This repository contains the necessary codes and datasets to replicate the results mentioned in our paper published in ICMLA titled as MLCHECK– Property-Driven Testing of Machine Learning Classifiers. You need to install conda to run our artifact. After installing anaconda into your system you need create a virtual conda environment. You can do so by running the following command: Then obtain the required libraries and packages:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mlcheck
After installing the necessary packages, you can run several commands to see our results. As our tool need a significant amount of time to run all the test cases, we don't show the results for all the test cases mentioned in the paper.
Our tool will generate some intermmediate files and dataset. If you manually abort the execution, please remove the 'asserStmnt.txt' and 'assumeStmnt.txt' file. Otherwise it would create problems in the next execution of a different or same script.
To replicate the results of Table 4 for the test cases Decision tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Fair-Aware1 and Fair-Aware2 for both the Adult and Credit dataset, please run the following command
If you would like to replicate the results of Table 6 for the test cases CR1-CR4, please run the following command:
If you would like to replicate the results of Table 7 from T1-4 to T3-5, please run the following command:
If you would like to replicate the results of Table 78from T1-4 to T3-5, please run the following command:
Each of these scripts, when being run will ask for how many times you want each test case to execute. For our paper, we gave 20 as input for this. We recommend you to do the same. Please note that, our tool is random in nature and it might happen that the results don't match exactly to the numbers given in the paper. we hope after reading our paper you could understand why you observe this behaviour.
Please keep in mind these cases take a significant amount of time to produce the results. All the results are written in a .txt
file inside the Output\
After developing MLCHECK initially to test properties of ML classifiers with respect to specified properties, the tool has gone through several phases. We have further extended this tool to validate properties of aggregation functions and some learned aggregation functions. The latter types of learned functions are essentially regression models. If you would like to have a look at this work, please go through our paper Property-driven testing of black-box functions. The artifact for which you could find in the following link:
We would like to encourage the users of the tool to use our new version of the tool which could be found in the following link: