Getting Started guide.
Run ./gradlew build -x test && docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d
to start conductor locally
Binaries are available from Maven Central and jcenter.
Below are the various artifacts published:
Artifact | Description |
conductor-common | Common models used by various conductor modules |
conductor-core | Core Conductor module |
conductor-redis-persistence | Persistence using Redis/Dynomite |
conductor-es5-persistence | Indexing using Elasticsearch 5.X |
conductor-jersey | Jersey JAX-RS resources for the core services |
conductor-ui | node.js based UI for Conductor |
conductor-contribs | Optional contrib package that holds extended workflow tasks and support for SQS |
conductor-client | Java client for Conductor that includes helpers for running a worker tasks |
conductor-server | Self contained Jetty server |
conductor-test-harness | Used for building test harness and an in-memory kitchensink demo |
To build the server, use the following dependencies in your classpath:
- conductor-common
- conductor-core
- conductor-jersey
- conductor-redis-persistence (unless using your own persistence module)
- conductor-es5-persistence (unless using your own index module)
- conductor-contribs (optional)
Add the following packages to classpath scan:
Conductor relies on the guice (4.0+) for the dependency injection. Persistence has a guice module to wire up appropriate interfaces:
- The default persistence used is Dynomite
- For queues, we are relying on dyno-queues
- The indexing backend is Elasticsearch (5.x)
- JDK 1.8+
- Servlet Container