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Discord Bot


Admin commands

Cloud commands

Discord Bot

The Discord bot allows administrators to manage servers using commands in Discord.

To get a list of available commands type !commands in private message to the Discord bot or in a command enabled channel (enabledChannels setting). For usage examples type !command .


Command Description
!admin Admin commands to manage the ARK Server (rcon etc.)
!linksteam Link your Discord user with your Steam account
!rcon Rcon server administration
!servers List the available servers
!unlinksteam Unlink your Discord user from your Steam account
!version Get the bot version number
!whoami Find out what we know about you

Admin commands

Manage servers

Command Description
!admin serverKey restartserver Restart the server.
!admin serverKey updateserver Update the server.
!admin serverKey startserver Start the server.
!admin serverKey stopserver Stop/shutdown the server.
!admin serverKey terminateserver Forcibly shutdown an unresponsive server.
!admin restartservers Restart all servers.
!admin updateservers Update all servers.
!admin startservers Start all servers.
!admin stopservers Stop/shutdown all servers.

Coundown events

Command Description
!admin serverKey countdown minutes event description Start a countdown without any action.
!admin serverKey countdown minutes event description stopserver Start a countdown with subsequent server shutdown.
!admin serverKey countdown minutes event description restartserver Start a countdown with subsequent server restart.
!admin serverKey countdown minutes event description updateserver Start a countdown with subsequent server update.
!admin countdown minutes event description Start a countdown on all servers without any action.
!admin countdown minutes event description stopservers Start a countdown on all servers with subsequent server shutdown.
!admin countdown minutes event description restartservers Start a countdown on all servers with subsequent server restart.
!admin countdown minutes event description updateservers Start a countdown on all servers with subsequent server update.

RCON commands

Command Description
!rcon serverKey 'command' Sends a custom rcon command to the server instance.
!admin serverKey SaveWorld Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state
!admin serverKey DestroyWildDinos Destroys all untamed creatures on the map (which includes all creatures that are currently being tamed)
!admin serverKey KickPlayer steamid Kick a player
!admin serverKey BanPlayer steamid Ban a player
!admin serverKey UnbanPlayer steamid Unban a player
!admin serverKey KillPlayer player id Kill a player
!admin serverKey SetVotingAllowed steamid true/false Set voting allowed/disallowed for a player
!admin serverKey EnableVoting true/false Enable voting system
!admin serverKey DoExit Shutdown server
!admin serverKey Broadcast message Broadcast a message to all players on the server
!admin serverKey ListPlayers List all connected players and their SteamIDs
!admin serverKey RenamePlayer old name NewName new name Rename a player
!admin serverKey RenameTribe old name NewName new name Rename a tribe
!admin serverKey ServerChat message Sends a chat message to all currently connected players
!admin serverKey ServerChatTo steamid Message message Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id
!admin serverKey ServerChatToPlayer name Message message Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their in-game player name
!admin serverKey GetPlayerIDForSteamID steamid Get player id from given steamid
!admin serverKey GetSteamIDForPlayerID player id Get steamid from give player id
!admin serverKey GetTribeIdPlayerList tribe id Get a list of players in a tribe
!admin serverKey SetTimeOfDay hh:mm:ss Sets the game world's time of day to the specified time


Command Description
!admin serverKey backups List backups for the server.

Cloud commands

Command Description
!cloud clusterKey command Creates a backup of the current cloud save for the given steamid.
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
!cloud clusterKey command
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