<>(ImmutableBitSet.ORDERING);
+        Map<AggregateCall, ImmutableBitSet> aggInfoToGroupSetMap = new HashMap<>();
+        int newGroupSetsNum = 0;
+        for (AggregateCall aggCall : aggCalls) {
+            ImmutableBitSet groupSet;
+            if (SplitAggregateRule.needAddHashFields(aggCall)) {
+                List<Integer> newIndexes =
+                                .mapToObj(
+                                        argIndex -> hashFieldsMap.getOrDefault(argIndex, argIndex))
+                                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+                groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.of(newIndexes).union(ImmutableBitSet.of(aggGroupSet));
+                // Only increment groupSet number if aggregate call needs add new different hash
+                // fields
+                // e.g SQL1: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), MAX(a) FROM T group by b
+                // newGroupSetsNum is 1 because two agg function add same hash field
+                // e.g SQL2: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(b) FROM T group by c
+                // newGroupSetsNum is 1 because only COUNT(DISTINCT a) adds a new hash field
+                // e.g SQL3: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(DISTINCT b) FROM T group by b
+                // newGroupSetsNum is 2 because COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(DISTINCT b) both add hash
+                // field
+                if (!groupSetTreeSet.contains(groupSet)) {
+                    newGroupSetsNum += 1;
+                }
+            } else {
+                groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.of(aggGroupSet);
+            }
+            groupSetTreeSet.add(groupSet);
+            aggInfoToGroupSetMap.put(aggCall, groupSet);
+        }
+        ImmutableList<ImmutableBitSet> groupSets = ImmutableList.copyOf(groupSetTreeSet);
+        ImmutableBitSet fullGroupSet = ImmutableBitSet.union(groupSets);
+        // STEP 2.1: expand input fields
+        List<AggregateCall> partialAggCalls = new ArrayList<>();
+        Map<AggregateCall, ImmutableBitSet> partialAggCallToGroupSetMap = new HashMap<>();
+                .forEach(
+                        aggCall -> {
+                            List<AggregateCall> newAggCalls =
+                                    SplitAggregateRule.getPartialAggFunction(aggCall).stream()
+                                            .map(
+                                                    aggFunc ->
+                                                            AggregateCall.create(
+                                                                    aggFunc,
+                                                                    aggCall.isDistinct(),
+                                                                    aggCall.isApproximate(),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    aggCall.getArgList(),
+                                                                    aggCall.filterArg,
+                                                                    null,
+                                                                    RelCollations.EMPTY,
+                                                                    fullGroupSet.cardinality(),
+                                                                    relBuilder.peek(),
+                                                                    null,
+                                                                    null))
+                                            .collect(Collectors.toList());
+                            partialAggCalls.addAll(newAggCalls);
+                                    .forEach(
+                                            newAggCall -> {
+                                                partialAggCallToGroupSetMap.put(
+                                                        newAggCall,
+                                                        aggInfoToGroupSetMap.get(aggCall));
+                                            });
+                        });
+        boolean needExpand = newGroupSetsNum > 1;
+        Map<Integer, Integer> duplicateFieldMap =
+                needExpand
+                        ? JavaConverters.mapAsJavaMap(
+                                ExpandUtil.buildExpandNode(
+                                                relBuilder,
+                                                JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter(
+                                                                partialAggCalls)
+                                                        .asScala(),
+                                                fullGroupSet,
+                                                groupSets)
+                                        ._1)
+                        : Collections.emptyMap();
+        // STEP 2.2: add filter columns for partial aggregates
+        Map<Tuple2<ImmutableBitSet, Integer>, Integer> filters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        List<AggregateCall> newPartialAggCalls = new ArrayList<>();
+        if (needExpand) {
+            // GROUPING returns an integer (0, 1, 2...).
+            // Add a project to convert those values to BOOLEAN.
