Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | The ID of the item. | [optional] [readonly] |
name | str, none_type | Item name | [optional] |
description | str, none_type | A short description of the item | [optional] |
code | str, none_type | User defined item code | [optional] |
sold | bool, none_type | Item will be available on sales transactions | [optional] |
purchased | bool, none_type | Item is available for purchase transactions | [optional] |
tracked | bool, none_type | Item is inventoried | [optional] |
taxable | bool, none_type | If true, transactions for this item are taxable | [optional] |
inventory_date | date, none_type | The date of opening balance if inventory item is tracked - YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |
type | str, none_type | Item type | [optional] |
sales_details | InvoiceItemSalesDetails | [optional] | |
purchase_details | InvoiceItemSalesDetails | [optional] | |
quantity | float, none_type | [optional] | |
unit_price | float, none_type | [optional] | |
asset_account | LinkedLedgerAccount | [optional] | |
income_account | LinkedLedgerAccount | [optional] | |
expense_account | LinkedLedgerAccount | [optional] | |
tracking_category | DeprecatedLinkedTrackingCategory | [optional] | |
tracking_categories | LinkedTrackingCategories | [optional] | |
active | bool, none_type | [optional] | |
custom_mappings | {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}, none_type | When custom mappings are configured on the resource, the result is included here. | [optional] [readonly] |
row_version | str, none_type | A binary value used to detect updates to a object and prevent data conflicts. It is incremented each time an update is made to the object. | [optional] |
updated_by | str, none_type | The user who last updated the object. | [optional] [readonly] |
created_by | str, none_type | The user who created the object. | [optional] [readonly] |
updated_at | datetime, none_type | The date and time when the object was last updated. | [optional] [readonly] |
created_at | datetime, none_type | The date and time when the object was created. | [optional] [readonly] |
pass_through | PassThroughBody | [optional] |