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Neo4Client-Vector builds on the Neo4jClient API with a set of extension methods for generating Cypher patterns based on reflection, rather than hard-coded text. It also includes some helper methods for more concise queries, such as FirstOrDefault(), ToList(), Count(), and a generic pagination method.

How it works

At the core of the library is the generic class Vector<TRelation, TSource, TTarget> which is a type-safe equivalent of a Cypher pattern. A Cypher pattern is a fragment of Cypher code that represents the relationship between two nodes, which is also called a path. In Cypher a path can encompass the traversal of a number of nodes, so in this project I have used the term 'vector' to mean specifically the path between just two nodes, that includes the source node, the relationship, and the target node. Vector<TRelation, TSource, TTarget> is essentially an abstraction representing (a)-[r]->(b) or (a)<-[r]-(b).

Getting started

The first step is to clone the repository, build it locally, and add a project reference to the Neo4jClient-Vector solution.


  • Install Neo4jClient Nuget package v.

Some examples

There are a number of core classes in Neo4jClient-Vector that you will need to inherit from to use the project. The Entity close represents a Cypher node and the Relation class represents a Cypher relationship. These classes can be decorated with the attributes Relationship and Node. Relationship is the most important one is it is required for defining the properties of the Cypher vector pattern.

Here is a typical example of how you could use it:

[Relationship(Type = "kind_of_category", Direction = RelationshipDirection.Outgoing)]
public class KindOfCategoryRelation : Relation { }

This example is equivalent to writing the following Cypher pattern:


To make a proper Vector, though, we will also need to define any node classes.

[Node(Name = "cat")]
public class Category : Entity
    public string Description { get; set; }

Now that we have a Relation and Entity defined we can create a Vector:

public class KindOfCategory : Vector<KindOfCategoryRelation, Category, Category> { }

This represents the following Cypher pattern:


Now that we have a our own Vector we can write code like the following, utilising the library's extension methods. This example demonstrates Cypher path generation with OptMatch<T> and a shortcut ToListAsync method:

public async Task<IEnumerable<Category>> ChildrenOfAsync(string code)
    var query = graph.From<Concept>(concept.Guid)
                     .OptMatch<ChildrenOfConcept>(to: "children");
    var list = await query.ToListAsync(children => children.As<Concept>(), orderBy: "children.Name");
    return list ?? new List<Concept>();

The following example takes a node identifier (a readable string code name in this case) and returns all of the children of that node, and includes the ancestors of each child for use in a drop-down list using the Path method.

public async Task<IEnumerable<AncestorsOfConcept>> DescendantsOfAsync(string ancestorCode = null)
    var root = ancestorCode.HasValue() ? FromCode<Concept>(ancestorCode) : From<Concept>();
    var query = root.Match<ChildrenOfConcept>(relPath: "*0..", to: "d").With("d")
                    .Path<SubsetOfConcept>(from: "d", relPath: "*0..", to: "a").Where("a.Code", ancestorCode)
                    .With("d, nodes(p) as n").Unwind("n", "ancestors");
    return await query
                .ToListAsync(d => new AncestorsOfConcept
                    Entity = d.As<Concept>(),
                    Ancestors = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("tail(collect(distinct(ancestors.Name)))")
                orderBy: "d.Name ASC");

The example below returns a Graph<T> (i.e., a sub-graph centred on a given Category node):

public async Task<CategoryGraph> FindGraphAsync(Guid guid)
    return await graph.From<Category>(guid)
                      .OptMatch<KindOfCategory>(to: "parents")
                      .FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => new CategoryGraph
                          Entity = c.As<Category>(),
                          Parents = Return.As<IEnumerable<KindOfCategory>>(Collect<KindOfCategory>("parents"))

This example demonstrates the PageAsync function, along with functions that take the search query object and build a Cypher query dynamically. If allows you to add to the ICypherFluentQuery object based on filter conditions, whereas PageAsync takes the query object and handles pagination, setting row counts, the maximum page value, execution time, etc. Note also how the use of Match<TypeOfAgent, SubsetOfConcept> to easily build a hyper-node expression (i.e., a Cypher pattern that transitions across two edges). The functions WhereLike and AndWhereLike allow you to execute case-insensitive partial matches, and the OrderBy object shown in the PageAsync call allows you to dynamically construct an ORDER BY Cypher statement.

public async Task<SearchAgentCluster> SearchAsync(SearchAgentCluster query)
    var records = From<Agent>().Where()
                    .If(query.Name.HasValue(), x => x.AndWhereLike("a.Name", query.Name))
                    .If(query.FirstName.HasValue(), x => x.AndWhereLike("a.FirstName", query.FirstName))
                    .If(query.LastName.HasValue(), x => x.AndWhereLike("a.LastName", query.LastName))
                    .If(query.IsDeleted.HasValue, x => x.AndWhere("a.IsDeleted", query.IsDeleted.ToString()))
                    .If(query.Type.HasValue, x => x.With("a")
                        .Match<TypeOfAgent, SubsetOfConcept>(to: "type", relPath2: "*0..", to2: "ancestor").Where("ancestor.Guid", query.Type)
                        .With("a, type"))
                    .OptMatch<TypeOfAgent>(to: "type");

    return await PageAsync<AgentCluster, SearchAgentCluster>(query, records,
        a => new AgentCluster
            Entity = a.As<Agent>(),
            Types = Return.As<IEnumerable<Concept>>("collect(distinct(type))")
        orderBy: OrderBy.From(query)
                        .When(SearchOrder.ByName.ToString(), "a.Name, a.LastName, a.FirstName ASC", "a.Name, a.LastName DESC, a.FirstName ASC")
                        .When(SearchOrder.ByDateAdded.ToString(), "a.DateAddedUTC")

Saving and updating entities has also been abstracted away, with optional Actions for inserting and updating the entity prior to committing:

public async Task<Result> SaveOrUpdateAsync(Category data)
    return await SaveOrUpdateAsync(data, update: x =>
        x.Name = data.Name;
        x.Code = data.Code;

There are also a couple of ways of updating relationships. If you just want to create a relationship between existing nodes you can do so as follows:

public async Task<Result> BelongsToCalendarAsync(Guid calendarEventId, Guid calendarId)
    return await RelateAsync(new BelongsToCalendar
        Source = new CalendarEvent { Guid = calendarEventId },
        Target = new Calendar { Guid = calendarId }

Or if you need to change a relationship from one node to a different node, you can do so using the VectorIdent class:

public async Task<Result> AtPlaceAsync(VectorIdent ident)
    if (ident.RelationId.HasValue)
        await DeleteAsync<AtPlace>(ident);
    return await RelateAsync<AtPlace>(ident);

Coming soon

  • A breakdown of the core classes, and their built-in properties

  • Some more examples of how to access the helper functions