- [X] APISnoop org-flow: Appsv1StatefulSetStatusLifecycleTest.org
- [ ] Test approval issue: kubernetes/kubernetes#
- [ ] Test PR: kuberenetes/kubernetes#
- [ ] Two weeks soak start date: testgrid-link
- [ ] Two weeks soak end date:
- [ ] Test promotion PR: kubernetes/kubernetes#?
According to this APIsnoop query, there are still some remaining StatefulSet endpoints which are untested.
FROM testing.untested_stable_endpoint
where eligible is true
and endpoint ilike '%StatefulSetStatus'
order by kind, endpoint desc
limit 10;
endpoint | path | kind
replaceAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name}/status | StatefulSet
readAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name}/status | StatefulSet
patchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name}/status | StatefulSet
(3 rows)
- Kubernetes API Reference Docs
- Kubernetes API / Workload Resources / StatefulSet
- client-go - StatefulSet
- Create a watch to track stateful set events
- Create a stateful set with a static label. Confirm that the pods are running.
- Get the stateful set status. Parse the response and confirm that the stateful set status conditions can be listed.
- Update the stateful set status. Confirm via the watch that the status has been updated.
- Patch the stateful set status. Confirm via the watch that the status has been patched.
Using an existing status lifecycle test as a template for a new ginkgo test for stateful set lifecycle test.
This query shows the endpoints hit within a short period of running the e2e test
select distinct endpoint, right(useragent,63) AS useragent
from testing.audit_event
where endpoint ilike '%StatefulSetStatus%'
and release_date::BIGINT > round(((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()))::numeric)*1000,0) - 60000
and useragent like 'e2e%should%'
order by endpoint
limit 10;
endpoint | useragent
patchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | [StatefulSetBasic] should validate Statefulset Status endpoints
readAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | [StatefulSetBasic] should validate Statefulset Status endpoints
replaceAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus | [StatefulSetBasic] should validate Statefulset Status endpoints
(3 rows)
If a test with these calls gets merged, test coverage will go up by 3 points
This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.
/sig testing
/sig architecture
/area conformance