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usage in Node.js without React #155

2 of 5 tasks
tdfairbrother opened this issue Nov 12, 2018 · 7 comments
2 of 5 tasks

usage in Node.js without React #155

tdfairbrother opened this issue Nov 12, 2018 · 7 comments
docs Focuses on documentation changes feature New addition or enhancement to existing solutions


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tdfairbrother commented Nov 12, 2018

Issue Labels

  • has-reproduction
  • feature
  • docs
  • blocking
  • good first issue

How do I query and parse the response of a query without using the React Query component?

React components render to the dom and to strings (for SSR) whereas I just want query and have a parsed reason response that I can work with for a backend task.

I notice that the decoder functions are hidden inside a React component. Is there a way to hook into these?

This has been talked about in #124 and #71 but I don't see any specific answers to bypassing React.

  module MyQuery = [%graphql

  let q = MyQuery.make(~id, ());
  let queryAst = gql(. q##query);

  let query = Client.instance##query({
    "query": queryAst,
    "variables": q##variables

I have tried...

    |> Js.Promise.then_(value => {
      let data = q##parse(response##data)

 This has type:
    Js.Promise.t(Js.Json.t) => Js.Promise.t(Js.Json.t)
  But somewhere wanted:
    Js.Promise.t(ReasonApolloQuery.renderPropObjJS) => 'a

@ghost ghost added docs Focuses on documentation changes feature New addition or enhancement to existing solutions labels Nov 12, 2018
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This is what I ended up with. Feel free to close this issue unless there is a preferred way to parse the response.

type response = {
  "data": Js.Nullable.t(Js.Json.t)

external toApolloResult: 'a => response = "%identity";

  |> Js.Promise.then_((response) => {
    let apolloData = toApolloResult(response);
    let result = |> Js.Nullable.toOption, q##parse)

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@tdfairbrother This particular project is a binding to react-apollo. though it contains binding to apollo-client, it's not focus on that front. so no way you can avoid react when using this. If all you want is to parse the response, you can use graphql-ppx directly

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I guess I missed the blurb React-apollo with Reason.

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This is indeed something, maybe we could split ApolloClient as a different binding which would be dependency to Reason React Apollo

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idkjs commented Feb 13, 2019

@tdfairbrother do you have any more details on how you did this? Maybe an example gist?

Did your create something like a Fetcher component then pass your Query module to it?

For anyone, are you using a separate graphql client in the same project when you dont need react for a specific query?

Thanks for any guidance.

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tdfairbrother commented Feb 14, 2019

@idkjs here is a complete example

[@bs.module "isomorphic-fetch"] external fetch : ApolloClient.fetch = "";

module Client = {
  open ApolloInMemoryCache;
  let inMemoryCache = createInMemoryCache();
  let uri = Util.getEnvVar("GRAPHQL_URL", "not_set");
  let httpLink = ApolloLinks.createHttpLink(~uri, ~fetch, ());
  let instance =
    ReasonApollo.createApolloClient(~link=httpLink, ~cache=inMemoryCache, ());

type response = {. "data": Js.Nullable.t(Js.Json.t)};

external toApolloResult : 'a => response = "%identity";

let query = (q, ast) =>
  Client.instance##query({"query": ast, "variables": q##variables})
  |> Js.Promise.then_(response => {
       let apolloData = toApolloResult(response);
       let result = |> Js.Nullable.toOption, q##parse);

module GetVideoQuery = [%graphql
    query video($videoId: ID!) {
      video(id: $videoId) {

let queryVideo = videoId => {
  let q = GetVideoQuery.make(~videoId, ());
  let videoAST = gql(. q##query);
  query(q, videoAST);

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idkjs commented Feb 14, 2019

That is super useful @tdfairbrother. Thank you for sharing.

I was going to try something like this.

module GetAllDogs = [%graphql
    query dogs {
      dogs {
/* Construct a "packaged" query; GetAllDogs query takes no arguments: */
let dogsQuery = GetAllDogs.make();

/* Send this query string to the server */
let query = dogsQuery##query;

    |> Js.Promise.then_(value => {
     let dogs = value##data;
     Js.log2("Dogs", value##data);
|> Js.Promise.catch(err => {
     Js.log2("Something went wrong!", err);

I have no idea if that would work or not...
Going to try your solution. Will let you know how it goes.

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