+            List<RexNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(relBuilder.fields());
+            RexNode expandIdNode = nodes.remove(nodes.size() - 1);
+            int filterColumnsOffset = nodes.size();
+            int x = 0;
+            for (AggregateCall aggCall : partialAggCalls) {
+                ImmutableBitSet groupSet = partialAggCallToGroupSetMap.get(aggCall);
+                int oldFilterArg = aggCall.filterArg;
+                List<Integer> newArgList =
+                        aggCall.getArgList().stream()
+                                .map(a -> duplicateFieldMap.getOrDefault(a, a))
+                                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+                if (!filters.containsKey(Tuple2.of(groupSet, oldFilterArg))) {
+                    long expandId = ExpandUtil.genExpandId(fullGroupSet, groupSet);
+                    if (oldFilterArg >= 0) {
+                        nodes.add(
+                                relBuilder.alias(
+                                        relBuilder.and(
+                                                relBuilder.equals(
+                                                        expandIdNode, relBuilder.literal(expandId)),
+                                                relBuilder.field(oldFilterArg)),
+                                        "$g_" + expandId));
+                    } else {
+                        nodes.add(
+                                relBuilder.alias(
+                                        relBuilder.equals(
+                                                expandIdNode, relBuilder.literal(expandId)),
+                                        "$g_" + expandId));
+                    }
+                    int newFilterArg = filterColumnsOffset + x;
+                    filters.put(Tuple2.of(groupSet, oldFilterArg), newFilterArg);
+                    x++;
+                }
+                int newFilterArg = filters.get(Tuple2.of(groupSet, oldFilterArg));
+                AggregateCall newAggCall =
+                        aggCall.adaptTo(
+                                relBuilder.peek(),
+                                newArgList,
+                                newFilterArg,
+                                fullGroupSet.cardinality(),
+                                fullGroupSet.cardinality());
+                newPartialAggCalls.add(newAggCall);
+            }
+            relBuilder.project(nodes);
+        } else {
+            newPartialAggCalls.addAll(partialAggCalls);
+        }
+        // STEP 2.3: construct partial aggregates
+        // Create aggregate node directly to avoid ClassCastException,
+        // Please see FLINK-21923 for more details.
+        // TODO reuse aggregate function, see FLINK-22412
+        FlinkLogicalAggregate partialAggregate =
+                FlinkLogicalAggregate.create(
+              ,
+                        fullGroupSet,
+                        ImmutableList.of(fullGroupSet),
+                        newPartialAggCalls,
+                        originalAggregate.getHints());
+        partialAggregate.setPartialFinalType(PartialFinalType.PARTIAL);
+        relBuilder.push(partialAggregate);
+        // STEP 3: construct final aggregates
+        int finalAggInputOffset = fullGroupSet.cardinality();
+        int x = 0;
+        List<AggregateCall> finalAggCalls = new ArrayList<>();
+        boolean needMergeFinalAggOutput = false;
+        for (AggregateCall aggCall : aggCalls) {
+            for (SqlAggFunction aggFunction : SplitAggregateRule.getFinalAggFunction(aggCall)) {
+                ImmutableIntList newArgList = ImmutableIntList.of(finalAggInputOffset + x);
+                x++;
+                AggregateCall newAggCall =
+                        AggregateCall.create(
+                                aggFunction,
+                                false,
+                                aggCall.isApproximate(),
+                                false,
+                                newArgList,
+                                -1,
+                                null,
+                                RelCollations.EMPTY,
+                                originalAggregate.getGroupCount(),
+                                relBuilder.peek(),
+                                null,
+                                null);
+                finalAggCalls.add(newAggCall);
+            }
+            if (SplitAggregateRule.getFinalAggFunction(aggCall).size() > 1) {
+                needMergeFinalAggOutput = true;
+            }
+        }
+        // Create aggregate node directly to avoid ClassCastException,
+        // Please see FLINK-21923 for more details.
+        // TODO reuse aggregate function, see FLINK-22412
+        FlinkLogicalAggregate finalAggregate =
+                FlinkLogicalAggregate.create(
+              ,
+                        SplitAggregateRule.remap(fullGroupSet, originalAggregate.getGroupSet()),
+                        SplitAggregateRule.remap(
+                                fullGroupSet, Arrays.asList(originalAggregate.getGroupSet())),
+                        finalAggCalls,
+                        originalAggregate.getHints());
+        finalAggregate.setPartialFinalType(PartialFinalType.FINAL);
+        relBuilder.push(finalAggregate);
+        // STEP 4: convert final aggregation output to the original aggregation output.
+        // For example, aggregate function AVG is transformed to SUM0 and COUNT, so the output of
+        // the final aggregation is (sum, count). We should converted it to (sum / count)
+        // for the final output.
+        int aggGroupCount = finalAggregate.getGroupCount();
+        if (needMergeFinalAggOutput) {
+            List<RexNode> nodes =
+                    IntStream.range(0, aggGroupCount)
+                            .mapToObj(index -> RexInputRef.of(index, finalAggregate.getRowType()))
+                            .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
+            int avgAggCount = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < aggCalls.size(); i++) {
+                AggregateCall aggCall = aggCalls.get(i);
+                RexNode newNode;
+                if (aggCall.getAggregation().getKind() == SqlKind.AVG) {
+                    RexNode sumInputRef =
+                            RexInputRef.of(
+                                    aggGroupCount + i + avgAggCount, finalAggregate.getRowType());
+                    RexNode countInputRef =
+                            RexInputRef.of(
+                                    aggGroupCount + i + avgAggCount + 1,
+                                    finalAggregate.getRowType());
+                    avgAggCount++;
+                    // Make a guarantee that the final aggregation returns NULL if underlying count
+                    // is ZERO.
