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Maciej Swiderski edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 9 revisions


Kogito supports (since version 0.3.0) a runtime persistence for workflows. That allows users to configure key value based storage backed by Infinispan to persist data (including active nodes and process instance variables) to preserve it across restarts.

Version of Infinispan currently used is 10.0.0.Beta4

What is persisted?

Runtime persistence focuses mainly on storing data that are required to resume workflow execution for particular process instance. Regardless if the process is public or provide as long as it’s not completed it subject for persistence.

Node instances

Node instances that are currently active, so called wait states, are persisted when process instance finished execution but have not reached end state (completed or aborted). This means that only information required to resume are persisted. There might be one or more active nodes instances stored at any given point in time.

Process instance variables

All data that are included in the process instance are stored together with the process instance itself. These must be marshalled into a bytes format so it can be easily transferred over the wire and persisted into the key value storage. The marshalling and unmarshalling is implemented based on ProtoBuf and requires to have schema and marshallers available to know how to deal with given type of data.

Luckily Kogito comes with out of the box support to generate both marshallers and Protobuf schema (aka proto files). During build of the project, Kogito will scan all process definitions and extract information about data that are used within these business assets.

Next, based on the unique data types (regardless how many processes reference given type) a proto file (kogito-application.proto) is generated that builds up a complete schema for the application. This file is stored in the target/classes/persistence/ folder after successful build.

syntax = "proto2";
package org.kie.kogito.examples;
import "kogito-types.proto";

message Order {
        option java_package = "org.kie.kogito.examples.demo";
        optional string orderNumber = 1;
        optional bool shipped = 2;
        optional double total = 3;
message Person {
        option java_package = "org.kie.kogito.examples.demo";
        optional bool adult = 1;
        optional int32 age = 2;
        optional string name = 3;
Each kogito-application.proto file imports kogito-types.proto which defines base types automatically managed by Kogito.

Based on the kogito-application.proto file, marshallers are also generated and configured in the application so whenever particular data type is used in process instance it can be successfully marshalled and unmarshalled.

Marshallers are based on the subproject of Infinispan called protostream.

Supported data types

Main rule is to try to stick to POJO/JavaBeans as data types that represent process variables. While doing that out of the box generation will provide most benefits. Diverging from it pose quite high probability of failed generation and by that failed build.

Currently following data types are supported:

Type Description Since version


Basic text type



Basic number type



Extended size number type



Basic floating point number type



Extended size floating point number type



Basic date type



POJO type that is build up from above simple types


POJO/JavaBean with another POJO

POJO type that is build up from above simple types and another POJOs


POJO/JavaBean with list of POJOs

POJO type that is build up from above simple types and another POJOs and List of POJOs
