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This module creates an two IAM roles with trust relationships to an OIDC provider. One role is read-only and the other is read-write. The read-only role is intended to be used by CI/CD pipelines to validate pull requests and changes, where as the read-write role applies the changes on the merge to main. In all cases the consumer must pass a IAM boundary policy to ensure that the roles are not able to escalate their permissions, or make changes to critical resources.

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Name Version
terraform >= 1.0


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.tfstate_apply resource
aws_iam_policy.tfstate_plan resource
aws_iam_policy.tfstate_remote resource resource resource resource resource resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.tfstate_apply resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.tfstate_plan resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.tfstate_remote resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.this data source
aws_iam_policy_document.base data source
aws_iam_policy_document.dynamo data source data source data source data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_apply data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_plan data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_remote data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_audiences Additional audiences to be allowed in the OIDC federation mapping list(string) [] no
common_provider The name of a common OIDC provider to be used as the trust for the role string "" no
custom_provider An object representing an aws_iam_openid_connect_provider resource
url = string
audiences = list(string)
subject_reader_mapping = string
subject_branch_mapping = string
subject_tag_mapping = string
null no
description Description of the role being created string n/a yes
force_detach_policies Flag to force detachment of policies attached to the IAM role. bool null no
name Name of the role to create string n/a yes
permission_boundary_arn The ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the IAM role string null no
protected_branch The name of the protected branch under which the read-write role can be assumed string "main" no
protected_tag The name of the protected tag under which the read-write role can be assume string "*" no
read_only_inline_policies Inline policies map with policy name as key and json as value. map(string) {} no
read_only_max_session_duration The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role number null no
read_only_policy_arns List of IAM policy ARNs to attach to the read-only role list(string) [] no
read_write_inline_policies Inline policies map with policy name as key and json as value. map(string) {} no
read_write_max_session_duration The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role number null no
read_write_policy_arns List of IAM policy ARNs to attach to the read-write role list(string) [] no
repository List of repositories to be allowed i nthe OIDC federation mapping string n/a yes
role_path Path under which to create IAM role. string null no
shared_repositories List of repositories to provide read access to the remote state list(string) [] no
tags Tags to apply resoures created by this module map(string) {} no


Name Description
read_only n/a
read_write n/a
state_reader n/a


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type resource resource resource
aws_iam_role_policy.inline_policies_ro resource
aws_iam_role_policy.inline_policies_rw resource
aws_iam_role_policy.tfstate_apply_rw resource
aws_iam_role_policy.tfstate_plan_ro resource resource resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.this data source
aws_iam_policy_document.base data source
aws_iam_policy_document.dynamo data source data source data source data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_apply data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_plan data source
aws_iam_policy_document.tfstate_remote data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
description Description of the role being created string n/a yes
name Name of the role to create string n/a yes
repository List of repositories to be allowed in the OIDC federation mapping string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply resoures created by this module map(string) n/a yes
account_id The AWS account ID to create the role in string null no
additional_audiences Additional audiences to be allowed in the OIDC federation mapping list(string) [] no
common_provider The name of a common OIDC provider to be used as the trust for the role string "github" no
custom_provider An object representing an aws_iam_openid_connect_provider resource
url = string
audiences = list(string)
subject_reader_mapping = string
subject_branch_mapping = string
subject_env_mapping = string
subject_tag_mapping = string
null no
default_inline_policies Inline policies map with policy name as key and json as value, attached to both read-only and read-write roles map(string) {} no
default_managed_policies List of IAM managed policy ARNs to attach to this role/s, both read-only and read-write list(string) [] no
force_detach_policies Flag to force detachment of policies attached to the IAM role. bool null no
permission_boundary The name of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the IAM role string null no
permission_boundary_arn The full ARN of the permission boundary to attach to the role string null no
protected_by The branch, environment and/or tag to protect the role against
branch = optional(string)
environment = optional(string)
tag = optional(string)
"branch": "main",
"environment": "production",
"tag": "*"
read_only_inline_policies Inline policies map with policy name as key and json as value. map(string) {} no
read_only_max_session_duration The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role number null no
read_only_policy_arns List of IAM policy ARNs to attach to the read-only role list(string) [] no
read_write_inline_policies Inline policies map with policy name as key and json as value. map(string) {} no
read_write_max_session_duration The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role number null no
read_write_policy_arns List of IAM policy ARNs to attach to the read-write role list(string) [] no
region The region in which the role will be used (defaulting to the provider region) string null no
repository_uuid Repository UUID. You can get it in the repository settings in the OpenID connect provider. string null no
role_path Path under which to create IAM role. string null no
shared_repositories List of repositories to provide read access to the remote state list(string) [] no
tf_state_suffix A suffix for the terraform statefile, e.g. -<tf_state_suffix>.tfstate string "" no
workspace_name The name of the workspace. string null no
workspace_uuid Workspace UUID. You can get it in the repository settings in the OpenID connect provider. Don't include the brackets and make sure it is lower cased. string null no


Name Description
read_only n/a
read_write n/a
state_reader n/a