Collection of J2EE filters, servlets and tools helping to build lightweight pull-MVC webapps.
It's not a framework but rather a collection of modules within which you're free to cherry pick what suits you.
It uses Modality for its Model layer, and Apache Velocity for its View layer.
Welcome to the world of lightweight Java webapps. No Spring, Hibernate or the like here.
If you are familiar with the MVC architecture,
See the class diagram, and the call graph.
auth. +-- protected = ".*" : regexp of protected resources URIs
+-- session. +-- invalidate_on_logout = true : whether to invalidate session on logout
| +-- logged_key = "logged" : session attribute key for logged user
| +-- max_inactive_interval = 0 : session lifetime
| +-- redirect. +-- parameter = null : redirection query string parameter to honor after login or logout
| +-- referrer = false : whether to redirect using referrer after login or logout
| +-- uri. +-- dologin = "" : login action URI
| +-- dologout = "" : logout action URI
+-- form. +-- field. +-- login = "login" : login input form field name
| | +-- password = "password" : password input form field name
| +-- login_redirect = false : whether to redirect unauthentified requests towards the login URI
| +-- success. +-- forward_post = false : whether to save unauthentified POST requests and forward successful logins to them
| | +-- redirect_get = false : whether to save unauthentified GET requests and redirect successful logins to them
| +-- uri. +-- home = <auto> : home URI for unauthentified sessions, set by default to '/' resource path
| +-- login = "login.vhtml" : login form URI
| +-- user_home = home : home URI for logged users
+-- model. +-- id = <auto> : model id to use
| +-- refresh_rate = 0 : session user instance refresh rate
| +-- user_by_credentials = null : model attribute returning a user given correct dredentials
+-- cookie. +-- check. +-- ip = false : should the *remember me* cookie handler check IPs
| | +-- user_agent = true : should the *remember me* cookie handler check user agents
| +-- clean_rate = 0 : rate at which obsolete cookie keys are cleaned up from the database
| +-- handler = null : provide an alternate *remember me* cookie handler
| +-- name = "remember_me" : *remember me* cookie name
| +-- domain = null : *remember me* cookie domain
| +-- max_age = 31536000 : *remember me* cookie max age
| +-- path = "/" : *remember me* cookie path
+-- header TODO
+-- oauth TODO