Fac is a powerful script that helps to optimize the opening of your workspaces. Create custom commands to open programs or perform actions quickly.
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/arielroque/Fac.git
# Enter in the directory using cd
cd Fac
# Add permition to execute the Fac Scripts
chmod +x ./*
# Execute the following script
source install.sh
After install,close the terminal to persist the changes and open another terminal with following command to open Fac:
fac open
To see another commands from Fac CLI, run:
open Open the Fac
ls List all created commands
rm Remove a command created
uninstall Uninstall Fac
Customizing Fac with new programs or commands is easy, please read CUSTOMIZING.md for details.
If you want to delete the Fac from your computer, just use the following command
fac uninstall
Pull request are also welcome , please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Check issue templates for the suggested issue formats
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE.md for details