documentation: metadata
documentation: themes
documentation: impress.js variant
documentation: fragments
try to run without docker
test on windows10
make svg inlining optional, or copy attributes
provide resource helper: download remote stuff (ala https://webpack.js.org/loaders/html-loader/ or so)
try papercss
try feathericons
impressjs: define new coordinate system on-the-fly
provide font helper (download fonts, change css definitions)
document/build/provide highlight.js with all languages bundled
provide locality check (no external dependencies, usefull when no internet connection available)
integrate impress.js option (filter for coordinate handling ala hoovercraft, ...)
serve /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png /apple-touch-icon.png /favicon.ico
improve fragment handling
support rough-notes
start pdf/standalone/... only when needed, restart if necessary
jupyter notebook -> ipynb --trigger--> md -> slides deck (incl image references)
pdf handout for jupyter notebook
.markdeckignore (incl README.md e.g.)
reduce pdf size, for example with ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook
update decktape componentdocument/build/provide miniditaa jartry excalidrawupdate font-awesome, add some cheatsheetsadd themes: extra folders, reload-on-changeminimize css stylesmakemarkdeck
command more robust (should work with both GNU and BSD toolset)update helper stuff: asciiflow, font-awesome table, unicode examplesallow page number instead of navigationfix font problem in pdf (regarding non-local font resources)minimize files needed as /source (move slides.css and filter config inside markdeck as defaults, allow customized files in /source)use full-fledged hightligt.js pluginadd documentation (config, markdown, renderer, ...)add tl;dr sectionmake asciiart rendering paramterizable (<-- is that a word?)make rendered images transparentpdf rendering of whole deckadd dev mode for markdeckremove obsolete asciiart images rendered by filteradd short-notation for background settingshandle change in asciiart parametersadd simple QR Code generator (for url on last slide, for example)