Liferay Portal JSP Unit Test examples
How to test actual rendered HTML from your Portal JSP pages and taglibs, without the need to start a web container.
JSP: assert rendered HTML
@ Test
public void test1Comment () throws Exception {
testCommentCount (1 , "1 comment" );
@ Test
public void testNComments () throws Exception {
testCommentCount (142857 , "142857 comments" );
protected void testCommentCount (int commentCount , String rendered )
throws Exception {
when (
blogsJSP .commentManager .getCommentsCount (
anyString (), anyLong ())).thenReturn (commentCount );
ResponseContent response = engine .execute ();
response .assertContains (
"<a href=\" portletURL#blogsCommentsPanelContainer\" >"
+ rendered
+ "</a>" );
Taglibs: assert rendered HTML
response .assertContains ("<textarea class=\" field form-control\" " +
"id=\" " + randomNamespace + "editReplyBody" + messagesCount +
"\" " +
"name=\" editReplyBody" + messagesCount + "\" " +
"title=\" reply-body\" wrap=\" soft\" style=\" height: 100px;\" >" +
body +
"</textarea>" );
response .assertLookingAt (".*" +
Pattern .quote (
"<a href=\" javascript:if (confirm(" +
"'are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this'" +
")) { " +
randomNamespace +
"deleteMessage(" +
messagesCount +
"); } else { self.focus(); }\" " +
"class=\" taglib-icon\" id=\" " ) +
"........" +
Pattern .quote (
"\" >" +
"<i class=\" icon-remove\" ></i>" +
"<span class=\" taglib-text \" >delete</span>" ));
Portal page rendering: convenience mocks
private void setUpLanguageUtil () {
Language language = mock (Language .class );
when (
language .get ((HttpServletRequest )any (), anyString ())).then (
returnArgumentAsIs (1 ));
when (
language .get ((Locale )any (), anyString ())).then (
returnArgumentAsIs (1 ));
new LanguageUtil ().setLanguage (language );
Portal infrastructure: convenience mocks
liferayPortletRequest = mock (LiferayPortletRequest .class ,
withSettings ().extraInterfaces (RenderRequest .class ));
liferayPortletResponse = mock (LiferayPortletResponse .class ,
withSettings ().extraInterfaces (RenderResponse .class ));
ServletTester tester = engine .getServletTester ();
tester .setAttribute ("liferayPortletRequest" , liferayPortletRequest );
tester .setAttribute ("liferayPortletResponse" , liferayPortletResponse );
tester .setAttribute ("themeDisplay" , themeDisplay );
tester .setAttribute ("locale" , Locale .US );
Your workspace must have a working "portal-master" project.
Eclipse, "Import", "Existing Maven project".
Run the tests using the liferay-portal-jsp-unit-test
launch configuration.
If you ever need to configure a new Liferay Portal JSP Unit Test project from scratch.
Eclipse project, Java Build Path
Required projects in the build path -> portal-master
Libraries -> portlet.jar - portal-master/lib/global
Classpath, User Entries -> Maven Dependencies
before liferay-portal-jsp-unit-test
Source, Source Lookup Path -> portal-master
before Default
Adapted from work by Günther Enthaler, who wrote the original Jetty JSP unit test simple example .