+                    // We use SUM0 for underlying sum, which may run into ZERO / ZERO,
+                    // and division by zero exception occurs.
+                    // @see Glossary#SQL2011 SQL:2011 Part 2 Section 6.27
+                    RexNode equals =
+                                    FlinkSqlOperatorTable.EQUALS,
+                                    countInputRef,
+                                    relBuilder
+                                            .getRexBuilder()
+                                            .makeBigintLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(0)));
+                    RexNode ifTrue = relBuilder.getRexBuilder().makeNullLiteral(aggCall.getType());
+                    RexNode ifFalse =
+                                    FlinkSqlOperatorTable.DIVIDE, sumInputRef, countInputRef);
+                    newNode =, equals, ifTrue, ifFalse);
+                } else {
+                    newNode =
+                            RexInputRef.of(
+                                    aggGroupCount + i + avgAggCount, finalAggregate.getRowType());
+                }
+                nodes.add(newNode);
+            }
+            relBuilder.project(nodes);
+        }
+        relBuilder.convert(originalAggregate.getRowType(), false);
+        RelNode newRel =;
+        call.transformTo(newRel);
+    }
+    /** Rule configuration. */
+    @Value.Immutable(singleton = false)
+    public interface SplitAggregateRuleConfig extends RelRule.Config {
+        SplitAggregateRule.SplitAggregateRuleConfig DEFAULT =
+                ImmutableSplitAggregateRule.SplitAggregateRuleConfig.builder()
+                        .build()
+                        .withOperandSupplier(
+                                b0 ->
+                                        b0.operand(FlinkLogicalAggregate.class)
+                                                .oneInput(
+                                                        b1 ->
+                                                                b1.operand(FlinkRelNode.class)
+                                                                        .anyInputs()))
+                        .withRelBuilderFactory(FlinkLogicalRelFactories.FLINK_LOGICAL_REL_BUILDER())
+                        .withDescription("SplitAggregateRule");
+        @Override
+        default SplitAggregateRule toRule() {
+            return new SplitAggregateRule(this);
+        }
+    }
+    // mapping aggFun to (partial aggFun, final aggFun)
+    private static final Map<SqlAggFunction, Tuple2<List<SqlAggFunction>, List<SqlAggFunction>>>
+            PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP = new HashMap<>();
+    static {
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(
+                AVG, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(SUM0, COUNT), Arrays.asList(SUM0, SUM0)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(COUNT, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(COUNT), Arrays.asList(SUM0)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(MIN, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(MIN), Arrays.asList(MIN)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(MAX, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(MAX), Arrays.asList(MAX)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(SUM, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(SUM), Arrays.asList(SUM)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(SUM0, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(SUM0), Arrays.asList(SUM0)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(
+                FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE,
+                Tuple2.of(
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE),
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(
+                FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE,
+                Tuple2.of(
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE),
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(
+                FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG,
+                Tuple2.of(
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG),
+                        Arrays.asList(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG)));
+        PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.put(
+                SINGLE_VALUE, Tuple2.of(Arrays.asList(SINGLE_VALUE), Arrays.asList(SINGLE_VALUE)));
+    }
+    private static boolean needAddHashFields(AggregateCall aggCall) {
+        // When min/max/first_value/last_value is in retraction mode, records will aggregate into
+        // one single operator instance regardless of localAgg optimization, which leads to hotspot.
+        // So we split them into partial/final aggs either.
+        boolean needSplit =
+                aggCall.getAggregation() instanceof SqlMinMaxAggFunction
+                        || aggCall.getAggregation() instanceof SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction;
+        return needSplit || aggCall.isDistinct();
+    }
+    private static int[] getArgIndexes(AggregateCall aggCall) {
+        return aggCall.getArgList().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).toArray();
+    }
+    private static List<SqlAggFunction> getPartialAggFunction(AggregateCall aggCall) {
+        Tuple2<List<SqlAggFunction>, List<SqlAggFunction>> partialFinalPair =
+                PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.get(aggCall.getAggregation());
+        if (partialFinalPair != null) {
+            return partialFinalPair.f0;
+        } else {
+            throw new TableException(
+                    "Aggregation " + aggCall.getAggregation() + " is not supported to split!");
+        }
+    }
+    private static List<SqlAggFunction> getFinalAggFunction(AggregateCall aggCall) {
+        Tuple2<List<SqlAggFunction>, List<SqlAggFunction>> partialFinalPair =
+                PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.get(aggCall.getAggregation());
+        if (partialFinalPair != null) {
+            return partialFinalPair.f1;
+        } else {
+            throw new TableException(
+                    "Aggregation " + aggCall.getAggregation() + " is not supported to split!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the group sets of the final aggregation.
