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CVP SNMP monitoring with Kubernetes

Warning Disclaimer: This project is not an officially endorsed or supported Arista project, and should be treated as a best-effort initiative, without any guarantee of performance or reliability.

The goal of this project is to find a cleaner way to install snmpd packages on CVP: this will allow a remote management SNMP system to monitor basic CVP server information (CPU, memory, disk space, ...).

The following project will install snmpd version 5.9.4 in a Kubernetes pod to make a cleaner and easier-to-maintain solution.

This snmpd package does support modern cryptographic algorithms (such as SHA-512 or AES-256).

Note Kubernetes will expose by default the port UDP 161 on each node. So this port needs to be used from the remote devices (NMS system for example).

Installation process

Step 1: Get the files in your CVP server in the /cvpi directory

If CloudVision has access to the internet this can be downloaded directly to the CLI of the primary node:

cd /cvpi/
wget -O cvp-snmp-container-main.tar.gz
tar -xf cvp-snmp-container-main.tar.gz
cd cvp-snmp-container-main/

Otherwise, download the package as a zip file (via the github web interface) to your computer and scp it to the CVP server.

unzip /path/to/file/on/cvp/ -d /cvpi/

Note The repository directory on the cvp server must be exactly /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/

Step 2: Modify the snmpd.conf file to match your requirements.

By default, the configuration file has the following content (using v2c "testing" community string, and v3 arista user):

# Global information
sysname "arista-cvp-server-1"
syslocation "arista-cvp-location"
syscontact "admin"

# Warning: Do not modify this port as this is the port open INSIDE the Kubernetes pod. 
# If you wish to modify the host port opened, check the snmpd-monitor.yaml file.
agentAddress udp:161
agentuser root

# For SNMPv2c
rocommunity testing

# For SNMPv3:
createUser arista SHA-512 'arista1234' AES-256 'arista1234'
rouser arista

# pass_persist for kubernetes monitoring
pass_persist .  /

A complete list of examples is available in command man 5 snmpd.examples

Step 3: Load the container image.

  • For CVP version >= 2022.3.0 :
tar -xf net_snmp_image.tar.gz && nerdctl load -i net_snmp_image

# Verification: 
nerdctl image ls  | grep snmp
  • For older CVP versions, use the following command:
tar -xf net_snmp_image.tar.gz && docker load -i net_snmp_image

# Verification:
docker image ls | grep snmp

Step 4: Install a cron entry

A cronjob needs to be configured to avoid any downtime after an upgrade of CVP is performed (as during the upgrade all the container images are flushed).
This can be accomplished by installing the following cron entry.
Use the following command to edit the crontab:

crontab -e

And add the following:

@reboot /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/ >> /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/cron.log 2>&1

Step 5: (for multi-nodes)

If in a multi-node cluster, repeat Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the secondary node and tertiary node.

Step 6: Create the Kubernetes deployment:

This needs to be run only on the primary server.

kubectl apply -f snmpd-monitor.yaml

Step 7: Validation

From the CVP server, we can verify the status of the pods and deployment:

kubectl get pods -l app=snmpd-monitor -o wide 
kubectl get daemonset -l app=snmpd-monitor

Expected output

$ kubectl get pods -l app=snmpd-monitor -o wide 
NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE                               NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
snmpd-monitor-jg9v6   1/1     Running   0          3m46s   <none>           <none>
snmpd-monitor-l66jt   1/1     Running   0          3m46s   <none>           <none>
snmpd-monitor-nlxxf   1/1     Running   0          3m46s   <none>           <none>

$ kubectl get daemonset -l app=snmpd-monitor
snmpd-monitor   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          30s

SNMP query

From a remote device (for example an Arista switch), do an SNMP query:

# SNMPv2c - Get sysname:
switch#bash snmpwalk -v2c -c testing
SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: "arista-cvp-server-1"

# SNMPv2c - Get uptime:
switch#bash snmpwalk -v2c -c testing
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0 = Timeticks: (36197997) 4 days, 4:32:59.97

# SNMPv3 - Get sysname: 
switch#bash snmpwalk -v3 -u arista -a SHA-512 -A arista1234 -x AES-256 -X arista1234
SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: "arista-cvp-server-1"

How to update the SNMP configuration?

In case you need to modify the SNMP configuration after installation is complete, please follow the below steps.

  • Step 1 - Modify the /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/snmpd.conf file on each node:
vi /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/snmpd.conf
  • Step 2 - On one node (primary for example), delete and re-apply the Kubernetes daemonset:
kubectl delete -f /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/snmpd-monitor.yaml
kubectl apply -f /cvpi/cvp-snmp-container-main/snmpd-monitor.yaml
  • Step 3 - Verification:
kubectl get pods -l app=snmpd-monitor -o wide 
kubectl get daemonset -l app=snmpd-monitor

Kubernetes monitoring

Some OIDs and one MIB file are also available to monitor Kubernetes resources.
The MIB file is available here ARISTA-KUBERNETES-MIB.txt.
The 4 following OIDs are available:

  • nbPodsInRunningState: Number of Kubernetes pods in Running state
  • nbNodesInReadyState: Number of Kubernetes nodes in Ready state
  • k8sNodesInfo: Kubernetes nodes info (output of kubectl get nodes -o wide)
  • k8sPodsInfo: Kubernetes pods info (output of kubectl get pods --all-namespaces)


# Where 'mibs' is a local directory containing the file (ARISTA-KUBERNETES-MIB.txt)
$ snmpwalk -v2c -M+mibs -c testing ARISTA-KUBERNETES-MIB::nbNodesInReadyState

SNMP for CVA appliance

If you would need to monitor the CVA appliance, the above steps will not work as the CVAs are not part of a Kubernetes cluster. We would advise using the SNMP capability of the iDRAC interface. You can find more information about this on Arista Networks website