diff --git a/.storybook/stories/Welcome.mdx b/.storybook/stories/Welcome.mdx
index 14538aa..0837e9e 100644
--- a/.storybook/stories/Welcome.mdx
+++ b/.storybook/stories/Welcome.mdx
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ This library has `peerDependencies` listings for `msw` at `^2.0.0` and `graphql`
 npm install --save-dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 pnpm add --save-dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 yarn add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
-bun add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 ## Usage
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index da643ba..be7caf4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ This library has `peerDependencies` listings for `msw` at `^2.0.0` and `graphql`
 npm install --save-dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 pnpm add --save-dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 yarn add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
-bun add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 ## Usage
diff --git a/docs/astro.config.mjs b/docs/astro.config.mjs
index 520c2d0..9c6ac49 100644
--- a/docs/astro.config.mjs
+++ b/docs/astro.config.mjs
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ export default defineConfig({
           label: "Guides",
-          items: [{ label: "Creating a handler", slug: "creating-a-handler" }],
+          items: [
+            { label: "Creating a handler", slug: "creating-a-handler" },
+            { label: "Writing a test", slug: "writing-a-test" },
+          ],
           label: "Storybook Examples",
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/creating-a-handler.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/creating-a-handler.mdx
index cbfb80b..f07b787 100644
--- a/docs/src/content/docs/creating-a-handler.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/creating-a-handler.mdx
@@ -2,3 +2,71 @@
 title: Creating a handler
 # description: A guide in my new Starlight docs site.
+import { Aside } from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
+Once [Mock Service Worker](https://mswjs.io/) has been configured in your environment, you're ready to create your first request handler and begin writing mock resolvers.
+Create a `handlers.ts` inside the `mocks` folder you created during MSW set-up.
+## `createHandler`
+Let's create a GraphQL request handler using the `createHandler` function.
+<Aside type="tip">
+If your project is using [GraphQL-Codegen](https://the-guild.dev/graphql/codegen) or a similar tool to generate resolver types, you can pass `Resolvers` as a generic type argument to `createHandler` to type check mock resolvers.
+// src/mocks/handlers.ts
+import { createHandler } from "@apollo/graphql-testing-library";
+import typeDefs from "../../schema.graphql";
+import type { Resolvers } from "../../__generated__/resolvers-types.ts";
+const graphQLHandler = createHandler<Resolvers>({
+  typeDefs,
+  // Configure the mock resolvers for your handler.
+  // `resolvers` can be overridden in individual tests.
+  resolvers: {
+    Query: {
+      products: (parent, arguments, context, info) =>
+        Array.from({ length: 2 }, (element, index) => ({
+          id: `${index}`,
+          title: `Product ${index}`,
+        })),
+    },
+  },
+  // Mock any type in the schema directly.
+  // `mocks` can also be overridden in individual tests.
+  mocks: {
+    FooBarType: () => ({
+      foo: "bar",
+      baz: "qux",
+    }),
+    CustomScalar: () => "Foo bar",
+    String: () => "Hello world",
+  },
+The handler `graphQLHandler` can now be passed to Mock Service Worker's [`setupServer` in Node.js](https://mswjs.io/docs/integrations/node#setup) or [`setupWorker` in the browser](). It will intercept all GraphQL operations and generate a response using your mock schema. 🚀
+## Default mocks
+Using the provided schema's type definitions, GraphQL Testing Library creates a mock schema under the hood with a set of default mocks:
+- **Union and Interface types**: Union and Interface types are configured with a default `__resolveType` function set that selects the first possible type (can be overriden via mock `resolvers`).
+- **Enum types**: Enum types return the first possible value by default (can be overridden via `mocks` option).
+- **Custom scalars**: Custom scalars return `Default value for custom scalar ${typeName}` by default (can be overridden via `mocks` option).
+<Aside type="note">
+For full control over the creation of your mock schema, use the `createHandlerFromSchema` API instead which takes a `GraphQLSchema` instead of a `DocumentNode`.
