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Conversion code to read a Sysex DX7 file and convert it to XFM2 parameters.

Build: mvn clean package

Usage: ./ This expects a file dx7.syx in the same directory.

Original DX7 Sysex parameters:

The table below give the DX7 Sysex parameters, captures from the original DX7 manual, as is available at the official Yamaha website.

Op 6 Op 5 Op 4 Op 3 Op 2 Op 1 Range Parameter
0 21 42 63 84 105 0-99 Op envelope rate 1
1 22 43 64 85 106 0-99 Op envelope rate 2
2 23 44 65 86 107 0-99 Op envelope rate 3
3 24 45 66 87 108 0-99 Op envelope rate 4
4 25 46 67 88 109 0-99 Op envelope level 1
5 26 47 68 89 110 0-99 Op envelope level 2
6 27 48 69 90 111 0-99 Op envelope level 3
7 28 49 70 91 112 0-99 Op envelope level 4
8 29 50 71 92 113 0-99 KB level scale breakpoint (from A-1 to C8, C3 = 27)
9 30 51 72 93 114 0-99 KB level scale, left depth
10 31 52 73 94 115 0-99 KB level scale, right depth
11 32 53 74 95 116 0-3 Left curve (0=-LIN, 1=-EXP, 2=+EXP, 3=+LIN)
12 33 54 75 96 117 0-3 Right curve (0=-LIN, 1=-EXP, 2=+EXP, 3=+LIN)
13 34 55 76 97 118 0-7 Rate scaling
14 35 56 77 98 119 0-3 AMP Mod sensitivity
15 36 57 78 99 120 0-7 Key velocity sensitivity
16 37 58 79 100 121 0-99 Operator output level
17 38 59 80 101 122 0-1 0=Ratio, 1=Fixed pitch
18 39 60 81 102 123 0-31 Coarse frequency ratio
19 40 61 82 103 124 0-99 Fine frequency ratio (1.00 - 1.99 multiplier)
20 41 62 83 104 125 0-14 Detune (7 = 0%)
Nr Range Parameter
126 0-99 Pitch envelope rate 1
127 0-99 Pitch envelope rate 2
128 0-99 Pitch envelope rate 3
129 0-99 Pitch envelope rate 4
130 0-99 Pitch envelope level 1
131 0-99 Pitch envelope level 2
132 0-99 Pitch envelope level 3
133 0-99 Pitch envelope level 4
134 0-31 Algorithm
135 0-7 Feedback
136 0-1 Oscillator sync (0=off, 1=on)
137 0-99 LFO Speed
138 0-99 LFO Delay
139 0-99 LFO Pitch mod depth
140 0-99 LFO Amp mod depth
141 0-1 LFO Sync (0=off, 1=on)
142 0-5 LFO Waveform (0:TR, 1:SD, 2:SU, 3:SQ, 4:SI, 5:SH)
143 0-7 Pitch mod sensitivity
144 0-48 Transpose (24 = C3)
145 ASCII Voice name char 1
146 ASCII Voice name char 2
147 ASCII Voice name char 3
148 ASCII Voice name char 4
149 ASCII Voice name char 5
150 ASCII Voice name char 6
151 ASCII Voice name char 7
152 ASCII Voice name char 8
153 ASCII Voice name char 9
154 ASCII Voice name char 10

Explanation of the DX7 parameters

Understanding the DX7, Jay Chapman and How to program the DX7, Bo Tomlyn give a lot of useful insights.

Very detailed information about the DX7 envelope generators can be found here:

Most important conclusions from this information:

  • Both envelope increase and decrease are non-lineair.
  • Envelope increase is faster than envelope decrease.
  • Envelope decrease is exponential, envelope increase is quadratic.

XFM2 conversion


134 1 - 6
  • The algorithms of the DX7 need to be converted to the bitmapped version for the XFM2.
  • Mark that the feedback bit (making a XFM2 operator modulates itself) needs to be included as well!
  • Algorithm 4 and 6 have feedback that is not self-modulated (from 4 to 6 and from 5 to 6): so probably operator 6 won't have a feedback bit set!


135 7 - 12
  • DX7 has only one feedback parameter, range 0-7
  • XFM2 has a feedback parameter per operator, range 0-255
  • The value from DX7 needs to be copied to the feedback parameter of the XFM2 for the operator that has feedback, according to the algorithm.
  • Not tested, but assuming a lineair conversion scale: 255/7
  • Not sure: is the feedback parameter used for algorithms 4 and 6, or do these algorithms use the operator output level from operator 4 (for algorithm 4) and operator 5 (for algorithm 6)? We assume the the latter: the XFM2 feedback parameter is only for self modulation!