+     *
+     * @param groupSet the group set of the previous partial aggregation
+     * @param originalGroupSets the group set of the original aggregation
+     */
+    private static ImmutableList<ImmutableBitSet> remap(
+            ImmutableBitSet groupSet, Iterable<ImmutableBitSet> originalGroupSets) {
+        ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableBitSet> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
+        for (ImmutableBitSet originalGroupSet : originalGroupSets) {
+            builder.add(remap(groupSet, originalGroupSet));
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the group set of the final aggregation.
+     *
+     * @param groupSet the group set of the previous partial aggregation
+     * @param originalGroupSet the group set of the original aggregation
+     */
+    private static ImmutableBitSet remap(
+            ImmutableBitSet groupSet, ImmutableBitSet originalGroupSet) {
+        ImmutableBitSet.Builder builder = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
+        for (int bit : originalGroupSet) {
+            builder.set(remap(groupSet, bit));
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    private static int remap(ImmutableBitSet groupSet, int arg) {
+        if (arg < 0) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            return groupSet.indexOf(arg);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/SplitAggregateRule.scala b/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/SplitAggregateRule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d37a7f36275bf..0000000000000
--- a/flink-table/flink-table-planner/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/planner/plan/rules/logical/SplitAggregateRule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical
-import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException
-import org.apache.flink.table.api.config.OptimizerConfigOptions
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.{FlinkLogicalRelFactories, FlinkRelBuilder}
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.{FlinkSqlOperatorTable, SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction}
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.PartialFinalType
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.logical.SessionWindowSpec
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.metadata.FlinkRelMetadataQuery
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.FlinkRelNode
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalAggregate
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.{AggregateUtil, ExpandUtil, WindowUtil}
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.AggregateUtil.doAllAggSupportSplit
-import org.apache.flink.table.planner.utils.ShortcutUtils.unwrapTableConfig
-import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall}
-import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule.{any, operand}
-import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelCollations
-import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall
-import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexInputRef, RexNode}
-import org.apache.calcite.sql.{SqlAggFunction, SqlKind}
-import{SqlMinMaxAggFunction, SqlStdOperatorTable}
-import org.apache.calcite.util.{ImmutableBitSet, ImmutableIntList}
-import java.math.{BigDecimal => JBigDecimal}
-import java.util
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
- * Planner rule that splits aggregations containing distinct aggregates, e.g, count distinct, into
- * partial aggregations and final aggregations.
- *
- * This rule rewrites an aggregate query with distinct aggregations into an expanded double
- * aggregations. The first aggregation compute the results in sub-partition and the results are
- * combined by the second aggregation.
- *
- * Examples:
- *
- * MyTable: a: BIGINT, b: INT, c: VARCHAR
- *
- * Original records:
- * | a | b | c  |
- * |:-:|:-:|:--:|
- * | 1 | 1 | c1 |
- * | 1 | 2 | c1 |
- * | 2 | 1 | c2 |
- *
- *
- * flink logical plan:
- * {{{
- * FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[$f1 AS EXPR$0, $f2 AS EXPR$1, CAST(IF(=($f4, 0:BIGINT), null:INTEGER,
- *  /($f3, $f4))) AS EXPR$2])
- * +- FlinkLogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], agg#0=[SUM($3)], agg#1=[$SUM0($4)], agg#2=[$SUM0($5)],
- * agg#3=[$SUM0($6)])
- *    +- FlinkLogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 3, 4}], agg#0=[SUM(DISTINCT $1) FILTER $5],
- *    agg#1=[COUNT(DISTINCT $2) FILTER $6], agg#2=[$SUM0($1) FILTER $7],
- *    agg#3=[COUNT($1) FILTER $7])
- *       +- FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[a, b, c, $f3, $f4, =($e, 1) AS $g_1, =($e, 2) AS $g_2,
- *       =($e, 3) AS $g_3])
- *          +- FlinkLogicalExpand(projects=[a, b, c, $f3, $f4, $e])
- *             +- FlinkLogicalCalc(select=[a, b, c, MOD(HASH_CODE(b), 1024) AS $f3,
- *               MOD(HASH_CODE(c), 1024) AS $f4])
- *                +- FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan(table=[[MyTable]], fields=[a, b, c])
- * }}}
- *
- * '$e = 1' is equivalent to 'group by a, hash(b) % 1024' '$e = 2' is equivalent to 'group by a,
- * hash(c) % 1024' '$e = 3' is equivalent to 'group by a
- *
- * Expanded records: \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ \| a | b | c |
- * hash(b) % 1024 | hash(c) % 1024 | $e |
- * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ ---+--- \| 1 | 1 | c1 | hash(b)
- * % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+------------------+-----+ | \| 1 | 1
- * \| c1 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record1
- * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 1 | 1 | c1 | null | null |
- * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+--- \| 1 | 2 | c1 |
- * hash(b) % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ |
- * \| 1 | 2 | c1 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record2
- * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 1 | 2 | c1 | null | null |
- * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+--- \| 2 | 1 | c2 |
- * hash(b) % 1024 | null | 1 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ |
- * \| 2 | 1 | c2 | null | hash(c) % 1024 | 2 | records expanded by record3
- * \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ | \| 2 | 1 | c2 | null | null |
- * 3 | | \+-----+-----+-----+------------------+-----------------+------+ ---+---
- *
- * NOTES: this rule is only used for Stream now.