+## Request timing
+- talk about `delay`
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/index.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/index.mdx
index 14dee9c..37494e2 100644
--- a/docs/src/content/docs/index.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/index.mdx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ hero:
 import { Card, CardGrid } from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
 <CardGrid stagger>
-  <Card title="Client and framework-agnostic" icon="puzzle">
+  <Card title="Client- and framework-agnostic" icon="puzzle">
     GraphQL Testing Library can be used to test apps built with any GraphQL
     client or front-end stack.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import { Card, CardGrid } from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
   <Card title="Schema-driven testing" icon="seti:graphql" color="pink">
     Goodbye hand-written response mocks, hello mock resolvers.
-  <Card title="With the power of MSW" icon="rocket">
+  <Card title="Powered by MSW" icon="rocket">
     Learn more about Mock Service Worker by exploring [the MSW
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/installation.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/installation.mdx
index 33b2cdd..00bee18 100644
--- a/docs/src/content/docs/installation.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/installation.mdx
@@ -42,12 +42,5 @@ pnpm add --save-dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
 yarn add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
-<TabItem label="Bun">
-bun add --dev @apollo/graphql-testing-library msw graphql
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/browser.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/browser.mdx
index e30515b..0901480 100644
--- a/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/browser.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/browser.mdx
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ title: Usage in the browser
 # description: A guide in my new Starlight docs site.
-import { Tabs, TabItem } from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
+import { Tabs, TabItem, Aside } from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
 ## With Storybook
 [Mock Service Worker](https://mswjs.io/) and [GraphQL Testing Library](https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-testing-library) pair nicely with [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) when developing in the browser.
-To get started, install the [Mock Service Worker Storybook addon](https://storybook.js.org/addons/msw-storybook-addon).
+### Installation
+To get started, install the [Mock Service Worker Storybook addon](https://storybook.js.org/addons/msw-storybook-addon) and configure it using the instructions in the README.
 <Tabs syncKey="pkg">
 <TabItem label="npm">
@@ -33,11 +35,100 @@ yarn add --dev msw-storybook-addon
-<TabItem label="Bun">
-bun add --dev msw-storybook-addon
+### Usage
+// storybook/preview.tsx
+import { initialize, mswLoader } from "msw-storybook-addon";
+import { HttpResponse, http } from "msw";
+import { createHandler } from "@apollo/graphql-testing-library";
+import typeDefs from "../../../.storybook/stories/ecommerce-schema.graphql";
+// Initialize MSW
+// Provide the MSW addon loader globally
+export const loaders = [mswLoader];
+const defaultHandlers = {
+  // Initialize default handlers here, including any non-GraphQL endpoints.
+  // For example, let's say this app displays the status of a service by
+  // making a GET request to a dedicated endpoint.
+  apiStatus: http.get("https://status.example.com/api/status.json", () => {
+    return HttpResponse.json({
+      status: { description: "All Systems Operational!" },
+    });
+  }),
+  // Default handler for all GraphQL requests.
+  // Individual stories will overwrite this handler via the
+  // exported ComponentName.parameters.msw.handlers.graphql property.
+  graphql: createHandler({
+    typeDefs,
+    resolvers: {
+      Query: {
+        // Your mock resolvers here
+      },
+    },
+  }),
+export const parameters = {
+  msw: {
+    handlers: defaultHandlers,
+  },
+If your app is using a GraphQL client that relies on the presence of a provider component, like Apollo Client with `ApolloProvider`, you can provide it globally via decorator.
+<Aside type="note">
+In general, be wary of sharing cache instances across stories or tests. On the Apollo Client team, we advise you not to share a single `ApolloClient` instance because, even if the cache is reset, the client maintains some internal state that is not reset which could have unintended consequences.
+By creating a `makeClient` function or equivalent, every test or story can use the same client configuration as your production client, but no two tests or stories share the same instance.
