- [X] Label = 1
- [X] FuncInfo = 2
- [X] IntCodeEnd = 3
- [X] Call = 4
- [X] CallLast = 5
- [X] CallOnly = 6
- [X] CallExt = 7
- [X] CallExtLast = 8
- [X] Bif0 = 9
- [X] Bif1 = 10
- [X] Bif2 = 11
- [X] Allocate = 12
- [X] AllocateHeap = 13
- [X] AllocateZero = 14
- [X] AllocateHeapZero = 15
- [ ] TestHeap = 16
- [X] Init = 17
- [X] Deallocate = 18
- [X] Return = 19
- [X] Send = 20
- [X] RemoveMessage = 21
- [X] Timeout = 22
- [X] LoopRec = 23
- [X] LoopRecEnd = 24
- [X] Wait = 25
- [ ] WaitTimeout = 26
- [X] IsLt = 39
- [X] IsGe = 40
- [X] IsEq = 41
- [X] IsNe = 42
- [X] IsEqExact = 43
- [X] IsNeExact = 44
- [X] IsInteger = 45
- [X] IsFloat = 46
- [X] IsNumber = 47
- [X] IsAtom = 48
- [X] IsPid = 49
- [X] IsReference = 50
- [X] IsPort = 51
- [X] IsNil = 52
- [X] IsBinary = 53
- [X] IsList = 55
- [X] IsNonemptyList = 56
- [X] IsTuple = 57
- [X] TestArity = 58
- [X] SelectVal = 59
- [X] SelectTupleArity = 60
- [X] Jump = 61
- [X] Catch = 62
- [X] CatchEnd = 63
- [X] Move = 64
- [X] GetList = 65
- [X] GetTupleElement = 66
- [X] SetTupleElement = 67
- [X] PutList = 69
- [X] PutTuple = 70
- [X] Put = 71
- [X] Badmatch = 72
- [X] IfEnd = 73
- [X] CaseEnd = 74
- [X] CallFun = 75
- [X] IsFunction = 77
- [X] CallExtOnly = 78
- [ ] BsPutInteger = 89
- [ ] BsPutBinary = 90
- [ ] BsPutFloat = 91
- [X] BsPutString = 92
- [X] Fclearerror = 94 Clears the error flag
- [X] Fcheckerror = 95 Checks if the FR0 contains Nan or +-Inf. Raises badarith exception if this is the case.
- [X] Fmove = 96 copy from src to dest
- [X] Fconv = 97 convert arg to float and place in dest
- [X] Fadd = 98 arg[2] = arg[0] + arg[1]
- [X] Fsub = 99 arg[2] = arg[0] - arg[1]
- [X] Fmul = 100 arg[2] = arg[0] * arg[1]
- [X] Fdiv = 101 arg[2] = arg[0] / arg[1]
- [X] Fnegate = 102 arg[1] = -arg[0]
- [X] MakeFun2 = 103
- [X] Try = 104
- [X] TryEnd = 105
- [X] TryCase = 106
- [X] TryCaseEnd = 107
- [X] Raise = 108
- [X] BsInit2 = 109
- [X] BsAdd = 111
- [X] Apply = 112
- [X] ApplyLast = 113
- [X] IsBoolean = 114
- [X] IsFunction2 = 115
- [X] BsStartMatch2 = 116
- [ ] BsGetInteger2 = 117
- [X] BsGetFloat2 = 118
- [X] BsGetBinary2 = 119
- [X] BsSkipBits2 = 120
- [X] BsTestTail2 = 121
- [X] BsSave2 = 122
- [X] BsRestore2 = 123
- [X] GcBif1 = 124
- [X] GcBif2 = 125
- [X] IsBitstr = 129
- [X] BsContextToBinary = 130
- [X] BsTestUnit = 131
- [X] BsMatchString = 132
- [X] BsInitWritable = 133
- [X] BsAppend = 134
- [X] BsPrivateAppend = 135
- [X] Trim = 136
- [ ] BsInitBits = 137
- [X] BsGetUtf8 = 138
- [X] BsSkipUtf8 = 139
- [X] BsGetUtf16 = 140
- [X] BsSkipUtf16 = 141
- [ ] BsGetUtf32 = 142
- [ ] BsSkipUtf32 = 143
- [X] BsUtf8Size = 144
- [X] BsPutUtf8 = 145
- [X] BsUtf16Size = 146
- [X] BsPutUtf16 = 147
- [ ] BsPutUtf32 = 148
- [ ] OnLoad = 149
- [X] RecvMark = 150
- [X] RecvSet = 151
- [X] GcBif3 = 152
- [X] Line = 153
- [X] PutMapAssoc = 154
- [X] PutMapExact = 155
- [X] IsMap = 156
- [X] HasMapFields = 157
- [X] GetMapElements = 158
- [X] IsTaggedTuple = 159
- [X] BuildStacktrace = 160
- [X] RawRaise = 161
- [X] GetHd = 162
- [X] GetTl = 163
- [X] PutTuple2 = 164
- [X] BsGetTail = 165
- [X] BsStartMatch3 = 166
- [X] BsGetPosition = 167
- [X] BsSetPosition = 168