- */
-class SplitAggregateRule
-  extends RelOptRule(
-    operand(classOf[FlinkLogicalAggregate], operand(classOf[FlinkRelNode], any)),
-    FlinkLogicalRelFactories.FLINK_LOGICAL_REL_BUILDER,
-    "SplitAggregateRule") {
-  override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = {
-    val tableConfig = unwrapTableConfig(call)
-    val agg: FlinkLogicalAggregate = call.rel(0)
-    val splitDistinctAggEnabled =
-      tableConfig.get(OptimizerConfigOptions.TABLE_OPTIMIZER_DISTINCT_AGG_SPLIT_ENABLED)
-    val isAllAggSplittable = doAllAggSupportSplit(agg.getAggCallList)
-    // disable distinct split for processing-time window,
-    // because the semantic is not clear to materialize processing-time window in two aggregates
-    val fmq = call.getMetadataQuery.asInstanceOf[FlinkRelMetadataQuery]
-    val windowProps = fmq.getRelWindowProperties(agg.getInput)
-    val isWindowAgg = WindowUtil.groupingContainsWindowStartEnd(agg.getGroupSet, windowProps)
-    val isProctimeWindowAgg = isWindowAgg && !windowProps.isRowtime
-    // disable distinct split for session window,
-    // otherwise window assigner results may be different
-    val isSessionWindowAgg = isWindowAgg &&
-      windowProps.getWindowSpec.isInstanceOf[SessionWindowSpec]
-    // TableAggregate is not supported. see also FLINK-21923.
-    val isTableAgg = AggregateUtil.isTableAggregate(agg.getAggCallList)
-    agg.partialFinalType == PartialFinalType.NONE && agg.containsDistinctCall() &&
-    splitDistinctAggEnabled && isAllAggSplittable && !isProctimeWindowAgg &&
-    !isTableAgg && !isSessionWindowAgg
-  }
-  override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = {
-    val tableConfig = unwrapTableConfig(call)
-    val originalAggregate: FlinkLogicalAggregate = call.rel(0)
-    val aggCalls = originalAggregate.getAggCallList
-    val input: FlinkRelNode = call.rel(1)
-    val cluster = originalAggregate.getCluster
-    val relBuilder = call.builder().asInstanceOf[FlinkRelBuilder]
-    relBuilder.push(input)
-    val aggGroupSet = originalAggregate.getGroupSet.toArray
-    // STEP 1: add hash fields if necessary
-    val hashFieldIndexes: Array[Int] = aggCalls
-      .flatMap {
-        aggCall =>
-          if (SplitAggregateRule.needAddHashFields(aggCall)) {
-            SplitAggregateRule.getArgIndexes(aggCall)
-          } else {
-            Array.empty[Int]
-          }
-      }
-      .distinct
-      .diff(aggGroupSet)
-      .sorted
-      .toArray
-    val hashFieldsMap: util.Map[Int, Int] = new util.HashMap()
-    val buckets =
-      tableConfig.get(OptimizerConfigOptions.TABLE_OPTIMIZER_DISTINCT_AGG_SPLIT_BUCKET_NUM)
-    if (hashFieldIndexes.nonEmpty) {
-      val projects = new util.ArrayList[RexNode](relBuilder.fields)
-      val hashFieldsOffset = projects.size()
-      hashFieldIndexes.zipWithIndex.foreach {
-        case (hashFieldIdx, index) =>
-          val hashField = relBuilder.field(hashFieldIdx)
-          // hash(f) % buckets
-          val node: RexNode =
-            SqlStdOperatorTable.MOD,
-  , hashField),
-            relBuilder.literal(buckets))
-          projects.add(node)
-          hashFieldsMap.put(hashFieldIdx, hashFieldsOffset + index)
-      }
-      relBuilder.project(projects)
-    }
-    // STEP 2: construct partial aggregates
