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Chrome Dev Editor

A Chrome App-based development environment.

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Dart IDE needs to be installed and dart/dart-sdk/bin needs to be accessible from $PATH. In addition, you should set a DART_SDK environment variable and point it to your/path/to/dart-sdk.

We're currently developing against the weekly development release of the Dart SDK.

Entry Point

The main entry point to the Chrome App is app/manifest.json. It defines the background script for the application (app/background.js). This script gets invoked when the application starts. It opens a new window with the contents set to the app/spark_polymer.html file. This file in turn runs app/spark_polymer.dart.


Dependencies need to be fetched first, using pub. Run:

pub get


Chrome apps do not like symlinks. We use pub and a pubspec.yaml to provision our package dependencies, but we then physically copy all the packages into the app/packages directory. This is not a normal symlinked pub directory but has the same layout as one.


./grind setup

to copy library code from packages/ to app/packages/.


All the Dart code for the application (modulo the spark_polymer.* entry point and spark_polymer_ui.* top-level UI) lives in the app/lib directory.


All the tests live in app/test. These are standard Dart unit tests. Generally, one library under test == 1 test file, and they should all be referenced from all.dart.


./grind mode-test

to switch the app over to including tests (the default mode).

More about the testing story here.

Getting Code, Development and Contributing

Contributions are welcome! See our Wiki for details on how to get the code, run, debug and build Spark, and contribute the code back.