+// storybook/preview.tsx
+import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client";
+import { Decorator } from "@storybook/react";
+export const makeClient = () => {
+  return new ApolloClient({
+    cache: new InMemoryCache(),
+    uri: "https://example.com/graphql",
+  });
+export const decorators: Decorator[] = [
+  (story) => <ApolloProvider client={makeClient()}>{story()}</ApolloProvider>,
+Now, in individual Storybook stories, the `graphql` handler can be overridden by setting a new handler via `parameters`:
+// storybook/MyComponent.story.tsx
+import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react";
+import { createHandler } from "@apollo/graphql-testing-library";
+import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";
+// You do not need to specify a default GraphQL handler,
+// since it's already been set in preview.tsx
+export default {
+  component: MyComponent,
+} as Meta<typeof MyComponent>;
+export const ErrorState: StoryObj<typeof MyComponent> = {
+  parameters: {
+    msw: {
+      handlers: {
+        graphql: createHandler({}),
+      },
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/node.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/node.mdx
index 9e24dcb..1fd4015 100644
--- a/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/node.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/integrations/node.mdx
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ In order to use GraphQL Testing Library and MSW with Jest, missing Node.js globa
 Create a `jest.polyfills.js` file with the following contents:
+<Aside type="note">
+Be sure to also install `undici`, the official fetch implementation in Node.js.
 // jest.polyfills.js
@@ -62,13 +68,7 @@ if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) {
-This file mostly contains the [Jest polyfills recommended by MSW](https://mswjs.io/docs/faq/#requestresponsetextencoder-is-not-defined-jest), with two additions: the version above includes `ReadableStream` which is needed for incremental delivery features, and a polyfill for `Symbol.dispose` which is not available in Jest in versions before `30.0.0-alpha.3`.
-<Aside type="note">
-Be sure to also install `undici`, the official fetch implementation in Node.js.
+This file mostly contains the [Jest polyfills recommended by MSW](https://mswjs.io/docs/faq/#requestresponsetextencoder-is-not-defined-jest), with two additions: the version above includes `ReadableStream` which is needed for incremental delivery features, and a polyfill for `Symbol.dispose` which is not available in Jest in versions below `30.0.0-alpha.3`.
 Then, set the `setupFiles` option in `jest.config.js` to point to your `jest.polyfills.js`:
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module.exports = {
 Next, follow the Mock Service Worker documentation for [setting up MSW in Node.js](https://mswjs.io/docs/integrations/node).
-Finally, install `@graphql-tools/jest-transform` as a dev dependency and configure Jest to transform `.gql`/`.graphql` files, since your GraphQL API's schema is needed to configure the Mock Service Worker [request handler](https://mswjs.io/docs/concepts/request-handler/) this library generates.
+Finally, install `@graphql-tools/jest-transform` as a dev dependency and configure Jest to transform `.gql`/`.graphql` files, since your GraphQL API's schema document is required when [creating a request handler](/creating-a-handler).
 Here are the relevant parts of your final `jest.config.js`:
@@ -105,11 +105,13 @@ module.exports = {
 ## With Vitest
-No polyfills are needed in Vitest. In order to transform `.gql`/`.graphql` files, install `vite-plugin-graphql-loader` as a dev dependency and configure it in your `vitest.config.ts`.
+Vitest does not need to be configured with any polyfills.
-<Aside type="note">
+In order to transform `.gql`/`.graphql` files, install `vite-plugin-graphql-loader` as a dev dependency and configure it in your `vitest.config.ts`.
+<Aside type="caution">
-In order to avoid the `graphql` error `Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules directory` caused by the [dual package hazard](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#dual-package-hazard), set [`server.deps.fallbackCJS`](https://vitest.dev/config/#server-deps-fallbackcjs) to `true`.
+In order to avoid the `graphql` error `Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules directory` caused by the [dual package hazard](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#dual-package-hazard), please set [`server.deps.fallbackCJS`](https://vitest.dev/config/#server-deps-fallbackcjs) to `true`.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/writing-a-test.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/writing-a-test.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c51c07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/writing-a-test.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+title: Writing a test
+# description: A guide in my new Starlight docs site.