-    val groupSetTreeSet = new util.TreeSet[ImmutableBitSet](ImmutableBitSet.ORDERING)
-    val aggInfoToGroupSetMap = new util.HashMap[AggregateCall, ImmutableBitSet]()
-    var newGroupSetsNum = 0
-    aggCalls.foreach {
-      aggCall =>
-        val groupSet = if (SplitAggregateRule.needAddHashFields(aggCall)) {
-          val newIndexes = SplitAggregateRule
-            .getArgIndexes(aggCall)
-            .map(argIndex => hashFieldsMap.getOrElse(argIndex, argIndex).asInstanceOf[Integer])
-            .toSeq
-          val newGroupSet =
-            ImmutableBitSet.of(newIndexes).union(ImmutableBitSet.of(aggGroupSet: _*))
-          // Only increment groupSet number if aggregate call needs add new different hash fields
-          // e.g SQL1: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), MAX(a) FROM T group by b
-          // newGroupSetsNum is 1 because two agg function add same hash field
-          // e.g SQL2: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(b) FROM T group by c
-          // newGroupSetsNum is 1 because only COUNT(DISTINCT a) adds a new hash field
-          // e.g SQL3: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(DISTINCT b) FROM T group by b
-          // newGroupSetsNum is 2 because COUNT(DISTINCT a), COUNT(DISTINCT b) both add hash field
-          if (!groupSetTreeSet.contains(newGroupSet)) {
-            newGroupSetsNum += 1
-          }
-          newGroupSet
-        } else {
-          ImmutableBitSet.of(aggGroupSet: _*)
-        }
-        groupSetTreeSet.add(groupSet)
-        aggInfoToGroupSetMap.put(aggCall, groupSet)
-    }
-    val groupSets = ImmutableList.copyOf(asJavaIterable(groupSetTreeSet))
-    val fullGroupSet = ImmutableBitSet.union(groupSets)
-    // STEP 2.1: expand input fields
-    val partialAggCalls = new util.ArrayList[AggregateCall]
-    val partialAggCallToGroupSetMap = new util.HashMap[AggregateCall, ImmutableBitSet]()
-    aggCalls.foreach {
-      aggCall =>
-        val newAggCalls = SplitAggregateRule.getPartialAggFunction(aggCall).map {
-          aggFunc =>
-            AggregateCall.create(
-              aggFunc,
-              aggCall.isDistinct,
-              aggCall.isApproximate,
-              false,
-              aggCall.getArgList,
-              aggCall.filterArg,
-              null,
-              RelCollations.EMPTY,
-              fullGroupSet.cardinality,
-              relBuilder.peek(),
-              null,
-              null
-            )
-        }
-        partialAggCalls.addAll(newAggCalls)
-        newAggCalls.foreach {
-          newAggCall =>
-            partialAggCallToGroupSetMap.put(newAggCall, aggInfoToGroupSetMap.get(aggCall))
-        }
-    }
-    val needExpand = newGroupSetsNum > 1
-    val duplicateFieldMap = if (needExpand) {
-      val (duplicateFieldMap, _) =
-        ExpandUtil.buildExpandNode(relBuilder, partialAggCalls, fullGroupSet, groupSets)
-      duplicateFieldMap
-    } else {
-      Map.empty[Integer, Integer]
-    }
-    // STEP 2.2: add filter columns for partial aggregates
-    val filters = new util.LinkedHashMap[(ImmutableBitSet, Integer), Integer]
-    val newPartialAggCalls = new util.ArrayList[AggregateCall]
-    if (needExpand) {
-      // GROUPING returns an integer (0, 1, 2...).
-      // Add a project to convert those values to BOOLEAN.
