Parse raw APRS packets into meaningful data
Turn this:
SNOPAS>APN391,qAR,VCAPK:!4725.13NS12124.48W#PHG4540W2,WAn-n,Snoqualmie Pass
into this:
base_callsign: "SNOPAS",
data_extended: %{
aprs_messaging?: false,
comment: "PHG4540W2,WAn-n,Snoqualmie Pass",
data_type: :position,
position: 47°25'7.8"N 121°24'28.8"W,
symbol_code: "#",
symbol_table_id: "S"
data_type: :position,
destination: "APN391",
information_field: "!4725.13NS12124.48W#PHG4540W2,WAn-n,Snoqualmie Pass",
path: "qAR,VCAPK",
sender: "SNOPAS",
ssid: nil
aprs_parse can be installed
by adding aprs_parse
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:aprs_parse, "~> 0.1.0"}
iex(1)> raw_message = "SNOPAS>APN391,qAR,VCAPK:!4725.13NS12124.48W#PHG4540W2,WAn-n,Snoqualmie Pass"
iex(2)> parsed_message = AprsParse.Parser.parse(raw_message)
Currently, aprs_parse supports almost all of the many APRS message types. There are a couple of areas marked by TODO in the source code that I haven't fleshed out yet. One of these is for compressed lat/lon coordinates, and the other is for ULTIMETER weather stations. I don't see these very often in practice, but they do come through occasionally.
This library was originally built to parse data coming from APRS-IS, but was split out to be a standalone parser after I got some requests from the ham radio community. If you are interested in tapping into APRS-IS servers to send/receive/process messages, check out the original project: