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ArminC edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 16 revisions

Troubleshooting - Introduction

Did you encounter any problems? Here you will find the instructions for solving them. If there isn't a solution to your problem, please report by contacting me.

Also be sure it's a config problem and not other causes, like personal edit of the setings or other user's fault.

You can always search on the entire community (Google, YouTube, Reddit etc.) for your problem and in most cases you will find the answer (please don't forget to report the problem and the fix).

Glitchy graphics, random crashes, display problems

Try to update the graphic driver to the latest version. If it is already the latest or the GPU is obsolete and the drivers aren't update anymore, uninstall all the graphic drivers and install an older version (if the problem persist, try with a version older than 1-2 years).

Game crashes

In some cases, this is due to mat_queue_mode "2" which force enable the use of all cores.

  1. Enter the cfg folder and open video.txt.
  2. Search for "setting.mat_queue_mode" "2" and change to "setting.mat_queue_mode" "-1".
  3. Enter arminc folder and open video.cfg with a text editor.
  4. Search for mat_queue_mode "2" and change the command to mat_queue_mode "-1".
  5. Launch the game, enter in console: exec autoexec.cfg and restart the game.

Game crashes at map loading

In some cases, this is due to cl_forcepreload "1", which force enable the map resources preloading.

  1. Enter arminc folder and open misc.cfg with a text editor.
  2. Search for cl_forcepreload "1" and change the command to cl_forcepreload "0".
  3. Launch the game, enter in console: exec autoexec.cfg and restart the game.

Sound is glitchy

In most cases, this is due snd_hwcompat "0" or it's sub-modules, which enable Advanced 3D Audio Processing, run most of the sound engine in parallel and lowers the sound process time.

  1. Enter arminc folder and open audio.cfg with a text editor.
  2. Search for: (try to modify 1 by 1 and not all at a time, this can be due to a sub-module and not the entire 3D Audio; modify by the list order)
    1. snd_mixahead "0.025" and modify to snd_mixahead "0.05". - (This is a sub-module.)
    2. snd_mix_async "1" and modify to snd_mix_async "0" - (This is a sub-module.)
    3. snd_hwcompat "0" and modify to snd_hwcompat "1" - (This is the entire system.)
  3. Launch the game, enter in console: exec autoexec.cfg and restart the game.

In-game Hud, Audio or Models are glitching

Luckly, ArminC AutoExec comes with a special script which can fix 'on-run' random glitches/bug. In order to fix it, when you are in a map, press the key P or enter in console fixer_start'.

Something is wrong

Try to remove the Launch Options. Valve (employees) don't recommend them.

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