Player joins server: Sets HP attrib to value from config.
Player gets killed: Transfers 2 hearts to killer. If HP attrib is 0: Player gets put in spectator mode. Killer gains no hearts.
Player dies from something else: Drops consumable heart item: Heart item is immune to everything.
Player eliminated: If enabled bans: Player gets configured ban, tenp or perm Else: Player goes into permanent spectator mode Sleeping(dead) player skinned npc spawns at the spot
Revive beacon: Configurable 'comeback' hearts When placed around a player's dead body, they gets revived If there are multiple bodies while placing, beacon will choose the closest one
LifeState enums: Living Dead Banned
Anti-exploits: Revive cooldown Revive x times limit Anti spoof hearts
Considering these: Teams Curses Blessings Decaying hearts
Player dies -> Random cursed heart drop -> Random blessed heart drop -> Fixed cursed heart drop -> Fixed blessed heart drop -> Random cursed/blessed/normal heart drop -> Random cursed/blessed heart drop -> Normal heart drop
Heart types:
A customizable recipe, returns a placeholder item On item craft event, we change the item to whatever configured.
ORMLite an very efficient, fast and light-weight Object Relational Mapper for mysql & sqlite; This implementation has the following features:
Easy methods for editing, updating, retrieve & deleting data. This implementation makes easy to edit, update or retrieve & delete data without even using the weird sql query syntax!.
- Creating a Profile
Profile profile = new Profile(uuid);
- Updating & Refreshing Profile
Profile profile = new Profile(uuid);
// Updating data after making changes.
// Refeshing data after updating.
// This method will execute update() and refresh() method
Profile profile = new Profile(uuid);
- Retrieving player profile
Retrieving profile directly from database
This method of retrieving profile from database will make a new query to fetch the data; It is very inconvenient cause it can cause lag between database and plugin if frequently used. To retrieve data of an online player, use the second method..
Profile profile = LifeStealPlugin
Retrieving profile from cache
Cache is a Map<UUID, Profile> in which the profiles are stored with the player uuid as key; LifeSteal provides an runnable task which saves the cache profile to the actual database every 10 seconds which doesn't cause lag; to retrieve data from cache follow the code below.
Profile profile = LifeStealPlugin
Deleting Profile from database
Profile profile = new Profile(uuid);