-      val nodes = new util.ArrayList[RexNode](relBuilder.fields)
-      val expandIdNode = nodes.remove(nodes.size - 1)
-      val filterColumnsOffset: Int = nodes.size
-      var x: Int = 0
-      partialAggCalls.foreach {
-        aggCall =>
-          val groupSet = partialAggCallToGroupSetMap.get(aggCall)
-          val oldFilterArg = aggCall.filterArg
-          val newArgList = => duplicateFieldMap.getOrElse(a, a)).toList
-          if (!filters.contains(groupSet, oldFilterArg)) {
-            val expandId = ExpandUtil.genExpandId(fullGroupSet, groupSet)
-            if (oldFilterArg >= 0) {
-              nodes.add(
-                relBuilder.alias(
-                  relBuilder.and(
-                    relBuilder.equals(expandIdNode, relBuilder.literal(expandId)),
-                    relBuilder.field(oldFilterArg)),
-                  "$g_" + expandId))
-            } else {
-              nodes.add(
-                relBuilder.alias(
-                  relBuilder.equals(expandIdNode, relBuilder.literal(expandId)),
-                  "$g_" + expandId))
-            }
-            val newFilterArg = filterColumnsOffset + x
-            filters.put((groupSet, oldFilterArg), newFilterArg)
-            x += 1
-          }
-          val newFilterArg = filters((groupSet, oldFilterArg))
-          val newAggCall = aggCall.adaptTo(
-            relBuilder.peek(),
-            newArgList,
-            newFilterArg,
-            fullGroupSet.cardinality,
-            fullGroupSet.cardinality)
-          newPartialAggCalls.add(newAggCall)
-      }
-      relBuilder.project(nodes)
-    } else {
-      newPartialAggCalls.addAll(partialAggCalls)
-    }
-    // STEP 2.3: construct partial aggregates
-    // Create aggregate node directly to avoid ClassCastException,
-    // Please see FLINK-21923 for more details.
-    // TODO reuse aggregate function, see FLINK-22412
-    val partialAggregate = FlinkLogicalAggregate.create(
-      fullGroupSet,
-      ImmutableList.of[ImmutableBitSet](fullGroupSet),
-      newPartialAggCalls,
-      originalAggregate.getHints)
-    partialAggregate.setPartialFinalType(PartialFinalType.PARTIAL)
-    relBuilder.push(partialAggregate)
-    // STEP 3: construct final aggregates
-    val finalAggInputOffset = fullGroupSet.cardinality
-    var x: Int = 0
-    val finalAggCalls = new util.ArrayList[AggregateCall]
-    var needMergeFinalAggOutput: Boolean = false
-    aggCalls.foreach {
-      aggCall =>
-        val newAggCalls = SplitAggregateRule.getFinalAggFunction(aggCall).map {
-          aggFunction =>
-            val newArgList = ImmutableIntList.of(finalAggInputOffset + x)
-            x += 1
-            AggregateCall.create(
-              aggFunction,
-              false,
-              aggCall.isApproximate,
-              false,
-              newArgList,
-              -1,
-              null,
-              RelCollations.EMPTY,
-              originalAggregate.getGroupCount,
-              relBuilder.peek(),
-              null,
-              null)
-        }
-        finalAggCalls.addAll(newAggCalls)
-        if (newAggCalls.size > 1) {
-          needMergeFinalAggOutput = true
-        }
-    }
-    // Create aggregate node directly to avoid ClassCastException,
-    // Please see FLINK-21923 for more details.
-    // TODO reuse aggregate function, see FLINK-22412
-    val finalAggregate = FlinkLogicalAggregate.create(
-      SplitAggregateRule.remap(fullGroupSet, originalAggregate.getGroupSet),
-      SplitAggregateRule.remap(fullGroupSet, Seq(originalAggregate.getGroupSet)),
-      finalAggCalls,
-      originalAggregate.getHints
-    )
-    finalAggregate.setPartialFinalType(PartialFinalType.FINAL)
-    relBuilder.push(finalAggregate)
-    // STEP 4: convert final aggregation output to the original aggregation output.
-    // For example, aggregate function AVG is transformed to SUM0 and COUNT, so the output of
-    // the final aggregation is (sum, count). We should converted it to (sum / count)
-    // for the final output.
-    val aggGroupCount = finalAggregate.getGroupCount
-    if (needMergeFinalAggOutput) {
-      val nodes = new util.ArrayList[RexNode]
-      (0 until aggGroupCount).foreach {
-        index => nodes.add(RexInputRef.of(index, finalAggregate.getRowType))
-      }
-      var avgAggCount: Int = 0
-      aggCalls.zipWithIndex.foreach {
-        case (aggCall, index) =>
-          val newNode = if (aggCall.getAggregation.getKind == SqlKind.AVG) {
-            val sumInputRef =
-              RexInputRef.of(aggGroupCount + index + avgAggCount, finalAggregate.getRowType)
-            val countInputRef =
-              RexInputRef.of(aggGroupCount + index + avgAggCount + 1, finalAggregate.getRowType)
-            avgAggCount += 1
-            // Make a guarantee that the final aggregation returns NULL if underlying count is ZERO.
-            // We use SUM0 for underlying sum, which may run into ZERO / ZERO,
-            // and division by zero exception occurs.
