Change Log
New Feature
[Feat] Supports uploading jar type job #237
[Feat] Automatic Hadoop integration on Flink Kubernetes mode. #436
[Feat] Flink task build / run process separation. #437
[Feat] Support update project info #650
Enhance / Bug Fix
[Enhancement] New Official website
[Enhancement] add code style framework #480
[Enhancement] project build optimization, better support for front-end and back-end packaging #533
[Enhancement] add scala version checking when download flink refer dependencies #551
[Enhancement] Added yarn queue options #596
[Bug] no response when commit build requst on the project page #458
[Bug] hadoop-user-name not work #449
[Bug] get flink version bug #447
[Bug] wrong jar file chosen when building #473
[Bug] Unable to add role #467
[Bug] fixed flink job run statue #536
[Bug] fixed soft link of path bug #519
[Bug] fixed job the endTime value #516
[Bug] fixed ddl sql bug. #487
[Bug] fixed some legacy bugs for LfsOperator #475
[Bug] fixed specified key too long #465
[Bug] There is a problem with the developer role permission assignment of StreamX #583
[Bug] editor follows the front-end theme to switch themes enhancement #620
[Bug] The parameter jvm-metaspace.size setting is invalid #562
[新特性] 本地上传 Jar 类型任务支持 #237
[新特性] Flink K8s 自动集成 Hadoop 构建 #436
[新特性] Flink 任务构建 / 运行分离 #437
[新特性] 项目支持修改 #650
改进 / Bug修复
[改进] 全新官网上线,文档重新归类
[改进] 增加 Checkstyle 进一步规范编码格式 #480
[改进] 优化打包,前后端可以 混合|分离 打包 #533
[改进] FlinkSql 任务自动检测pom依赖里的scala版本 #551
[改进] 新增常用参数 yarn queue 设置 #596
[Bug] 修复构建项目时前端看不到实时日志的bug #458
[Bug] 修复 hadoop-user-name 不生效的bug #449
[Bug] 修复 Flink version 获取可能失败的bug #447
[Bug] 修复 Custom-Code 模式下选择 FatJar 存在的bug #473
[Bug] 修复不能添加系统角色的bug #467
[Bug] 修复 Flink 任务状态重启后不准确的bug #536
[Bug] 修复添加 Flink home 时软链接导致的bug #519
[Bug] 修复任务运行的结束时间错误的bug #516
[Bug] 修复 ddl sql 中的bug #487
[Bug] 修复 LfsOperator 中相关文件操作的bug#475
[Bug] 修复 ddl sql 中主键太长导致报错的bug #465
[Bug] 修复新增用户授权后重新登录空白页面的bug #583
[Bug] 修复 Editor 不能跟随系统主题同步切换的bug #620
[Bug] 修复任务参数 jvm-metaspace.size 单位错误的bug #562
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