- APISnoop org-flow : StorageV1PV-PVC-LifecycleTest.org
- test approval issue : Write e2e test for PersistentVolume & PersistentVolumeClaim Endpoints + 13 Endpoints #119694
- test pr : Write e2e test for PersistentVolume & PersistentVolumeClaim Endpoints + 13 Endpoints #119695
- two weeks soak start date : 29 Aug 2023 testgrid-link
- two weeks soak end date : 11 Sep 2023
- test promotion pr : Promote e2e test for PersistentVolume & PersistentVolumeClaim Endpoints + 13 Endpoints #120552
- remove endpoints from pendingeligibleendpoints.yaml : Remove persistentvolume endpoints from pendingeligibleendpoints.yaml #120553
According to following APIsnoop query, there are two PersistentVolume and three PersistentVolumeClaim endpoints that are untested.
FROM testing.untested_stable_endpoint
where eligible is true
and endpoint ilike '%PersistentVolume%'
and endpoint not ilike '%Status'
order by kind, endpoint
limit 10;
endpoint | path | kind
deleteCoreV1CollectionPersistentVolume | /api/v1/persistentvolumes | PersistentVolume
patchCoreV1PersistentVolume | /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name} | PersistentVolume
deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims | PersistentVolumeClaim
listCoreV1PersistentVolumeClaimForAllNamespaces | /api/v1/persistentvolumeclaims | PersistentVolumeClaim
patchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | PersistentVolumeClaim
(5 rows)
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/deleteCoreV1CollectionPersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/listCoreV1PersistentVolumeClaimForAllNamespaces
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/patchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/patchCoreV1PersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/createCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/createCoreV1PersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/deleteCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/deleteCoreV1PersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/readCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/readCoreV1PersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/replaceCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/replaceCoreV1PersistentVolume
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/listCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim
- https://apisnoop.cncf.io/1.27.0/stable/core/listCoreV1PersistentVolume
- Kubernetes API Reference Docs
- Kubernetes API / Config and Storage Resources / PersistentVolume
- Kubernetes API / Config and Storage Resources / PersistentVolumeClaim
- client-go - PersistentVolume
- client-go - PersistentVolumeClaim
Scenario: Test the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
Given the e2e test has created the settings for a PV and a PVC
When the test creates the PV and the PVC
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
Given the e2e test has created a PV
When the test lists the PVs with a labelSelector
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the retrieved list has a single item
Given the e2e test has created a PVC
When the test lists the PVC for the namespace
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the retrieved list has a single item
Given the e2e test has created a PV
When the test patches the PV with a new label
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the test finds the new PV label with the required "patched" value
Given the e2e test has created a PVC
When the test patches the PVC with a new label
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the test finds the new PVC label with the required "patched" value
Given the e2e test has patched the PV
When the test reads the PV
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the UID of the retrieved PV equals the UID of the patched PV
Given the e2e test has patched the PVC
When the test reads the PVC
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the UID of the retrieved PVC equals the UID of the patched PVC
Given the e2e test has retrieved the PVC
When the test deletes the PVC
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
Given the e2e test has deleted the PVC
When the test lists for the PVC
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the deletion of the PVC is confirmed
Given the e2e test has retrieved the PV
When the test deletes the PV
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
Given the e2e test has deleted the PV
When the test lists for the PV with a labelSelector set
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the deletion of the PV is confirmed
Given the e2e test has no PV or PVC
When the test recreates a new PV and PVC
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
Given the e2e test has created a PV
When the test updates the PV label
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the test finds the PV label with the required "updated" value
Given the e2e test has created a PVC
When the test updates the PVC label
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the test finds the PVC label with the required "updated" value
Given the e2e test has updated a PVC
When the test lists PVCs in all namespaces with a label selector
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And only one PVC is found
Given the e2e test has created a LabelSelector for the PVC
When the test applies the deleteCollection action with a labelSelector
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the PVC with the label is not found
Given the e2e test has created a LabelSelector for the PV
When the test applies the deleteCollection action with a labelSelector
Then the requested action is accepted without any error
And the PV with the label is not found
Using a number of existing e2e test practices a new ginkgo test has been created to provide future Conformance coverage for the 13 endpoints. The e2e logs for this test are listed below.
[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes CSI Conformance should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.575
Jul 31 13:58:14.575: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /home/ii/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename pv @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.576
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.665
STEP: Waiting for kube-root-ca.crt to be provisioned in namespace @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.669
STEP: Creating initial PV and PVC @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.674
Jul 31 13:58:14.674: INFO: Creating a PV followed by a PVC
STEP: Listing all PVs with the labelSelector: "e2e-pv-pool=pv-4499" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.721
STEP: Listing PVCs in namespace "pv-4499" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.725
STEP: Patching the PV "pv-4499-cpvlq" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.73
STEP: Patching the PVC "pvc-r7lsv" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.776
STEP: Getting PV "pv-4499-cpvlq" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.797
STEP: Getting PVC "pvc-r7lsv" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.801
STEP: Deleting PVC "pvc-r7lsv" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.809
STEP: Confirm deletion of PVC "pvc-r7lsv" @ 07/31/23 13:58:14.819
STEP: Deleting PV "pv-4499-cpvlq" @ 07/31/23 13:58:15.825
STEP: Confirm deletion of PV "pv-4499-cpvlq" @ 07/31/23 13:58:15.85
STEP: Recreating another PV & PVC @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.855
Jul 31 13:58:16.855: INFO: Creating a PV followed by a PVC
STEP: Updating the PV "pv-4499-hrfvs" @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.894
STEP: Updating the PVC "pvc-kplcf" @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.916
STEP: Listing PVCs in all namespaces with the labelSelector: "pvc-kplcf=updated" @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.938
STEP: Deleting PVC "pvc-kplcf" via DeleteCollection @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.943
STEP: Confirm deletion of PVC "pvc-kplcf" @ 07/31/23 13:58:16.959
STEP: Deleting PV "pv-4499-hrfvs" via DeleteCollection @ 07/31/23 13:58:17.964
STEP: Confirm deletion of PV "pv-4499-hrfvs" @ 07/31/23 13:58:17.982
This query shows the following PV and PVC endpoints are hit within a short period of running this e2e test.
select distinct substring(endpoint from '\w+') AS endpoint,
right(useragent,50) AS useragent
from testing.audit_event
where useragent like 'e2e%should%'
and release_date::BIGINT > round(((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()))::numeric)*1000,0) - 20000
and endpoint ilike '%Volume%'
order by endpoint
limit 20;
endpoint | useragent
createCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
createCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
deleteCoreV1CollectionPersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
deleteCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
deleteCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
listCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
listCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
listCoreV1PersistentVolumeClaimForAllNamespaces | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
patchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
patchCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
readCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
readCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
replaceCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
replaceCoreV1PersistentVolume | should run through the lifecycle of a PV and a PVC
(15 rows)
If a test with these calls gets merged, test coverage will go up by 13 points
This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.
/sig testing
/sig architecture
/area conformance