-            // @see Glossary#SQL2011 SQL:2011 Part 2 Section 6.27
-            val equals =
-              FlinkSqlOperatorTable.EQUALS,
-              countInputRef,
-              relBuilder.getRexBuilder.makeBigintLiteral(JBigDecimal.valueOf(0)))
-            val ifTrue = relBuilder.getRexBuilder.makeNullLiteral(aggCall.`type`)
-            val ifFalse =, sumInputRef, countInputRef)
-  , equals, ifTrue, ifFalse)
-          } else {
-            RexInputRef.of(aggGroupCount + index + avgAggCount, finalAggregate.getRowType)
-          }
-          nodes.add(newNode)
-      }
-      relBuilder.project(nodes)
-    }
-    relBuilder.convert(originalAggregate.getRowType, false)
-    val newRel =
-    call.transformTo(newRel)
-  }
-object SplitAggregateRule {
-  val INSTANCE: RelOptRule = new SplitAggregateRule
-  // mapping aggFun to (partial aggFun, final aggFun)
-  val PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP: Map[SqlAggFunction, (Seq[SqlAggFunction], Seq[SqlAggFunction])] = Map(
-    AVG -> (Seq(SUM0, COUNT), Seq(SUM0, SUM0)),
-    COUNT -> (Seq(COUNT), Seq(SUM0)),
-    MIN -> (Seq(MIN), Seq(MIN)),
-    MAX -> (Seq(MAX), Seq(MAX)),
-    SUM -> (Seq(SUM), Seq(SUM)),
-    SUM0 -> (Seq(SUM0), Seq(SUM0)),
-    FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE ->
-      (Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE), Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.FIRST_VALUE)),
-    FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE ->
-      (Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE), Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LAST_VALUE)),
-    FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG ->
-      (Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG), Seq(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.LISTAGG)),
-  )
-  private def needAddHashFields(aggCall: AggregateCall): Boolean = {
-    // When min/max/first_value/last_value is in retraction mode, records will aggregate into
-    // one single operator instance regardless of localAgg optimization, which leads to hotspot.
-    // So we split them into partial/final aggs either.
-    val needSplit = aggCall.getAggregation match {
-      case _: SqlMinMaxAggFunction | _: SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction => true
-      case _ => false
-    }
-    needSplit || aggCall.isDistinct
-  }
-  private def getArgIndexes(aggCall: AggregateCall): Array[Int] = {
-  }
-  private def getPartialAggFunction(aggCall: AggregateCall): Seq[SqlAggFunction] = {
-    PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.get(aggCall.getAggregation) match {
-      case Some((partialAggFunctions, _)) => partialAggFunctions
-      case _ =>
-        throw new TableException(
-          "Aggregation " + aggCall.getAggregation + " is not supported to split!")
-    }
-  }
-  private def getFinalAggFunction(aggCall: AggregateCall): Seq[SqlAggFunction] = {
-    PARTIAL_FINAL_MAP.get(aggCall.getAggregation) match {
-      case Some((_, finalAggFunctions)) => finalAggFunctions
-      case _ =>
-        throw new TableException(
-          "Aggregation " + aggCall.getAggregation + " is not supported to split!")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Compute the group sets of the final aggregation.
-   *
-   * @param groupSet
-   *   the group set of the previous partial aggregation
-   * @param originalGroupSets
-   *   the group set of the original aggregation
-   */
-  private def remap(
-      groupSet: ImmutableBitSet,
-      originalGroupSets: Iterable[ImmutableBitSet]): ImmutableList[ImmutableBitSet] = {
-    val builder = ImmutableList.builder[ImmutableBitSet]
-    for (originalGroupSet <- originalGroupSets) {
-      builder.add(remap(groupSet, originalGroupSet))
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Compute the group set of the final aggregation.
-   *
-   * @param groupSet
-   *   the group set of the previous partial aggregation
-   * @param originalGroupSet
-   *   the group set of the original aggregation
-   */
-  private def remap(
-      groupSet: ImmutableBitSet,
-      originalGroupSet: ImmutableBitSet): ImmutableBitSet = {
-    val builder = ImmutableBitSet.builder
-    for (bit <- originalGroupSet) {
-      builder.set(remap(groupSet, bit))
-    }
-  }
-  private def remap(groupSet: ImmutableBitSet, arg: Int): Int = {
-    if (arg < 0) {
-      -1
-    } else {
-      groupSet.indexOf(arg)
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/tools/maven/suppressions.xml b/tools/maven/suppressions.xml
index 95a931c4dcb45..b8c12fdc6bcf7 100644
--- a/tools/maven/suppressions.xml
+++ b/tools/maven/suppressions.xml
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ under the License.
 	    <!-- Have to use guava directly -->
-			files="|||||||||"
+			files="||||||||||"
 		<!-- Classes copied from AWS -->