Oscillator keyboard sync

136 13
  • DX7 has global oscillator sync, range 0-1
  • XFM2 has bitwise oscillator sync, per operator, LSB = operator 1
  • When DX7 has oscillator sync enabled, set the XFM2 oscillator sync parameter to 0b00111111 (=63)

Operator mode

17,38,59,80,101,122 14
  • DX7 has a parameter per operator. 0 = ratio, 1 = fixed pitch
  • XFM2 has a bitwise parameter. LSB = operator 1. 0 = ratio, 1 = fixed pitch

The conversion for the coarse & fine frequency parameters are different with respect to this parameter!

Fixed pitch parameter conversion

When using fixed pitch operator mode, the frequency is obtained on the DX7 using the following formula: COARSE * FINE:

  • COARSE is a value between 0-3, corresponding to 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz or 1000Hz (=HZ-COARSE);
  • FINE is a value between 0-99, corresponding with multipliers 1 to 9.772
  • The actual formula to get the frequency for the D7 is: Hz = HZ-COARSE * (1 + (FINE * 8.772 / 99))

When using fixed pitch operator mode, the frequency is obtained on the XFM2 using the following formula: COARSE * FINE:

  • COARSE is a value between 0-255, frequency is calculated using the formula Hz = COARSE * 32.7
  • FINE is a value between 0-255, using the same formula as with frequency fine ratio, so: 2^(FINE/256), for equal temperament.
  • The actual formula to get the frequency for the XFM2 is: Hz = COARSE * 32.7 * 2^(FINE/256)
  • An approximation for this formula is: Hz = COARSE * 32.7 * (1 + (FINE/256) * (FINE/256) * 0.34 + (FINE/256) * 0.66)
  • The multiplication range for the XFM2 FINE parameter can be calculated from this: it goes from 1 to 1.9946
  • Need to check: this would mean that a frequency below 32.7 is not possible using fixed pitch rate. Maybe COARSE = 0 is actually 16.35?

Conversion of coarse & fine parameters in fixed pitch mode needs to be combined: the resulting value for the XFM2 coarse parameter depends on both the coarse & fine parameters of the DX7, for reference see this table:

DX7 Coarse DX7 Fine Hz XFM2 Coarse XFM2 Fine
1 0 10 Hz ? ?
1 50 54 Hz 1 187
1 99 98 Hz 2 148
2 0 100 Hz 3 7
2 10 189 Hz 5 53
2 99 997 Hz 29 11
3 0 1000 Hz 30 7
3 10 1886 Hz 57 4
3 99 9772 Hz 298 1

The correct conversion is as follows:

  • XFM2-COARSE = Hz / 32.7, rounded down (not using fractions), Hz being the "correct" frequency as calculated for the DX7
  • Let HZ-FINE be the fine ratio in Hz needed get to the "correct" frequency: HZ-FINE = (Hz - XFM2-COARSE) / Hz
  • XFM2-FINE = 256 / Log2(1 + HZ-FINE)

NB: this conversion is ONLY correct for XMF2 Tuning parameter value 0 (= normal tuning = equal temperament)

Frequency coarse ratio

18,39,60,81,102,123 15-20
  • Coarse frequency works the same for DX7 and XFM2
  • Range of the XFM2 runs all the way up to 255, DX7 only goes to 31: XFM2 can have higher coarse frequency rates.
  • A coarse frequency of 0 on the DX7 is usually depicted as ratio 0.50 (what it actually is: a sub-oscillator)

Frequency fine ratio

19,40,61,82,103,124 21-26
  • Fine ratio on the DX7 is a percentage of the frequency. A4 (=440 Hz) with frequency ratio 1.10 (coarse = 1, fine = 10) results in a frequency of 484. The calculation is F = Fc * (1 + Rf/100), F being the resulting frequency, Fc the frequency with only the coarse part and Rf the fine ratio parameter value.
  • Fine ratio on the XFM2 is a percentage of an octave. Using equal temperament, this means that the calculation is actually F = Fc * 2^(Rf/256). So to get the correct ratio, the value is actually fine = 35.
  • The correct conversion would be: XFM2 fine = 256 / Log2(1 + Rf/100), Rf being the fine ratio parameter value of the DX7.

