学校:University of Cambridge
自证认识导师:Australian. Used to work in KULeuven (Laboratory of Autoimmune Genetics) and recently moved to Cambridge. Really tall and big. A new star of the academic word. I think him as a semi-god type of supervisor (won't do or help on bench work).
学术水平: Really smart guy. Knows immunology and statistics. Excellent in writing.
科研经费:Master at grand application. For instance, he got ERC grant a few years ago, which is one of the most competitive grand in EU.
学生补助:The same as other lab.
师生关系:When he was working as PI at KULeuven, he literally said the lab rule is "the rule of the jungle". There were many conflicts between between him and some students, conflicts between "man of his side" and some other students. He was formally complained to higher authority by four of his students for reasons like belittlement and personal insults. However, nothing happens to him probably because he was capable to bring grants and he publishes.
A revolt broke out in 2015. One of his PhD tried to openly discuss about a nickname list that he made up when he was drunk and hanged in his office. Some students felt openly insulted by these nicknames and asked for an apology in lab meeting. Another PhD student, felt being belittled by him, drafted a code of conduct and asked for a better working environments. The movement ended after he apologized and promised actions for improvement. However, shortly afterwards, about half of the students left the lab due to the conflicts, some willingly and some being forced. His lab page deleted past student information since then. And the lab started to use an electric project management tool. Using this tool, experiment orders will be send to students via emails and the tool kept tracking of project progress and delay of any result delivery.
The author list of a paper is decided by him. Your contribution may be underestimated or compromised to his needs.
These all happened when he was a PI in KULeuven.
工作时间: Working hours is about the same like an American lab. Local undergraduate students were not willing to join, except the ones got paid
学生前途:Advantages: He did extra than necessary in supporting of some of his man. It depends on how good your relationships are and if you have contributed much...
Disadvantages: students were mostly used as technician. Little guidance. Find a way to survive the jungle.