Lists all changes with user impact. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Lua custom metadata
- Add default access log filter configuration
- Log authority and lua authority in lua filters
- Added debug endpoint
- Added tcp dumps for downstream
- Added flags for lua filters
- Update java-control-plane - remove api v2
- readiness metric
- Added readiness warmup time metric
- added possibility to configure RateLimitedRetryBackOff in retry policy
- fixed types in retry policy properties
- add possibility to configure default retryOn property in retry policies
- moved release action to step in publishing action
- Remove reactor in computing cluster state changes
- Fix flaky ConsulClusterStateChangesTest
- Match configured method during oauth authorization.
- Access log filters config handled
- Global snapshot auditor added
- updated project java version 11
- updated java-control-plane to version with removed api v2
- Fixed issue with ConcurrentModificationException when using new ServicesState
- Refactor reactor in RemoteServices
- Nothing. Empty commit for fix released version.