NB: this conversion is ONLY correct for XMF2 Tuning parameter value 0 (= normal tuning = equal temperament)


20,41,62,83,104,125 27-32
  • DX7 detune is ranged 0-14, 0 corresponds to -7, 7 corresponds to 0, 14 corresponds to +7
  • XFM2 detune is ranged 0-255, 0 corresponeds to -127, 128 corresponds to 0, 127 corresponds to +127
  • DX7 detune segments an fine pitch interval of the DX7 (rang -0.007 to +0.007? Not sure..)
  • XFM2 detune is ranged in cents, so an interval within a semitone of an octave (see also frequency fine ratio)
  • The means: DX7 has detune with respect to frequency, XFM2 has detune with respect to semitones: same different as for frequency fine ratio. But because the intervals are so small, we will probably get away with a fixed conversion ratio.


16,37,58,79,100,121 33 - 38

DX7 Levels with respect to modulation index (from Music: a mathematical offering, Apendix B, David Benson. The calculation in Synthesis: FM pt2 are the same, but have a higher accuracy, and this page describes the actual formula that is used:


  • DX7: the parameter value (range 0-99)
  • TL, the TL-number (?), TL = 99-DX7 for DX7>=20, and for lower values we have to use a look-up table (the output is non-lineair)
  • I: the modulation index, I = PI * 2^((33/16) - (TL/8))

Look-up table for TL:

DX7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
TL 127 122 118 114 110 107 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 85 84 82 81
DX7 Index Original Difference
0 0.0002 0?
10 0.0032 0.003 6,79%
20 0.0140 0.013 7,50%
30 0.0332 0.031 7,22%
40 0.0791 0.079 0,07%
50 0.1880 0.188 0,01%
60 0.4472 0.446 0,27%
65 0.6897 0.690 0,05%
70 1.0636 1.068 0,41%
75 1.6403 1.639 0,08%
80 2.5298 2.512 0,71%
85 3.9014 3.894 0,19%
90 6.0168 6.029 0,20%
95 9.2792 9.263 0,17%
99 13.123 13.119 0,03%

(this excel sheet has all the individual numbers and the actual calculation).

The numbers differ a bit from the numbers in FM Theory & Applications, John Chowning, the third column named "Original". Especially the calculated index for 0 seems a bit odd, probably the result of using an exponential function with y asymptote = 0. The DX7 would not use a function to calculate these indices, but a lookup table, so param value 0 would probably be set to modulation index 0. But as you can see from the fourth column and the graph below, the differences are very small. From param value 40, the difference is always less than 1%.

Key velocity sensitivity

15,36,57,78,99,120 39 - 44

KB level scale

Param DX7 XFM2
Breakpoint 8,29,50,71,92,113 45 - 50
Left depth 9,30,51,72,93,114 51 - 56
Right depth 10,31,52,73,94,115 57 - 62
Left curve 11,32,53,74,95,116 63 - 68
Right curve 12,33,54,75,96,117 69 - 74

Operator level envelope

Param DX7 XFM2
L1 4,25,46,67,88,109 75 - 80
L2 5,26,47,68,89 82 - 87
L3 6,27,48,69,90 89 - 94
L4 7,28,49,70,91,112 96 - 101
R1 0,21,42,63,84,105 103 - 108
R2 1,22,43,64,85,106 110 - 115
R3 2,23,44,65,86,107 117 - 122
R4 3,24,45,66,87,108 124 - 129
  • The DX7 envelope doesn't start at 0, but at the level of L4, which most of the time will be 0.
  • The XFM2 envelope starts at level L0. So to convert the levels correctly: L4 of the DX7 should also be used to calculate L0 of the XFM2:
Param DX7 XFM2
L0 7,28,49,70,91,112 181 - 186

Pitch envelope

Param DX7 XFM2
L1 130 130
L2 131 131
L3 132 132
L4 133 133
R1 126 134
R2 127 135
R3 128 136
R4 129 137
  • The DX7 envelope doesn't start at 0, but at the level of L4, which most of the time will be 0.
  • The XFM2 envelope starts at level L0. So to convert the levels correctly: L4 of the DX7 should also be used to calculate L0 of the XFM2:
Param DX7 XFM2
L0 133 205

Pitch envelope range

- 138
  • The pitch envelope range defines the range of the pitch envelope on the XFM2, in octaves.
  • The DX7 doesn't have this parameter. The pitch envelope range is fixed to -4 to +4 octaves (0 = -4, 50 = 0, 99 = -4)

Pitch envelope range velocity

- 139
  • The pitch envelope range velocity sets how much the pitch envelope range changes with MIDI velocity on the XFM2.
  • The DX7 doesn't have this parameter. The pitch envelope range is fixed to -4 to +4 octaves.
  • Leave this parameter to 0: pitch envelope range velocity is not available on the DX7.

Operator level envelope rate key

13,34,55,76,97,118 140 - 145
  • This parameter will make higher notes have a faster envelope than lower, bass, notes. It works rougly the same on the DX7 and XFM2.
  • The operator level envelope rate key on the XFM2 works the same as other rates: 0 gives the normal, slowest envelope, 255 gives a very snappy, fast envelope (at high notes).
  • The DX7 works the same way, but with a different scale: 0 gives the normal, slowest envelope, 7 gives the fasted envelope (at high notes).

Pitch envelope rate key

- 146
  • The pitch envelope rate key on the XFM2 works the same way as the operator level envelope rate key: changing the timing
  • THe DX7 doesn't have this parameter. The pitch envelope timing is fixed.

LFO Pitch depth

139 149

LFO Amp depth

140 150

LFO Speed

137 151
  • The LFO speed of the DX7 might go from 0.1 Hz to 60 Hz, but other values are 3.5 Hz to 47 Hz. It seems quite linear at the bottom, but high values seems to increase the speed more than low values.
  • The LFO speed of the XFM2 seems pretty linear, a multiplication of 2.76 BPM per parameter value (276 BPM for value 100, 28 BPM for value 10), but higher values also seems to increase the speed?
  • The LFO's of the DX7 and XFM2 do not have the same speed range apparently, so some conversion seems to be necessary?

LFO Sync

141 152

LFO Wave

142 153

The DX7 and the XFM2 have the same possible wave forms for the LFO, if you would consider the S/H (Sample & Hold) waveform the same as the random waveform of the XFM2, using the following conversion table:

Waveform DX7 XFM2
Triangle 0 0
Saw down 1 3
Saw up 2 2
Square 3 1
Sinus 4 4
S/H, Random 5 5

LFO Fade/Delay

138 154
  • This parameter is called "Fade" on the XFM2 and "Delay" on the DX7. Not sure if it is the same thing.
  • From the XFM2 manual, "Fade" is the time to ramp up to the specified LFO effect.
  • From the DX7 manaul, "Delay" is simply that: a delay of the LFO effect.
  • This assumes that the functionality is somewhat different: a ramp-up effect vs a delayed effect

LFO Amp sensitivity

14,35,56,77,98,119 159 - 164


144 174

Transpose 24 = no transpose, so 24 corresponds with C4.

Midi note implementation:

  • C4 = MIDI 60 = 261.63 Hz
  • A4 = MIDI 69 = 440.00 Hz

(LFO) Pitch sensitivity

143 222 - 227
  • The DX7 pitch sensitivity parameter sets the same value for every operator.
  • The XFM2 has a pitch sensitivity parameter per operator.

Conversion reference

The table below gives a reference guide for all 154 parameters of the DX7

DX7 Param XFM2
0 OP-6 Envelope rate 1 108
1 OP-6 Envelope rate 2 115
2 OP-6 Envelope rate 3 122
3 OP-6 Envelope rate 4 129
4 OP-6 Envelope level 1 80
5 OP-6 Envelope level 2 87
6 OP-6 Envelope level 3 94
7 OP-6 Envelope level 4 101
8 OP-6 KB level scale breakpoint 50
9 OP-6 KB level scale, left depth 56
10 OP-6 KB level scale, right depth 62
11 OP-6 KB level scale, left curve 68
12 OP-6 KB level scale, right curve 74
13 OP-6 Rate scaling 145
14 OP-6 AMP Mod sensitivity 164
15 OP-6 Key velocity sensitivity 44
16 OP-6 Operator output level 38
17 OP-6 Operator mode (ratio/pitch) 14
18 OP-6 Coarse frequency ratio 20
19 OP-6 Fine frequency ratio 26
20 OP-6 Detune 32
21 OP-5 Envelope rate 1
22 OP-5 Envelope rate 2
23 OP-5 Envelope rate 3
24 OP-5 Envelope rate 4
25 OP-5 Envelope level 1
26 OP-5 Envelope level 2
27 OP-5 Envelope level 3
28 OP-5 Envelope level 4
29 OP-5 KB level scale breakpoint
30 OP-5 KB level scale, left depth
31 OP-5 KB level scale, right depth
32 OP-5 Left curve
33 OP-5 Right curve
34 OP-5 Rate scaling
35 OP-5 AMP Mod sensitivity
36 OP-5 Key velocity sensitivity
37 OP-5 Operator output level
38 OP-5 Operator mode (ratio/pitch)
39 OP-5 Coarse frequency ratio
40 OP-5 Fine frequency ratio
41 OP-5 Detune
42 OP-4 Envelope rate 1
43 OP-4 Envelope rate 2
44 OP-4 Envelope rate 3
45 OP-4 Envelope rate 4
46 OP-4 Envelope level 1
47 OP-4 Envelope level 2
48 OP-4 Envelope level 3
49 OP-4 Envelope level 4
50 OP-4 KB level scale breakpoint
51 OP-4 KB level scale, left depth
52 OP-4 KB level scale, right depth
53 OP-4 Left curve
54 OP-4 Right curve
55 OP-4 Rate scaling
56 OP-4 AMP Mod sensitivity
57 OP-4 Key velocity sensitivity
58 OP-4 Operator output level
59 OP-4 Operator mode (ratio/pitch)
60 OP-4 Coarse frequency ratio
61 OP-4 Fine frequency ratio
62 OP-4 Detune
63 OP-3 Envelope rate 1
64 OP-3 Envelope rate 2
65 OP-3 Envelope rate 3
66 OP-3 Envelope rate 4
67 OP-3 Envelope level 1
68 OP-3 Envelope level 2
69 OP-3 Envelope level 3
70 OP-3 Envelope level 4
71 OP-3 KB level scale breakpoint
72 OP-3 KB level scale, left depth
73 OP-3 KB level scale, right depth
74 OP-3 Left curve
75 OP-3 Right curve
76 OP-3 Rate scaling
77 OP-3 AMP Mod sensitivity
78 OP-3 Key velocity sensitivity
79 OP-3 Operator output level
80 OP-3 Operator mode (ratio/pitch)
81 OP-3 Coarse frequency ratio
82 OP-3 Fine frequency ratio
83 OP-3 Detune
84 OP-2 Envelope rate 1
85 OP-2 Envelope rate 2
86 OP-2 Envelope rate 3
87 OP-2 Envelope rate 4
88 OP-2 Envelope level 1
89 OP-2 Envelope level 2
90 OP-2 Envelope level 3
91 OP-2 Envelope level 4
92 OP-2 KB level scale breakpoint
93 OP-2 KB level scale, left depth
94 OP-2 KB level scale, right depth
95 OP-2 Left curve
96 OP-2 Right curve
97 OP-2 Rate scaling
98 OP-2 AMP Mod sensitivity
99 OP-2 Key velocity sensitivity
100 OP-2 Operator output level
101 OP-2 Operator mode (ratio/pitch)
102 OP-2 Coarse frequency ratio
103 OP-2 Fine frequency ratio
104 OP-2 Detune
105 OP-1 Envelope rate 1
106 OP-1 Envelope rate 2
107 OP-1 Envelope rate 3
108 OP-1 Envelope rate 4
109 OP-1 Envelope level 1
110 OP-1 Envelope level 2
111 OP-1 Envelope level 3
112 OP-1 Envelope level 4
113 OP-1 KB level scale breakpoint
114 OP-1 KB level scale, left depth
115 OP-1 KB level scale, right depth
116 OP-1 Left curve
117 OP-1 Right curve
118 OP-1 Rate scaling
119 OP-1 AMP Mod sensitivity
120 OP-1 Key velocity sensitivity
121 OP-1 Operator output level
122 OP-1 Operator mode (ratio/pitch)
123 OP-1 Coarse frequency ratio
124 OP-1 Fine frequency ratio
125 OP-1 Detune
126 Pitch envelope rate 1 134
127 Pitch envelope rate 2 135
128 Pitch envelope rate 3 136
129 Pitch envelope rate 4 137
130 Pitch envelope level 1 130
131 Pitch envelope level 2 131
132 Pitch envelope level 3 132
133 Pitch envelope level 4 133
134 Algorithm 1 - 6
135 Feedback 7 - 12
136 Oscillator sync 13
137 LFO Speed 151
138 LFO Delay 154
139 LFO Pitch mod depth 149
140 LFO Amp mod depth 150
141 LFO Sync 152
142 LFO Waveform 153
143 Pitch mod sensitivity 222 - 227
144 Transpose 174
145 Voice name char 1 -
146 Voice name char 2 -
147 Voice name char 3 -
148 Voice name char 4 -
149 Voice name char 5 -
150 Voice name char 6 -
151 Voice name char 7 -
152 Voice name char 8 -
153 Voice name char 9 -
154 Voice name char 10 -